@@ -29,16 +29,16 @@ func (d *door.Door) PressAKey() {
func press_a_key(d *door.Door) int {
d.Write(door.Reset + door.CRNL + "Press a key to continue...")
- k := d.Key()
+ var k int = d.Key()
return k
func about_test_door(d *door.Door) {
- W := 60
- center_x := (door.Width - W) / 2
- center_y := (door.Height - 16) / 2
- about := door.Panel{X: center_x,
+ var W int = 60
+ var center_x int = (door.Width - W) / 2
+ var center_y int = (door.Height - 16) / 2
+ var about door.Panel = door.Panel{X: center_x,
Y: center_y,
Width: W,
Style: door.SINGLE_DOUBLE,
@@ -63,11 +63,11 @@ func about_test_door(d *door.Door) {
"It is written in Go, understands CP437 and unicode, adapts",
"to screen sizes, uses door32.sys, supports TheDraw Fonts,",
- "and runs on Linux and Windows."} {
+ "has NoMoreSecrets effect, and runs on Linux and Windows."} {
about.Lines = append(about.Lines, door.Line{Text: fmt.Sprintf("%*s", -W, text)})
- better := door.NoMoreSecretsDefault
+ var better door.NoMoreSecretsConfig = door.NoMoreSecretsDefault
better.Color = door.ColorText("BRI CYAN ON BLUE")
door.NoMoreSecrets(about.Output(), d, &better)
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ func about_test_door(d *door.Door) {
func MainMenu() door.Menu {
// Make the main menu
- m := door.Menu{Panel: door.Panel{Width: 45,
+ var m door.Menu = door.Menu{Panel: door.Panel{Width: 45,
X: 5,
Y: 5,
Style: door.DOUBLE,
@@ -109,10 +109,10 @@ func MainMenu() door.Menu {
func display_information(d *door.Door) {
d.Write(door.Clrscr + door.CRNL)
- keyColor := door.ColorText("BRI GREEN")
- sepColor := door.ColorText("BRI YEL")
- valColor := door.ColorText("CYAN")
- nice_format := func(key string, value string) string {
+ var keyColor string = door.ColorText("BRI GREEN")
+ var sepColor string = door.ColorText("BRI YEL")
+ var valColor string = door.ColorText("CYAN")
+ var nice_format func(string, string) string = func(key string, value string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s%-20s %s: %s%s", keyColor, key, sepColor, valColor, value) + door.CRNL
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ func display_information(d *door.Door) {
func display_ansi(d *door.Door) {
- art := ANSIGrowl()
+ var art []string = ANSIGrowl()
for _, line := range art {
d.Write(line + door.CRNL)
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ func font_demo(d *door.Door) {
var centering string
d.Write(door.Clrscr + door.CRNL) // + door.CRNL + door.CRNL)
- fac := FontAmazonCyan()
+ var fac door.ColorFont = FontAmazonCyan()
output, l = fac.Output("ABCDEFGHIJKL")
if l > door.Width {
output, l = fac.Output("Cyan")
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ func font_demo(d *door.Door) {
- patch := fac.Scan(6)
+ var patch door.ColorMap = fac.Scan(6)
// log.Printf("Patch: %#v\n", patch)
fac.Modify(4, patch)
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ func font_demo(d *door.Door) {
- fab := FontAnarchyBlue()
+ var fab door.ColorFont = FontAnarchyBlue()
output, l = fab.Output("Bugz is Here!")
if l > door.Width {
output, l = fab.Output("Hello")
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ func font_demo(d *door.Door) {
- unchain := FontUnchained()
+ var unchain door.ColorFont = FontUnchained()
output, l = unchain.Output("Hi There!")
