#6 Nickname already in use

öppnade 1 år sedan av david · 1 kommentarer

The irc-client doesn't handle if a bot is attempting to connect in but the nick it is using is already in use.

The irc-client doesn't handle if a bot is attempting to connect in but the nick it is using is already in use.
Steve Thielemann kommenterad 1 år sedan


It looks like that's handled. I tried it, and the bot authenticated SASL, but wasn't registered, so it didn't AutoJoin any channels (because mode +r isn't set).


https://git.red-green.com/RedGreen/irc-client/src/master/irc-client.go#L461 It looks like that's handled. I tried it, and the bot authenticated SASL, but wasn't registered, so it didn't AutoJoin any channels (because mode +r isn't set). https://git.red-green.com/RedGreen/irc-client/src/master/irc-client.go#L590
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