# TODO Ctrl-K V * Need backstory for Horrible Harry. - Maybe the silicon used to make the computer is possessed. Sand walked on by the ancient Pharaohs. Perhaps a Pooka has found a new ~ to reside. The wrath of Loki has found an outlet. __Who Knows?__ > We don't actually have to give an answer to these questions. * As we get closer to Halloween, events happen more often. November 1st everything is OFF. (UTC?) - Do we want it so the entire Month of October it is haunted? * Sender code. This takes my codes and translates them into actions. * Terminal tracker. Tracks current active colors at any given moment in the buffer, as well as current screen position. We need to be able to tell where we are on the screen. If we're at column 75, I don't want to display +5 chars -- it'll mess up the entire display. Even if I can only do column, that's better then nothing at all. # MCI Codes I'm calling them MCI codes for now, because I know what that means. Commands that control delay, display, etc. For the sake of discussing in the document, we're going to say the trigger is "__^__". | Code | Effect | | ---- | ------ | | Rx | Render Effects | | Sx | Speed Effects / Delays between characters | | Px | Pause / Sleep | | Dxx | Delete this many characters "\b \b" * x | | Cxx | Color | | Gxxyy | GOTO Position | # Events * Mangle the BBS intro information. (case-mangle, version-mangle, node-mangle) Possibly switching to Horrible Harry BBS (C) Sands of Time Keep the same number of lines! I don't know if Mystic would have issues if when it does the ANSI detect, if the terminals started reporting some other screen position! ## Event Details * case-mangle This would consist of chunking the word into 2 or 3 letter groups, and making them all upper/lower, with the next group being the exact opposite of the last. * word-transpose Transpose letters within a word. * words-transpose Transpose words within a group. * version-mangle π as the version. (3.14159...) Random versions/releases. ``` Version 23.48 for DOS Version 2.804 for CP/M Version 5 for Minux ``` Xenix * node-mangle unsigned long = (unsigned long)(- Random (1-100)) A unsigned long of a (small) negative number should be pretty weird and freaky. * freeze Displaying the screen, it suddenly freezes for 1-2 seconds. (Easy, find safe place and insert ^P2) Or ^P1^S2word^S0^P2 * freeze-word Displaying the screen, it suddenly pauses for (?) and then says word (boo, "HELLO, are you there?" ), 2nd pause (longer), then erase and resume. (Easy, find insert place, insert "^P2^S4{WORD}^P4^S0^D04^P1") Where {WORD} and D04 vary for length. * position-word When we see something like ANSI goto x,y "text", we do "^Gxxyy^P1^S3smeg^P3^S0^D04" right before their goto. Making sure that our word is less than the text they are going to display. BONUS if we can also see color codes before/after it, so we can also control the color. Or set blinking! That is horrible! * clear-crazy When we see \x1b[2J (ClearScreen), go crazy! Before the ANSI command, write crazy words all over the place. Then pause. Self-cleaning! # Words BOO, rats, mEoW, I see U, OH?, "Wait, what?", "I forgot what I was going to say.", Hahahaha, snicker snicker,