@@ -29,6 +29,21 @@ func (d *door.Door) PressAKey() {
+func press_keys(d *door.Door) {
+ d.Write(door.Reset + door.CRNL + "Press some keys...")
+ var k int
+ for k != 0x0d {
+ k = d.Key()
+ if k == door.XKEY_MOUSE {
+ var m door.MouseInfo = door.Mouse
+ d.Write(fmt.Sprintf("M %d (%d,%d) ", m.Button, m.X, m.Y))
+ } else {
+ d.Write(fmt.Sprintf("%d (%x) ", k, k))
+ }
+ }
+ d.Write(door.Reset + door.CRNL)
func press_a_key(d *door.Door) int {
func press_a_key(d *door.Door) int {
d.Write(door.Reset + door.CRNL + "Press a key to continue...")
d.Write(door.Reset + door.CRNL + "Press a key to continue...")
var k int = d.Key()
var k int = d.Key()
@@ -532,7 +547,7 @@ func width_demo(d *door.Door) {
func panel_demo(d *door.Door) {
func panel_demo(d *door.Door) {
var width int = 55
var width int = 55
- var p door.Panel = door.Panel{X: 5, Y: 5, Width: width, Style: door.DOUBLE, BorderColor: door.ColorText("CYAN ON BLUE"), Title: "[ Panel Demo ]"}
+ var panel door.Panel = door.Panel{X: 5, Y: 5, Width: width, Style: door.DOUBLE, BorderColor: door.ColorText("CYAN ON BLUE"), Title: "[ Panel Demo ]"}
var lineColor string = door.ColorText("BRIGHT WHI ON BLUE")
var lineColor string = door.ColorText("BRIGHT WHI ON BLUE")
// Add lines to the panel
// Add lines to the panel
@@ -541,10 +556,10 @@ func panel_demo(d *door.Door) {
line = strings.Replace(line, "(C)", "\u00a9", -1)
line = strings.Replace(line, "(C)", "\u00a9", -1)
var l door.Line = door.Line{Text: line, Width: width, DefaultColor: lineColor}
var l door.Line = door.Line{Text: line, Width: width, DefaultColor: lineColor}
- p.Lines = append(p.Lines, l)
+ panel.Lines = append(panel.Lines, l)
- p.Lines = append(p.Lines, p.Spacer())
- p.Lines = append(p.Lines, door.Line{Text: "Welcome to golang!", Width: width, DefaultColor: lineColor})
+ panel.Lines = append(panel.Lines, panel.Spacer())
+ panel.Lines = append(panel.Lines, door.Line{Text: "Welcome to golang!", Width: width, DefaultColor: lineColor})
width = 10
width = 10
var single door.Panel = door.Panel{X: 6, Y: 12, Width: width, Style: door.SINGLE, BorderColor: door.ColorText("WHITE ON BLUE"), Title: "< Single >"}
var single door.Panel = door.Panel{X: 6, Y: 12, Width: width, Style: door.SINGLE, BorderColor: door.ColorText("WHITE ON BLUE"), Title: "< Single >"}
@@ -553,23 +568,196 @@ func panel_demo(d *door.Door) {
single.Lines = append(single.Lines, door.Line{Text: "More Text", Width: width, DefaultColor: door.ColorText("BRI GREEN ON BLACK")})
single.Lines = append(single.Lines, door.Line{Text: "More Text", Width: width, DefaultColor: door.ColorText("BRI GREEN ON BLACK")})
width = 15
width = 15
- var ds door.Panel = door.Panel{X: 26, Y: 12, Width: width, Style: door.DOUBLE_SINGLE, BorderColor: door.ColorText("BRI CYAN ON GREEN"), Title: "Double", TitleOffset: 3}
- ds.Lines = append(ds.Lines, door.Line{Text: "Double / Single", Width: width, DefaultColor: door.ColorText("BRI WHI ON GREEN")})
- ds.Lines = append(ds.Lines, ds.Spacer())
