input.go 6.5 KB

  1. package door
  2. import (
  3. "log"
  4. "strconv"
  5. "strings"
  6. "sync/atomic"
  7. "time"
  8. "unicode"
  9. )
  10. // This is the current list of Extended keys we support:
  11. const (
  12. XKEY_UP_ARROW = 0x1001
  13. XKEY_DOWN_ARROW = 0x1002
  14. XKEY_RIGHT_ARROW = 0x1003
  15. XKEY_LEFT_ARROW = 0x1004
  16. XKEY_HOME = 0x1010
  17. XKEY_END = 0x1011
  18. XKEY_PGUP = 0x1012
  19. XKEY_PGDN = 0x1023
  20. XKEY_INSERT = 0x1024
  21. XKEY_DELETE = 0x7f
  22. XKEY_F1 = 0x1021
  23. XKEY_F2 = 0x1022
  24. XKEY_F3 = 0x1023
  25. XKEY_F4 = 0x1024
  26. XKEY_F5 = 0x1025
  27. XKEY_F6 = 0x1026
  28. XKEY_F7 = 0x1027
  29. XKEY_F8 = 0x1028
  30. XKEY_F9 = 0x1029
  31. XKEY_F10 = 0x102a
  32. XKEY_F11 = 0x102b
  33. XKEY_F12 = 0x102c
  34. XKEY_UNKNOWN = 0x1111
  35. )
  36. // Low level read key function.
  37. // This gets the raw keys from the client, it doesn't handle extended keys,
  38. // functions, arrows.
  39. // Return key, or -1 (Timeout/No key available), -2 hangup
  40. func (d *Door) getch() int {
  41. select {
  42. case res, ok := <-d.readerChannel:
  43. if ok {
  44. return int(res)
  45. } else {
  46. // d.Disconnected = true
  47. atomic.StoreInt32(&d.Disconnected, 1)
  48. return -2
  49. }
  50. case <-time.After(time.Duration(100) * time.Millisecond):
  51. return -1
  52. }
  53. }
  54. func (d *Door) getkey_or_pushback() int {
  55. if !d.Pushback.Empty() {
  56. return d.Pushback.Pop()
  57. }
  58. if false {
  59. key := d.getch()
  60. log.Printf("%d / %X\n", key, key)
  61. return key
  62. } else {
  63. return d.getch()
  64. }
  65. }
  66. // Return key received, or XKEY_* values.
  67. // -1 timeout/no key
  68. // -2 hangup
  69. // -3 out of time
  70. func (d *Door) GetKey() int {
  71. var c, c2 int
  72. if d.Disconnect() {
  73. return -2
  74. }
  75. if d.TimeLeft() < 0 {
  76. return -3
  77. }
  78. c = d.getkey_or_pushback()
  79. if c < 0 {
  80. return c
  81. }
  82. // We get 0x0d 0x00, or 0x0d 0x0a from syncterm.
  83. if c == 0x0d {
  84. c2 = d.getkey_or_pushback()
  85. if c2 > 0 {
  86. // wasn't an error
  87. if c2 != 0x00 && c2 != 0x0a {
  88. // wasn't 0x00 or 0x0a
  89. d.Pushback.Push(c2)
  90. // log.Printf("Push 0x0d trailer %d / %x\n", c2, c2)
  91. }
  92. }
  93. return c
  94. }
  95. if c == 0 {
  96. // possibly doorway mode
  97. tries := 0
  98. c2 = d.getkey_or_pushback()
  99. for c2 < 0 {
  100. if tries > 7 {
  101. return c
  102. }
  103. c2 = d.getkey_or_pushback()
  104. tries++
  105. }
  106. switch c2 {
  107. case 0x50:
  108. return XKEY_DOWN_ARROW
  109. case 0x48:
  110. return XKEY_UP_ARROW
  111. case 0x4b:
  112. return XKEY_LEFT_ARROW
  113. case 0x4d:
  114. return XKEY_RIGHT_ARROW
  115. case 0x47:
  116. return XKEY_HOME
  117. case 0x4f:
  118. return XKEY_END
  119. case 0x49:
  120. return XKEY_PGUP
  121. case 0x51:
  122. return XKEY_PGDN
  123. case 0x3b:
  124. return XKEY_F1
  125. case 0x3c:
  126. return XKEY_F2
  127. case 0x3d:
  128. return XKEY_F3
  129. case 0x3e:
  130. return XKEY_F4
  131. case 0x3f:
  132. return XKEY_F5
  133. case 0x40:
  134. return XKEY_F6
  135. case 0x41:
  136. return XKEY_F7
  137. case 0x42:
  138. return XKEY_F8
  139. case 0x43:
  140. return XKEY_F9
  141. case 0x44:
  142. return XKEY_F10
  143. /*
  144. case 0x45:
  145. return XKEY_F11
  146. case 0x46:
  147. return XKEY_F12
  148. */
  149. case 0x52:
  150. return XKEY_INSERT
  151. case 0x53:
  152. return XKEY_DELETE
  153. default:
  154. log.Printf("ERROR Doorway mode: 0x00 %x\n", c2)
  155. return XKEY_UNKNOWN
  156. }
  157. }
  158. if c == 0x1b {
  159. // Escape key?
