client_test.go 16 KB

  1. package ircclient
  2. import (
  3. "encoding/json"
  4. "fmt"
  5. "net"
  6. "reflect"
  7. "strconv"
  8. "strings"
  9. "syscall"
  10. "testing"
  11. )
  12. func TestMarshal(t *testing.T) {
  13. var config IRCConfig = IRCConfig{
  14. Port: 6667,
  15. Hostname: "",
  16. UseTLS: false,
  17. Nick: "test",
  18. Username: "testuser",
  19. Realname: "Marshal Test",
  20. Password: "12345",
  21. AutoJoin: []string{"#test", "#chat"},
  22. RejoinDelay: 2000,
  23. Version: "Test v3.14",
  24. Debug_Output: true,
  25. }
  26. var buffer []byte
  27. var err error
  28. buffer, err = json.Marshal(&config)
  29. if err != nil {
  30. t.Error("json.Marshal:", err)
  31. }
  32. var verify IRCConfig
  33. err = json.Unmarshal(buffer, &verify)
  34. if err != nil {
  35. t.Error("json.Unmarshal:", err)
  36. }
  37. var fields []reflect.StructField = reflect.VisibleFields(reflect.TypeOf(config))
  38. var config_value reflect.Value = reflect.ValueOf(config)
  39. var verify_value reflect.Value = reflect.ValueOf(verify)
  40. for _, field := range fields {
  41. var name string = field.Name
  42. var isType reflect.Kind = verify_value.FieldByName(name).Kind()
  43. // t.Logf("%s is %s\n", name, isType)
  44. if isType == reflect.String {
  45. var got, expect string
  46. got = verify_value.FieldByName(name).String()
  47. expect = config_value.FieldByName(name).String()
  48. if got != expect {
  49. t.Errorf("For %s Got %s, Expected %s", name, got, expect)
  50. }
  51. }
  52. if isType == reflect.Bool {
  53. var got, expect bool
  54. got = verify_value.FieldByName(name).Bool()
  55. expect = config_value.FieldByName(name).Bool()
  56. if got != expect {
  57. t.Errorf("For %s Got %t, Expected %t", name, got, expect)
  58. }
  59. }
  60. if isType == reflect.Int {
  61. var got, expect int64
  62. got = verify_value.FieldByName(name).Int()
  63. expect = config_value.FieldByName(name).Int()
  64. if got != expect {
  65. t.Errorf("For %s Got %d, Expected %d", name, got, expect)
  66. }
  67. }
  68. }
  69. for x, got := range verify.AutoJoin {
  70. if got != config.AutoJoin[x] {
  71. t.Errorf("For AutoJoin %d Got %s, Expected %s", x, got, config.AutoJoin[x])
  72. }
  73. }
  74. }
  75. func TestParse(t *testing.T) {
  76. var Msg IRCMsg
  77. var Expect map[string]IRCMsg = map[string]IRCMsg{
  78. "PING :78629A0F5F3F164F": IRCMsg{
  79. Cmd: "PING", Msg: "78629A0F5F3F164F", MsgParts: []string{"PING"}},
  80. " 001 test :Welcome to the RedGreen IRC Network": IRCMsg{
  81. From: "", Cmd: "001", To: "test",
  82. Msg: "Welcome to the RedGreen IRC Network",
  83. MsgParts: []string{"", "001", "test"}},