- ds.Lines = append(ds.Lines, door.Line{Text: "Some Other Text", Width: width, DefaultColor: door.ColorText("BRI CYAN ON GREEN")})
+ var double_single door.Panel = door.Panel{X: 26, Y: 12, Width: width, Style: door.DOUBLE_SINGLE, BorderColor: door.ColorText("BRI CYAN ON GREEN"), Title: "Double", TitleOffset: 3}
+ double_single.Lines = append(double_single.Lines, door.Line{Text: "Double / Single", Width: width, DefaultColor: door.ColorText("BRI WHI ON GREEN")})
+ double_single.Lines = append(double_single.Lines, double_single.Spacer())
+ double_single.Lines = append(double_single.Lines, door.Line{Text: "Some Other Text", Width: width, DefaultColor: door.ColorText("BRI CYAN ON GREEN")})
- var sd door.Panel = door.Panel{X: 46, Y: 12, Width: width, Style: door.SINGLE_DOUBLE, BorderColor: door.ColorText("BRI YELL ON RED")}
- sd.Lines = append(sd.Lines, door.Line{Text: "Single / Double", Width: width, DefaultColor: door.ColorText("BRI WHI ON RED")})
- sd.Lines = append(sd.Lines, sd.Spacer())
- sd.Lines = append(sd.Lines, door.Line{Text: "Text Goes Here ", Width: width, DefaultColor: door.ColorText("BRI GREEN ON RED")})
+ var single_double door.Panel = door.Panel{X: 46, Y: 12, Width: width, Style: door.SINGLE_DOUBLE, BorderColor: door.ColorText("BRI YELL ON RED")}
+ single_double.Lines = append(single_double.Lines, door.Line{Text: "Single / Double", Width: width, DefaultColor: door.ColorText("BRI WHI ON RED")})
+ single_double.Lines = append(single_double.Lines, single_double.Spacer())
+ single_double.Lines = append(single_double.Lines, door.Line{Text: "Text Goes Here ", Width: width, DefaultColor: door.ColorText("BRI GREEN ON RED")})
- d.Write(p.Output())
+ d.Write(panel.Output())
- d.Write(ds.Output())
- d.Write(sd.Output())
+ d.Write(double_single.Output())
+ d.Write(single_double.Output())
+type SpinRite struct {
+ Width uint8 // Width of the animation (must be odd)
+ Length uint8 // Width of the worm (must be odd)
+ Color string // Color (default CYAN ON BLUE)
+ OutputB []byte // Output CP437/bytes (Width)
+ OutputR []rune // Output Unicode (Width)
+ Buffer []uint8 // Output calculate buffer (Width)
+ Runes []rune // blank, center, top, bottom, both
+ Bytes []byte // blank, center, top, bottom, both
+ CenterPos uint8 // Center Position (Width - 1) / 2
+ StartPos uint8 // Starting Position (Length -1) / 2
+ Index uint8 // Index of current iteration
+func SpinRiteInit(width uint8, length uint8, color string) SpinRite {
+ if color == "" {
+ color = door.ColorText("CYAN ON BLUE")
+ }
+ var center uint8 = ((width - 1) / 2)
+ var start uint8 = ((length - 1) / 2)
+ var result SpinRite = SpinRite{Width: width,
+ Length: length,
+ Color: color,
+ CenterPos: center,
+ StartPos: start,
+ Buffer: make([]uint8, width),
+ Index: 0}
+ if door.Unicode {
+ result.OutputR = make([]rune, width)
+ result.Runes = []rune{' ', '\u221e', '\u2580', '\u2584', '\u2588'}
+ } else {
+ result.OutputB = make([]byte, width)
+ result.Bytes = []byte{' ', 0xec, 0xdf, 0xdc, 0xdb}
