@@ -3,19 +3,19 @@ Package door: a go implementation of a BBS door for linux and Windows
that uses door32.sys, understand CP437 and unicode (if available),
detects screen size, and supports TheDraw Fonts.
- import (
- "door"
- )
- int main() {
- d = door.Door{}
- d.Init() // Process commandline switches, initialize door, detect screen size.
- d.Write("Welcome to my awesome door, written in "+door.ColorText("BLINK BOLD WHITE")+"go"+door.Reset+"."+door.CRNL)
- d.Write("Press a key...")
- d.Key()
- d.Write(door.CRNL)
- }
+ import (
+ "door"
+ )
+ int main() {
+ d = door.Door{}
+ d.Init() // Process commandline switches, initialize door, detect screen size.
+ d.Write("Welcome to my awesome door, written in "+door.ColorText("BLINK BOLD WHITE")+"go"+door.Reset+"."+door.CRNL)
+ d.Write("Press a key...")
+ d.Key()
+ d.Write(door.CRNL)
+ }
package door
@@ -48,13 +48,15 @@ var Height int // Screen height detected
var Width int // Screen width detected
var Inactivity int64 = 120 // Inactivity timeout
-type MouseInfo struct {
- Button int
- X int
- Y int
+type CursorPos struct {
+ X, Y int
-var Mouse MouseInfo
+type Mouse struct {
+ Button int8
+ X int8
+ Y int8
@@ -121,6 +123,54 @@ func (d *Door) WriterIsClosed() bool {
return d.WriterClosed
+func (d *Door) AddMouse(mouse Mouse) {
+ d.mcMutex.Lock()
+ defer d.mcMutex.Unlock()
+ d.LastMouse = append(d.LastMouse, mouse)
+func (d *Door) GetMouse() (Mouse, bool) {
+ d.mcMutex.Lock()
+ defer d.mcMutex.Unlock()
+ return ArrayDelete(&d.LastMouse, 0)
+func (d *Door) GetCursorPos() (CursorPos, bool) {
+ d.mcMutex.Lock()
+ defer d.mcMutex.Unlock()
+ return ArrayDelete(&d.LastCursor, 0)
+func (d *Door) ClearMouseCursor() {
+ d.mcMutex.Lock()
+ defer d.mcMutex.Unlock()
+ d.LastMouse = make([]Mouse, 0, 2)
+ d.LastCursor = make([]CursorPos, 0, 3)
+func (d *Door) AddMouse(mouse Mouse) {
+ d.mcMutex.Lock()
+ defer d.mcMutex.Unlock()
+ d.LastMouse = append(d.LastMouse, mouse)
+func (d *Door) GetMouse() (Mouse, bool) {
+ d.mcMutex.Lock()
+ defer d.mcMutex.Unlock()
+ return ArrayDelete(&d.LastMouse, 0)
+func (d *Door) GetCursorPos() (CursorPos, bool) {
+ d.mcMutex.Lock()
+ defer d.mcMutex.Unlock()
+ return ArrayDelete(&d.LastCursor, 0)
+func (d *Door) ClearMouseCursor() {
+ d.mcMutex.Lock()
+ defer d.mcMutex.Unlock()
+ d.LastMouse = make([]Mouse, 0, 2)
+ d.LastCursor = make([]CursorPos, 0, 3)
// Return the amount of time left as time.Duration
func (d *Door) TimeLeft() time.Duration {
return time.Until(d.TimeOut)
@@ -208,6 +258,7 @@ func (d *Door) detect() {
d.Write("\x03\x04\x1b[6n") // hearts and diamonds does CP437 work?
d.Write(CRNL + "\u2615\x1b[6n") // hot beverage
d.Write("\x1b[999C\x1b[999B\x1b[6n" + Reset + "\x1b[2J\x1b[H") // goto end of screen + cursor pos
+ // Yuck!
time.Sleep(250 * time.Millisecond)
// read everything
@@ -349,7 +400,8 @@ func (d *Door) Close() {
// Goto X, Y - Position the cursor using ANSI Escape Codes
// Example:
-// d.Write(door.Goto(1, 5) + "Now at X=1, Y=5.")
+// d.Write(door.Goto(1, 5) + "Now at X=1, Y=5.")
func Goto(x int, y int) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("\x1b[%d;%dH", y, x)