cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10) project(MyProject) ########### # Debug or Release ########### if (NOT CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE) ## set default to Debug set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE Debug) # override with -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release message("==> CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE empty. Changing it to Debug.") else() message("==> CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE == ${CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE}.") endif() ## ## During Debug, use debug version of libstdc++ (asserts on access to invalid iterators, etc!) set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG} -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG") ########### # Suppress certain warnings ########### # set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} -Wno-deprecated-declarations") ############## # C++ Standard ############## set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 14) set(CMAKE_CXX_EXTENSIONS OFF) # Enable testing # set(BUILD_TESTING ON) # include(CTest) ### ADD gtest add_subdirectory(googletest) add_executable(test_lastseen test_lastseen.cpp lastseen.cpp) add_dependencies(test_lastseen gtest) target_link_libraries(test_lastseen gtest_main) enable_testing() add_test(NAME test_lastseen COMMAND test_lastseen) # include(FetchContent) # # FetchContent_Populate( # zf_log # GIT_REPOSITORY # SOURCE_DIR zf_log # ) # add_subdirectory(${zf_log_SOURCE_DIR}/src zf_log) # This works, if zf_log is pulled in. add_subdirectory(zf_log) # Example for how to define a test which uses gtest_gmock # add_executable(mytest tester.cpp) # target_link_libraries(mytest gmock_main) # Here's how to add all *.h and *.cpp files # to a project: # # file(GLOB SOURCES # header-folder/*.h # source-folder/*.cpp # ) # add_executable(yourProj ${SOURCES}) add_executable(mystic mystic.cpp lastseen.cpp terminal.cpp render.cpp) target_link_libraries(mystic util) target_link_libraries(mystic zf_log) target_compile_definitions(mystic PUBLIC ZF_LOG_DEF_LEVEL=ZF_LOG_VERBOSE) add_executable(try-re try-re.c) add_executable(ansi-color ansi-color.c) add_executable(ansi-to-src ansi-to-src.cpp) add_executable(images images.cpp images.h)