#7 Unicode input fail.

há 2 anos atrás aberto por stevet · 1 comentários

We don't handle unicode input 🖔. (Now that I know how to input unicode!)

We don't handle unicode input 🖔. (Now that I know how to input unicode!)
bugz comentado há 1 ano atrás

This is sort of a problem. Yes, we handle Unicode/UTF-8 input, but if the caller is CP437, this becomes an output issue. (We can't output Unicode to the CP437 caller. A very small subset of Unicode is available to them.)

This is sort of a problem. Yes, we handle Unicode/UTF-8 input, but if the caller is CP437, this becomes an output issue. (We can't output Unicode to the CP437 caller. A very small subset of Unicode is available to them.)
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