@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+package door
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "fmt"
+ "strings"
+ "time"
+[ GAME ]
+[ XX HRS ]
+[■ ] ->
+[ GAME ]
+[ XX HRS ]
+[ ■] <-
+Border SINGLE
+Ok, Width = 16
+1000 / 16 = 62.5 ms = 62500 us
+Width 16 (at pos 1, update time/sec increment)
+Black on Cyan
+type WOPR struct {
+ ElapsedPanel Panel
+ Elapsed time.Duration
+ RemainingPanel Panel
+ Remaining time.Duration
+ Color string
+ Index int
+ Ticker *time.Ticker
+// Initialize, Set X, Y on Panels, Animate()
+// Initialize, and create panels
+func (w *WOPR) Init(elapsed time.Duration, remaining time.Duration, color string) {
+ if color == "" {
+ color = ColorText("BLACK ON CYAN")
+ }
+ w.Elapsed = elapsed
+ w.Remaining = remaining
+ w.Index = 0
+ w.ElapsedPanel = Panel{Width: 16,
+ BorderColor: color,
+ Style: SINGLE}
+ w.ElapsedPanel.Lines = append(w.ElapsedPanel.Lines, Line{Text: " GAME "})
+ w.ElapsedPanel.Lines = append(w.ElapsedPanel.Lines, Line{Text: " TIME ELAPSED "})
+ var ehour Line = Line{}
+ ehour.UpdateF = func() string {
+ var hours int = int(w.Elapsed.Hours())
+ return fmt.Sprintf(" %02d HRS ", hours%100)
+ }
+ ehour.Text = ehour.UpdateF()
+ w.ElapsedPanel.Lines = append(w.ElapsedPanel.Lines, ehour)
+ var eminsec Line = Line{}
+ eminsec.UpdateF = func() string {
+ var mins int = int(w.Elapsed.Minutes()) % 60
+ var secs int = int(w.Elapsed.Seconds()) % 60
+ return fmt.Sprintf(" %02d MIN %02d SEC ", mins, secs)
+ }
+ eminsec.Text = eminsec.UpdateF()
+ w.ElapsedPanel.Lines = append(w.ElapsedPanel.Lines, eminsec)
+ var eanimate Line = Line{}
+ eanimate.UpdateF = func() string {
+ // Left to Right
+ if Unicode {
+ var buffer []rune = []rune(strings.Repeat(" ", 16))
+ buffer[w.Index] = '\u25a0'
+ return string(buffer)
+ } else {
+ var buffer []byte = bytes.Repeat([]byte(" "), 16)
+ buffer[w.Index] = '\xfe'
+ return string(buffer)
+ }
+ }
+ eanimate.Text = eanimate.UpdateF()
+ w.ElapsedPanel.Lines = append(w.ElapsedPanel.Lines, eanimate)
+ w.RemainingPanel = Panel{Width: 16,
+ BorderColor: color,
+ Style: SINGLE}
+ w.RemainingPanel.Lines = append(w.RemainingPanel.Lines, Line{Text: " GAME "})
+ w.RemainingPanel.Lines = append(w.RemainingPanel.Lines, Line{Text: " TIME REMAINING "})
+ var rhour Line = Line{}
+ rhour.UpdateF = func() string {
+ var hours int = int(w.Remaining.Hours())
+ return fmt.Sprintf(" %02d HRS ", hours%100)
+ }
+ rhour.Text = rhour.UpdateF()
+ w.RemainingPanel.Lines = append(w.RemainingPanel.Lines, rhour)
+ var rminsec Line = Line{}
+ rminsec.UpdateF = func() string {
+ var mins int = int(w.Remaining.Minutes()) % 60
+ var secs int = int(w.Remaining.Seconds()) % 60
+ return fmt.Sprintf(" %02d MIN %02d SEC ", mins, secs)
+ }
+ rminsec.Text = rminsec.UpdateF()
+ w.RemainingPanel.Lines = append(w.RemainingPanel.Lines, rminsec)
+ var ranimate Line = Line{}
+ ranimate.UpdateF = func() string {
+ // Left to Right
+ if Unicode {
+ var buffer []rune = []rune(strings.Repeat(" ", 16))
+ buffer[15-w.Index] = '\u25a0'
+ return string(buffer)
+ } else {
+ var buffer []byte = bytes.Repeat([]byte(" "), 16)
+ buffer[15-w.Index] = '\xfe'
+ return string(buffer)
+ }
+ }
+ ranimate.Text = ranimate.UpdateF()
+ w.RemainingPanel.Lines = append(w.RemainingPanel.Lines, ranimate)
+func (w *WOPR) Inc() {
+ w.Index++
+ if w.Index == 16 {
+ w.Remaining = time.Duration(w.Remaining.Seconds()-1) * time.Second
+ w.Elapsed = time.Duration(w.Elapsed.Seconds()+1) * time.Second
+ w.Index = 0
+ }
+func (w *WOPR) Animate(d *Door) {
+ w.Ticker = time.NewTicker(time.Microsecond * time.Duration(62500))
+ go func(d *Door) {
+ var output string
+ for _ = range w.Ticker.C {
+ w.ElapsedPanel.Update()
+ w.RemainingPanel.Update()
+ output = SavePos + w.ElapsedPanel.Output() + w.RemainingPanel.Output() + RestorePos
+ if !d.Disconnect() {
+ d.Write(output)
+ } else {
+ w.Ticker.Stop()
+ return
+ }
+ w.Inc()
+ }
+ }(d)
+func (w *WOPR) Stop() {
+ w.Ticker.Stop()