if l > door.Width {
output, l = unchain.Output("Meow")
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ func font_demo(d *door.Door) {
- asylum := FontAsylum()
+ var asylum door.ColorFont = FontAsylum()
output, l = asylum.Output("Bugz ROCKS")
if l > door.Width {
output, l = asylum.Output("Aslym")
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ func font_demo(d *door.Door) {
- brain := FontBrainDmgBlu()
+ var brain door.ColorFont = FontBrainDmgBlu()
output, l = brain.Output("I'm so BLUE")
if l > door.Width {
output, l = brain.Output("Blue")
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ func font_demo(d *door.Door) {
- boner := FontBoner()
+ var boner door.ColorFont = FontBoner()
output, l = boner.Output("Welcome!")
if l < door.Width {
centering = strings.Repeat(" ", (door.Width-l)/2)
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ func font_demo(d *door.Door) {
- descent := FontDescent()
+ var descent door.ColorFont = FontDescent()
output, l = descent.Output("Meanwhile...")
if l > door.Width {
output, l = descent.Output("BUGZ")
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ func font_demo(d *door.Door) {
- remorse := FontRemorse()
+ var remorse door.ColorFont = FontRemorse()
output, l = remorse.Output("Enjoy the fonts")
if l > door.Width {
output, l = remorse.Output("Amazing")
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ func font_demo(d *door.Door) {
- dungeon := FontDungeon()
+ var dungeon door.ColorFont = FontDungeon()
output, l = dungeon.Output("Until NEXT time")
if l > door.Width {
output, l = dungeon.Output("Beware")
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ func font_demo(d *door.Door) {
func input_demo(d *door.Door) {
- ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
+ var ticker *time.Ticker = time.NewTicker(time.Second)
go func() {
for t := range ticker.C {
@@ -339,20 +339,20 @@ func input_demo(d *door.Door) {
- inputColor := door.ColorText("BRI WHI ON BLUE")
- inputColor2 := door.ColorText("BRI WHI ON GREEN")
- prompt := door.Line{Text: "What is YOUR Name: "}
+ var inputColor string = door.ColorText("BRI WHI ON BLUE")
+ var inputColor2 string = door.ColorText("BRI WHI ON GREEN")
+ var prompt door.Line = door.Line{Text: "What is YOUR Name: "}
prompt.RenderF = door.RenderBlueYellow
d.Write(prompt.Output() + inputColor)
- name := d.Input(25)
+ var name string = d.Input(25)
d.Write(door.Reset + door.CRNL)
prompt.Text = "What is Your Quest: "
d.Write(prompt.Output() + inputColor2)
- quest := d.Input(35)
+ var quest string = d.Input(35)
d.Write(door.Reset + door.CRNL)
prompt.Text = "What is your Favorite CoLoR: "
d.Write(prompt.Output() + inputColor2)
- color := d.Input(15)
+ var color string = d.Input(15)
d.Write(door.Reset + door.CRNL)
d.Write(fmt.Sprintf("You're %s on the %s quest, and fond of %s."+door.CRNL, name, quest, color))
@@ -361,8 +361,8 @@ func input_demo(d *door.Door) {
func progress_bars(d *door.Door) {
- bar := door.BarLine{Line: door.Line{DefaultColor: door.ColorText("BOLD YELLOW")}, Width: 20, Style: door.HALF_STEP}
- bar2 := door.BarLine{Width: 30, Style: door.SOLID, PercentStyle: door.PERCENT_SPACE}
+ var bar door.BarLine = door.BarLine{Line: door.Line{DefaultColor: door.ColorText("BOLD YELLOW")}, Width: 20, Style: door.HALF_STEP}