  84. " 375 test :- Message of the Day -": IRCMsg{
  85. From: "", Cmd: "375", To: "test",
  86. Msg: "- Message of the Day -",
  87. MsgParts: []string{"", "375", "test"}},
  88. " 433 :Nick already in use": IRCMsg{
  89. From: "", Cmd: "433",
  90. Msg: "Nick already in use",
  91. MsgParts: []string{"", "433"}},
  92. ":[email protected] NOTICE test :Password accepted - you are now recognized.": IRCMsg{
  93. From: "NickServ", Cmd: "NOTICE", To: "test",
  94. Msg: "Password accepted - you are now recognized.",
  95. MsgParts: []string{":[email protected]",
  96. "NOTICE", "test"}},
  97. " 005 meow-bot HCN INVEX KICKLEN=307 KNOCK MAP MAXCHANNELS=10 MAXLIST=b:60,e:60,I:60 MAXNICKLEN=30 MINNICKLEN=0 MODES=12 NAMESX NETWORK=RedGreen :are supported by this server": IRCMsg{
  98. From: "", Cmd: "005", To: "meow-bot",
  99. Msg: "are supported by this server",
  100. MsgParts: []string{"", "005", "meow-bot", "HCN", "INVEX",
  101. "KICKLEN=307", "KNOCK", "MAP", "MAXCHANNELS=10", "MAXLIST=b:60,e:60,I:60",
  102. "MAXNICKLEN=30", "MINNICKLEN=0", "MODES=12", "NAMESX", "NETWORK=RedGreen"}},
  103. " 353 meow-bot = #backstage :meow-bot performer5 performer4 performer3 performer1 performer2 Stage_Manager Apollo ~bugz": IRCMsg{
  104. From: "", Cmd: "353", To: "meow-bot",
  105. Msg: "meow-bot performer5 performer4 performer3 performer1 performer2 Stage_Manager Apollo ~bugz",
  106. MsgParts: []string{"", "353", "meow-bot", "=", "#backstage"}},
  107. }
  108. for line, msgout := range Expect {
  109. Msg = IRCParse(line)
  110. var fields []string = []string{"To", "From", "Cmd", "Msg"}
  111. msg_value := reflect.ValueOf(Msg)
  112. msgout_value := reflect.ValueOf(msgout)
  113. for _, field := range fields {
  114. var got string
  115. var expect string
  116. got = msg_value.FieldByName(field).String()
  117. expect = msgout_value.FieldByName(field).String()
  118. if got != expect {
  119. t.Errorf("%s %s: got %s, expected %s", line, field, got, expect)
  120. }
  121. }
  122. /*
  123. if Msg.To != msgout.To {
  124. t.Errorf("%s To: got %s, expected %s", line, Msg.To, msgout.To)
  125. }
  126. if Msg.From != msgout.From {
  127. t.Errorf("%s From: got %s, expected %s", line, Msg.From, msgout.From)
  128. }
  129. if Msg.Cmd != msgout.Cmd {
  130. t.Errorf("%s Cmd: got %s, expected %s", line, Msg.Cmd, msgout.Cmd)
  131. }
  132. if Msg.Msg != msgout.Msg {
  133. t.Errorf("%s Msg: got %s, expected %s", line, Msg.Msg, msgout.Msg)
  134. }
  135. */
  136. if len(Msg.MsgParts) != len(msgout.MsgParts) {
  137. t.Errorf("%s MsgParts got len %d, expected len %d", line, len(Msg.MsgParts), len(msgout.MsgParts))
  138. // Length didn't match, don't need to compare each part.