+ }
+ return result
+func (sr *SpinRite) PosToIndex(pos int8, top bool) (index uint8, level bool) {
+ if top {
+ if pos >= int8(sr.Width) {
+ // wrap around
+ level = !top
+ idx := int8(sr.Width) + (int8(sr.Width) - (pos + 1))
+ log.Println("idx", idx) // -13
+ index = uint8(idx)
+ } else {
+ level = top
+ index = uint8(pos)
+ }
+ } else {
+ // bottom
+ if pos < 0 {
+ level = !top
+ pos++
+ index = uint8(-pos)
+ } else {
+ level = top
+ index = uint8(pos)
+ }
+ }
+ return
+func (sr *SpinRite) Calculate() {
+ for i := range sr.Buffer {
+ sr.Buffer[i] = 0
+ }
+ sr.Buffer[sr.CenterPos] = 1
+ // [ S C s ]
+ var top int8 = int8(sr.CenterPos) - int8(sr.StartPos) + int8(sr.Index)
+ var bottom int8 = int8(sr.CenterPos) + int8(sr.StartPos) - int8(sr.Index)
+ var l int8
+ for l = 0; l < int8(sr.Length); l++ {
+ var index uint8
+ var level bool
+ index, level = sr.PosToIndex(top+l, true)
+ log.Println("TOP", l, top+l, index, level)
+ if level {
+ sr.Buffer[index] |= 0x02
+ } else {
+ sr.Buffer[index] |= 0x04
+ }
+ index, level = sr.PosToIndex(bottom-l, false)
+ log.Println("BOT", l, bottom-l, index, level)
+ if level {
+ sr.Buffer[index] |= 0x02
+ } else {
+ sr.Buffer[index] |= 0x04
+ }
+ }
+ log.Println("Index", sr.Index, "Buffer", sr.Buffer)
+ var reset bool = true
+ // Convert from buffer to output
+ if door.Unicode {
+ for l = 0; l < int8(sr.Width); l++ {
+ switch sr.Buffer[l] {
+ case 0:
+ sr.OutputR[l] = sr.Runes[0]
+ case 1:
+ sr.OutputR[l] = sr.Runes[1]
+ reset = false
+ case 2, 3:
+ sr.OutputR[l] = sr.Runes[2]
+ reset = false
+ case 4, 5:
+ sr.OutputR[l] = sr.Runes[3]
+ reset = false
+ case 6, 7:
+ sr.OutputR[l] = sr.Runes[4]
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ for l = 0; l < int8(sr.Width); l++ {
+ switch sr.Buffer[l] {
+ case 0:
+ sr.OutputB[l] = sr.Bytes[0]
+ case 1:
+ sr.OutputB[l] = sr.Bytes[1]
+ reset = false
+ case 2, 3:
+ sr.OutputB[l] = sr.Bytes[2]
+ reset = false
+ case 4, 5:
+ sr.OutputB[l] = sr.Bytes[3]
+ reset = false
+ case 6, 7:
+ sr.OutputB[l] = sr.Bytes[4]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if reset {
+ log.Println("RESET")
+ sr.Index = 0
+ }
+func (sr *SpinRite) Output() string {
+ var result string
+ sr.Calculate()
+ if door.Unicode {
+ result = string(sr.OutputR)
+ } else {
+ result = string(sr.OutputB)
+ }
+ sr.Index++
+ return sr.Color + result
+Or possibly: · ∞
+[ █████ ]
+[ ▄▄███▀▀ ]
+[ ▄▄▄▄█▀▀▀▀ ]
+[ ▄▄▄▄▄•▀▀▀▀▀ ]
+[▄▄▄▄▄ • ▀▀▀▀▀]
+[█▄▄▄ • ▀▀▀█]
+[██▄ • ▀██]
+[██▀ • ▄██]
+[█▀▀▀ • ▄▄▄█]
+[█▀▀▀▀ • ▄▄▄▄█]
+[ ▀▀▀▀▀•▄▄▄▄▄ ]
+[ ▀▀▀▀█▄▄▄▄ ]
+[ ▀▀███▄▄ ]
func main() {
func main() {
var message string
var message string
@@ -590,23 +778,17 @@ func main() {
defer d.Close()
defer d.Close()
- var ticker *time.Ticker = time.NewTicker(time.Second)
+ // var ticker *time.Ticker = time.NewTicker(time.Second)
+ var ticker *time.Ticker = time.NewTicker(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(100))
- go func() {
- var maxlen int = 0 // max length of timeinfo (sysops have 4 digits of mins)