+ var bar2 door.BarLine = door.BarLine{Width: 30, Style: door.SOLID, PercentStyle: door.PERCENT_SPACE}
bar2.ColorRange = []door.BarRange{
{2500, door.ColorText("RED")},
@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ func progress_bars(d *door.Door) {
{9500, door.ColorText("GREEN")},
{10100, door.ColorText("BRI GRE")}}
- bar3 := door.BarLine{Width: 15, Style: door.GRADIENT, Line: door.Line{DefaultColor: door.ColorText("CYAN")}}
+ var bar3 door.BarLine = door.BarLine{Width: 15, Style: door.GRADIENT, Line: door.Line{DefaultColor: door.ColorText("CYAN")}}
var percentage int64
bar.UpdateP = pctUpdate(&percentage)
@@ -408,9 +408,9 @@ func progress_bars(d *door.Door) {
func width_demo(d *door.Door) {
- w := door.Width
- panel := door.Panel{X: 1, Y: 1, Width: w}
- lineColor := door.ColorText("WHI")
+ var w int = door.Width
+ var panel door.Panel = door.Panel{X: 1, Y: 1, Width: w}
+ var lineColor string = door.ColorText("WHI")
var line string
for y := 1; y <= door.Height; y++ {
@@ -429,16 +429,17 @@ func width_demo(d *door.Door) {
- l := door.Line{Text: line, DefaultColor: lineColor}
+ var l door.Line = door.Line{Text: line, DefaultColor: lineColor}
panel.Lines = append(panel.Lines, l)
- message := fmt.Sprintf("Screen Size: %d X %d", door.Width, door.Height)
+ var message string = fmt.Sprintf("Screen Size: %d X %d", door.Width, door.Height)
// Output alert on top of panel
- cx := (door.Width - len(message) + 2) / 2
- cy := (door.Height - 3) / 2
- alert := door.AlertBox(message, 1)
+ var cx, cy int
+ cx = (door.Width - len(message) + 2) / 2
+ cy = (door.Height - 3) / 2
+ var alert []string = door.AlertBox(message, 1)
d.Write(door.ColorText("BRI YEL ON BLUE"))
for idx, ab := range alert {
d.Write(door.Goto(cx, cy+idx) + ab)
@@ -449,8 +450,8 @@ func width_demo(d *door.Door) {
panel.Lines = make([]door.Line, 0)
- background := "BUGZ Test Door in GO "
- bl := len(background)
+ var background string = "BUGZ Test Door in GO "
+ var bl int = len(background)
for y := 1; y <= door.Height; y++ {
offset := (y - 1) % bl
line = background[offset:]
@@ -461,7 +462,7 @@ func width_demo(d *door.Door) {
line += background[0 : w-len(line)]
- l := door.Line{Text: line, RenderF: door.RenderBlueYellow}
+ var l door.Line = door.Line{Text: line, RenderF: door.RenderBlueYellow}
panel.Lines = append(panel.Lines, l)
@@ -469,33 +470,33 @@ func width_demo(d *door.Door) {
func panel_demo(d *door.Door) {
- width := 55
- fmtStr := "%-55s"
- p := door.Panel{X: 5, Y: 5, Width: width, Style: door.DOUBLE, BorderColor: door.ColorText("CYAN ON BLUE"), Title: "[ Panel Demo ]"}
+ var width int = 55
+ var fmtStr string = "%-55s"
+ var p door.Panel = door.Panel{X: 5, Y: 5, Width: width, Style: door.DOUBLE, BorderColor: door.ColorText("CYAN ON BLUE"), Title: "[ Panel Demo ]"}
- lineColor := door.ColorText("BRIGHT WHI ON BLUE")
+ var lineColor string = door.ColorText("BRIGHT WHI ON BLUE")
// Add lines to the panel
for _, line := range []string{"The BBS Door Panel Demo", "(C) 2021 Red Green Software, https://red-green.com"} {
if door.Unicode {
line = strings.Replace(line, "(C)", "\u00a9", -1)
- l := door.Line{Text: fmt.Sprintf(fmtStr, line), DefaultColor: lineColor}
+ var l door.Line = door.Line{Text: fmt.Sprintf(fmtStr, line), DefaultColor: lineColor}
p.Lines = append(p.Lines, l)
p.Lines = append(p.Lines, p.Spacer())
