We need to be able to tell where we are on the screen. If we're at column 75, I don't want to display +5 chars -- it'll mess up the entire display. Even if I can only do column, that's better then nothing at all.
I'm calling them MCI codes for now, because I know what that means. Commands that control delay, display, etc. For the sake of discussing in the document, we're going to say the trigger is "^".
| Code | Effect | | - | - | | Rx | Render Effects | | Sx | Speed Effects / Delays between characters | | Px | Pause / Sleep | | Dxx | Delete this many characters "\b \b" * x | | Cxx | Color | | Gxxyy | GOTO Position |
Keep the same number of lines! I don't know if Mystic would have issues if when it does the ANSI detect, if the terminals started reporting some other screen position!
This would consist of chunking the word into 2 or 3 letter groups, and making them all upper/lower, with the next group being the exact opposite of the last.
Transpose letters within a word.
Transpose words within a group.
π as the version. (3.14159...)
Random versions/releases.
Version 23.48 for DOS
Version 2.804 for CP/M
Version 5 for Minux
unsigned long = (unsigned long)(- Random (1-100))
A unsigned long of a (small) negative number should be pretty weird and freaky.
Displaying the screen, it suddenly freezes for 1-2 seconds.
(Easy, find safe place and insert ^P2)
Displaying the screen, it suddenly pauses for (?) and then says word (boo, "HELLO, are you there?" ), 2nd pause (longer), then erase and resume.
(Easy, find insert place, insert "^P2^S4{WORD}^P4^S0^D04^P1") Where {WORD} and D04 vary for length.
When we see something like ANSI goto x,y "text", we do "^Gxxyy^P1^S3smeg^P3^S0^D04" right before their goto. Making sure that our word is less than the text they are going to display.
BONUS if we can also see color codes before/after it, so we can also control the color. Or set blinking! That is horrible!
When we see \x1b[2J (ClearScreen), go crazy! Before the ANSI command, write crazy words all over the place. Then pause. Self-cleaning!
BOO, rats, mEoW, I see U, OH?, "Wait, what?", "I forgot what I was going to say.", Hahahaha, snicker snicker,