- for t := range ticker.C {
- const tf = "03:04:05 PM"
- var timeinfo string = " " + t.Format(tf) + " " + fmt.Sprintf("(%3.1f mins)", d.TimeLeft().Minutes()) + " "
- if maxlen == 0 {
- maxlen = len(timeinfo)
- } else {
- if len(timeinfo) < maxlen {
- timeinfo += strings.Repeat(" ", maxlen-len(timeinfo))
- }
- }
+ var spin SpinRite = SpinRiteInit(13, 5, door.ColorText("RED ON GREEN"))
+ var spin2 SpinRite = SpinRiteInit(15, 5, door.ColorText("BRI CYA ON BLUE"))
- // maxlen = 12 + 7 + 5 = 24
- output := door.SavePos + door.Goto(door.Width-(maxlen+1), 0) + door.ColorText("BRI WHI ON BLUE") + timeinfo + door.RestorePos
+ go func() {
+ var output string
+ for _ = range ticker.C {
+ output = door.SavePos + door.Goto(door.Width-15, 1) + spin.Output() +
+ door.Goto(door.Width-16, 2) + spin2.Output() + door.RestorePos
if !d.Disconnect() {
if !d.Disconnect() {
} else {
} else {
@@ -616,10 +798,39 @@ func main() {
+ if false {
+ go func() {
+ var maxlen int = 0 // max length of timeinfo (sysops have 4 digits of mins)
+ for t := range ticker.C {
+ const tf = "03:04:05 PM"
+ var timeinfo string = " " + t.Format(tf) + " " + fmt.Sprintf("(%3.1f mins)", d.TimeLeft().Minutes()) + " "
+ if maxlen == 0 {
+ maxlen = len(timeinfo)
+ } else {
+ if len(timeinfo) < maxlen {
+ timeinfo += strings.Repeat(" ", maxlen-len(timeinfo))
+ }
+ }
+ // maxlen = 12 + 7 + 5 = 24
+ output := door.SavePos + door.Goto(door.Width-(maxlen+1), 0) + door.ColorText("BRI WHI ON BLUE") + timeinfo + door.RestorePos
+ if !d.Disconnect() {
+ d.Write(output)
+ } else {
+ ticker.Stop()
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }()
+ }
// bold := door.Color(1, 37, 40)
// bold := door.Color(1, 37, 40)
var bolder string = door.ColorText("BLI BOLD YEL ON BLUE")
var bolder string = door.ColorText("BLI BOLD YEL ON BLUE")
d.Write("Welcome to " + bolder + "door32.sys" + door.Reset + door.CRNL + "..." + door.CRNL)
d.Write("Welcome to " + bolder + "door32.sys" + door.Reset + door.CRNL + "..." + door.CRNL)
- press_a_key(&d)
+ // d.Write("\x1b[?9h") // enable mouse X10 support
+ d.Write("\x1b[?1000h") // enable mouse
+ press_keys(&d)
+ // press_a_key(&d)
var b []string = door.AlertBox("Warning: golang is in use!", 1)
var b []string = door.AlertBox("Warning: golang is in use!", 1)
@@ -634,7 +845,8 @@ func main() {
message = fmt.Sprintf("You have %0.2f minutes / %0.2f seconds remaining..."+door.CRNL, left.Minutes(), left.Seconds())
message = fmt.Sprintf("You have %0.2f minutes / %0.2f seconds remaining..."+door.CRNL, left.Minutes(), left.Seconds())
- press_a_key(&d)
+ press_keys(&d)
+ // press_a_key(&d)
var mainmenu door.Menu = MainMenu()
var mainmenu door.Menu = MainMenu()
var choice int
var choice int
@@ -702,7 +914,7 @@ func main() {
- message = fmt.Sprintf("You had %0.2f minutes / %0.2f seconds remaining!"+door.CRNL, left.Minutes(), left.Seconds())
+ message = fmt.Sprintf("You had %0.2f minutes remaining!"+door.CRNL, left.Minutes())
left = d.TimeUsed()
left = d.TimeUsed()