p.Lines = append(p.Lines, door.Line{Text: fmt.Sprintf(fmtStr, "Welcome to golang!"), DefaultColor: lineColor})
- single := door.Panel{X: 6, Y: 12, Width: 10, Style: door.SINGLE, BorderColor: door.ColorText("WHITE ON BLUE"), Title: "< Single >"}
+ var single door.Panel = door.Panel{X: 6, Y: 12, Width: 10, Style: door.SINGLE, BorderColor: door.ColorText("WHITE ON BLUE"), Title: "< Single >"}
single.Lines = append(single.Lines, door.Line{Text: "Example ", DefaultColor: door.ColorText("WHI ON BLACK")})
single.Lines = append(single.Lines, single.Spacer())
single.Lines = append(single.Lines, door.Line{Text: "More Text ", DefaultColor: door.ColorText("BRI GREEN ON BLACK")})
- ds := door.Panel{X: 26, Y: 12, Width: 15, Style: door.DOUBLE_SINGLE, BorderColor: door.ColorText("BRI CYAN ON GREEN"), Title: "Double", TitleOffset: 3}
+ var ds door.Panel = door.Panel{X: 26, Y: 12, Width: 15, Style: door.DOUBLE_SINGLE, BorderColor: door.ColorText("BRI CYAN ON GREEN"), Title: "Double", TitleOffset: 3}
ds.Lines = append(ds.Lines, door.Line{Text: "Double / Single", DefaultColor: door.ColorText("BRI WHI ON GREEN")})
ds.Lines = append(ds.Lines, ds.Spacer())
ds.Lines = append(ds.Lines, door.Line{Text: "Some Other Text", DefaultColor: door.ColorText("BRI CYAN ON GREEN")})
- sd := door.Panel{X: 46, Y: 12, Width: 15, Style: door.SINGLE_DOUBLE, BorderColor: door.ColorText("BRI YELL ON RED")}
+ var sd door.Panel = door.Panel{X: 46, Y: 12, Width: 15, Style: door.SINGLE_DOUBLE, BorderColor: door.ColorText("BRI YELL ON RED")}
sd.Lines = append(sd.Lines, door.Line{Text: "Single / Double", DefaultColor: door.ColorText("BRI WHI ON RED")})
sd.Lines = append(sd.Lines, sd.Spacer())
sd.Lines = append(sd.Lines, door.Line{Text: "Text Goes Here ", DefaultColor: door.ColorText("BRI GREEN ON RED")})
@@ -511,7 +512,7 @@ func main() {
var message string
fmt.Println("Starting testdoor.go")
- d := door.Door{}
+ var d door.Door = door.Door{}
@@ -526,10 +527,10 @@ func main() {
defer d.Close()
- ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
+ var ticker *time.Ticker = time.NewTicker(time.Second)
go func() {
- var maxlen int = 0
+ var maxlen int = 0 // max length of timeinfo (sysops have 4 digits of mins)
for t := range ticker.C {
const tf = "03:04:05 PM"
var timeinfo string = " " + t.Format(tf) + " " + fmt.Sprintf("(%3.1f mins)", d.TimeLeft().Minutes()) + " "
@@ -553,26 +554,26 @@ func main() {
// bold := door.Color(1, 37, 40)
- bolder := door.ColorText("BLI BOLD YEL ON BLUE")
+ var bolder string = door.ColorText("BLI BOLD YEL ON BLUE")
d.Write("Welcome to " + bolder + "door32.sys" + door.Reset + door.CRNL + "..." + door.CRNL)
- b := door.AlertBox("Warning: golang is in use!", 1)
+ var b []string = door.AlertBox("Warning: golang is in use!", 1)
d.Write(door.ColorText("BRI WHI ON GREEN"))
for _, line := range b {
d.Write(line + door.CRNL)
d.Write(door.Reset + door.CRNL)
- left := d.TimeLeft()
+ var left time.Duration = d.TimeLeft()
message = fmt.Sprintf("You have %0.2f minutes / %0.2f seconds remaining..."+door.CRNL, left.Minutes(), left.Seconds())
- mainmenu := MainMenu()
+ var mainmenu door.Menu = MainMenu()
var choice int
for choice >= 0 {
@@ -618,9 +619,12 @@ func main() {
case 'Q':
choice = -1
case 'C':
- z := 0
- a := 10 / z
+ var a, z int
+ z = 0
+ a = 10 / z
z = a
+ _ = a
+ _ = z