  139. } else {
  140. // Length matches, compare each part
  141. for idx := range Msg.MsgParts {
  142. if Msg.MsgParts[idx] != msgout.MsgParts[idx] {
  143. t.Errorf("%s MsgParts[%d] %s, expected %s", line, idx, Msg.MsgParts[idx], msgout.MsgParts[idx])
  144. }
  145. }
  146. }
  147. }
  148. }
  149. func TestConnect(t *testing.T) {
  150. var config IRCConfig = IRCConfig{Nick: "test",
  151. Username: "test",
  152. Realname: "testing",
  153. Password: "12345",
  154. ServerPassword: "allow"}
  155. var listen net.Listener
  156. var address string
  157. listen, address = setupSocket()
  158. var parts []string = strings.Split(address, ":")
  159. config.Hostname = parts[0]
  160. config.Port, _ = strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
  161. var irc IRCClient = IRCClient{IRCConfig: config}
  162. go ircServer(listen, t, &irc)
  163. var FromIRC chan IRCMsg = make(chan IRCMsg)
  164. irc.ReadChannel = FromIRC
  165. irc.Connect()
  166. defer irc.Close()
  167. var Msg IRCMsg
  168. var motd, identify, support bool
  169. var isupport map[string]string = map[string]string{
  170. "AWAYLEN": "307", "BOT": "B", "CASEMAPPING": "ascii",
  171. "CHANLIMIT": "#:10", "CHANMODES": "beI,kLf,lH,psmntirzMQNRTOVKDdGPZSCc",
  172. "CHANNELLEN": "32", "CHANTYPES": "#", "CLIENTTAGDENY": "*,-draft/typing,-typing",
  173. "DEAF": "d", "ELIST": "MNUCT", "EXCEPTS": "", "EXTBAN": "~,GptmTSOcarnqjf",
  174. "HCN": "", "INVEX": "", "KICKLEN": "307", "KNOCK": "", "MAP": "", "MAXCHANNELS": "10",
  175. "MAXLIST": "b:60,e:60,I:60", "MAXNICKLEN": "30", "MINNICKLEN": "0", "MODES": "12",
  176. "NAMESX": "", "NETWORK": "RedGreen", "NICKLEN": "30", "PREFIX": "(qaohv)~&@%+",
  177. "QUITLEN": "307", "SAFELIST": "", "SILENCE": "15", "STATUSMSG": "~&@%+",
  179. "TOPICLEN": "360", "UHNAMES": "", "USERIP": "", "WALLCHOPS": "", "WATCH": "128",
  180. "WATCHOPTS": "A", "WHOX": "",
  181. }
  182. for Msg = range FromIRC {
  183. if Msg.Cmd == "EndMOTD" {
  184. t.Log("Got EndMOTD")
  185. motd = true
  186. support = true
  187. // Verify we parsed 005 ISupport:
  188. for key, value := range isupport {
  189. var got string
  190. var has bool
  191. got, has = irc.ISupport[key]
  192. if !has {
  193. t.Errorf("Missing ISUPPORT[%s] expected (%s)", key, value)
  194. support = false
  195. } else {
  196. if got != value {
  197. t.Errorf("ISUPPORT[%s] got %s, expected %s", key, got, value)
  198. support = false
  199. }
  200. }
  201. }
  202. }
  203. if Msg.Cmd == "Identified" {
  204. t.Log("Identified")
  205. identify = true
  206. }
  207. }
  208. if !motd {
  209. t.Error("Missing EndMOTD")
  210. }
  211. if !identify {
  212. t.Error("Missing Identified")
  213. }
  214. if !support {
  215. t.Error("Missing ISupport")
  216. }
  217. if irc.MyNick != config.Nick {
  218. t.Errorf("Got %s, Expected %s", irc.MyNick, config.Nick)
  219. }
  220. }
  221. func TestConnectNickInUse(t *testing.T) {
  222. var config IRCConfig = IRCConfig{Nick: "bad",
  223. Username: "test",
  224. Realname: "testing",
  225. Flood_Num: 1,
  226. Flood_Delay: 20,
  227. }
  228. var listen net.Listener
  229. var address string
  230. listen, address = setupSocket()
  231. var parts []string = strings.Split(address, ":")
  232. config.Hostname = parts[0]
  233. config.Port, _ = strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
  234. var irc IRCClient = IRCClient{IRCConfig: config}
  235. go ircServer(listen, t, &irc)
  236. var FromIRC chan IRCMsg = make(chan IRCMsg)
  237. irc.ReadChannel = FromIRC
  238. irc.Connect()
  239. defer irc.Close()
  240. var Msg IRCMsg
  241. var motd, identify bool