  160. c2 = d.getkey_or_pushback()
  161. if c2 < 0 {
  162. // Just escape key
  163. return c
  164. }
  165. var extended string = string(byte(c2))
  166. c2 = d.getkey_or_pushback()
  167. for c2 > 0 {
  168. if c2 == 0x1b {
  169. d.Pushback.Push(c2)
  170. break
  171. }
  172. extended += string(byte(c2))
  173. // break out here if \x1b[ + letter or @
  174. // break out if \x1b[ + digits + ~
  175. // break out if \x1bO + letter
  176. c2 = d.getkey_or_pushback()
  177. }
  178. switch extended {
  179. case "[A":
  180. return XKEY_UP_ARROW
  181. case "[B":
  182. return XKEY_DOWN_ARROW
  183. case "[C":
  184. return XKEY_RIGHT_ARROW
  185. case "[D":
  186. return XKEY_LEFT_ARROW
  187. case "[H":
  188. return XKEY_HOME
  189. case "[F":
  190. return XKEY_END // terminal
  191. case "[K":
  192. return XKEY_END
  193. case "[V":
  194. return XKEY_PGUP
  195. case "[U":
  196. return XKEY_PGDN
  197. case "[@":
  198. return XKEY_INSERT
  199. case "[1":
  200. // Syncterm is lost, could be F1..F5?
  201. log.Printf("ERROR (Syncterm) Extended %#v\n", extended)
  202. return XKEY_UNKNOWN
  203. case "[2~":
  204. return XKEY_INSERT // terminal
  205. case "[3~":
  206. return XKEY_DELETE // terminal
  207. case "[5~":
  208. return XKEY_PGUP // terminal
  209. case "[6~":
  210. return XKEY_PGDN // terminal
  211. case "[15~":
  212. return XKEY_F5 // terminal
  213. case "[17~":
  214. return XKEY_F6 // terminal
  215. case "[18~":
  216. return XKEY_F7 // terminal
  217. case "[19~":
  218. return XKEY_F8 // terminal
  219. case "[20~":
  220. return XKEY_F9 // terminal
  221. case "[21~":
  222. return XKEY_F10 // terminal
  223. case "[23~":
  224. return XKEY_F11
  225. case "[24~":
  226. return XKEY_F12 // terminal
  227. case "OP":
  228. return XKEY_F1
  229. case "OQ":
  230. return XKEY_F2
  231. case "OR":
  232. return XKEY_F3
  233. case "OS":
  234. return XKEY_F4
  235. case "Ot":
  236. return XKEY_F5 // syncterm
  237. default:
  238. log.Printf("ERROR Extended %#v\n", extended)
  239. return XKEY_UNKNOWN
  240. }
  241. }
  242. return c
  243. }
  244. func (d *Door) Key() int {
  245. return d.WaitKey(Inactivity, 0)
  246. }
  247. // usecs = Microseconds
  248. func (d *Door) WaitKey(secs int64, usecs int64) int {
  249. if d.Disconnect() {
  250. return -2
  251. }
  252. if !d.Pushback.Empty() {
  253. return d.GetKey()
  254. }
  255. timeout := time.Duration(secs)*time.Second + time.Duration(usecs)*time.Microsecond
  256. select {
  257. case res, ok := <-d.readerChannel:
  258. if ok {
  259. d.Pushback.Push(int(res))
  260. return d.GetKey()
  261. } else {
  262. // d.Disconnected = true
  263. atomic.StoreInt32(&d.Disconnected, 1)
  264. return -2
  265. }
  266. case <-time.After(timeout):
  267. return -1
  268. }
  269. }
  270. // Outputs spaces and backspaces
  271. // If you have set a background color, this shows the input area.
  272. func DisplayInput(max int) string {
  273. return strings.Repeat(" ", max) + strings.Repeat("\x08", max)
  274. }
  275. // Input a string of max length.
  276. // This displays the input area if a bg color was set.
  277. // This handles timeout, input, backspace, and enter.
  278. func (d *Door) Input(max int) string {
  279. var line string
  280. // draw input area
  281. d.Write(DisplayInput(max))
  282. var c int
  283. for {
  284. c = d.WaitKey(Inactivity, 0)
  285. if c < 0 {
  286. // timeout/hangup
  287. return ""
  288. }
  289. if c > 1000 {
  290. continue
  291. }
  292. if strconv.IsPrint(rune(c)) {
  293. if len(line) < max {
  294. d.Write(string(byte(c)))
  295. line += string(byte(c))
  296. } else {
  297. d.Write("\x07")
  298. }
  299. } else {
  300. // Non-print
  301. switch c {
  302. case 0x7f, 0x08:
  303. if len(line) > 0 {
  304. d.Write("\x08 \x08")
  305. line = line[:len(line)-1]
  306. }
  307. case 0x0d:
  308. return line
  309. }
  310. }
  311. }
  312. // this is never reached
  313. return line
  314. }
  315. func (d *Door) GetOneOf(possible string) int {
  316. var c int
  317. for {
  318. c = d.WaitKey(Inactivity, 0)
  319. if c < 0 {
  320. return c
  321. }
  322. r := unicode.ToUpper(rune(c))
  323. if strings.ContainsRune(possible, r) {
  324. // return upper case rune
  325. return int(r)
  326. }
  327. /*
  328. c = strings.IndexRune(possible, r)
  329. if c != -1 {
  330. return c
  331. }
  332. */
  333. }
  334. }