  242. var missing int
  243. for Msg = range FromIRC {
  244. if Msg.Cmd == "EndMOTD" {
  245. t.Log("Got EndMOTD")
  246. motd = true
  247. irc.WriteTo("missing", "PRIVMSG missing :Missing user")
  248. irc.WriteTo("missing", "PRIVMSG missing :Missing user")
  249. irc.WriteTo("missing", "PRIVMSG missing :Missing user")
  250. irc.WriteTo("#missing", "PRIVMSG #missing :Missing channel")
  251. }
  252. if Msg.Cmd == "Identified" {
  253. t.Log("Identified")
  254. identify = true
  255. }
  256. if Msg.Cmd == "404" || Msg.Cmd == "401" {
  257. missing++
  258. }
  259. }
  260. if !motd {
  261. t.Error("Missing EndMOTD")
  262. }
  263. if identify {
  264. t.Error("Should not have been Identified")
  265. }
  266. if missing < 2 {
  267. t.Errorf("Missing should have been 2, was %d", missing)
  268. }
  269. if irc.MyNick == config.Nick {
  270. t.Errorf("Nick should be different: Got %s, Didn't Expect %s", irc.MyNick, config.Nick)
  271. }
  272. }
  273. func TestConnectTLS(t *testing.T) {
  274. var config IRCConfig = IRCConfig{Nick: "test",
  275. Username: "test",
  276. Realname: "testing",
  277. Password: "12345",
  278. UseTLS: true,
  279. UseSASL: true,
  280. Insecure: true,
  281. ServerPassword: "allow"}
  282. var listen net.Listener
  283. var address string
  284. listen, address = setupTLSSocket()
  285. var parts []string = strings.Split(address, ":")
  286. config.Hostname = parts[0]
  287. config.Port, _ = strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
  288. var irc IRCClient = IRCClient{IRCConfig: config}
  289. go ircServer(listen, t, &irc)
  290. var FromIRC chan IRCMsg = make(chan IRCMsg)
  291. irc.ReadChannel = FromIRC
  292. irc.Connect()
  293. defer irc.Close()
  294. var Msg IRCMsg
  295. var motd, identify bool
  296. for Msg = range FromIRC {
  297. if Msg.Cmd == "EndMOTD" {
  298. t.Log("Got EndMOTD")
  299. motd = true
  300. }
  301. if Msg.Cmd == "Identified" {
  302. t.Log("Identified")
  303. identify = true
  304. }
  305. }
  306. if !motd {
  307. t.Error("Missing EndMOTD")
  308. }
  309. if !identify {
  310. t.Error("Missing Identified")
  311. }
  312. if irc.MyNick != config.Nick {
  313. t.Errorf("Got %s, Expected %s", irc.MyNick, config.Nick)
  314. }
  315. }
  316. func TestConnectAutojoin(t *testing.T) {
  317. var config IRCConfig = IRCConfig{Nick: "test",
  318. Username: "test",
  319. Realname: "testing",
  320. Password: "12345",
  321. UseTLS: true,
  322. UseSASL: true,
  323. Insecure: true,
  324. AutoJoin: []string{"#chat", "#test"},
  325. Flood_Num: 2,
  326. Flood_Delay: 10,
  327. Version: "Test",
  328. }
  329. var listen net.Listener
  330. var address string
  331. listen, address = setupTLSSocket()
  332. var parts []string = strings.Split(address, ":")
  333. config.Hostname = parts[0]
  334. config.Port, _ = strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
  335. var irc IRCClient = IRCClient{IRCConfig: config}
  336. go ircServer(listen, t, &irc)
  337. var FromIRC chan IRCMsg = make(chan IRCMsg)
  338. irc.ReadChannel = FromIRC
  339. irc.Connect()
  340. defer irc.Close()
  341. var Msg IRCMsg
  342. var motd, identify bool
  343. var joins int
  344. var expect string
  345. var ctcpExpect []string = []string{"VERSION",
  346. "TIME",
  347. "PING 12345",
  348. }
  349. var noticeExpect []string = []string{"Testing",
  350. fmt.Sprintf("VERSION %s %s", config.Version, VERSION),
  351. "TIME ",
  352. "PING 12345",
  353. }
  354. for Msg = range FromIRC {
  355. /*
  356. if (Msg.Cmd == "ACTION") || (Msg.Cmd == "NOTICE") {
  357. t.Log(Msg)
  358. }
  359. */
  360. if Msg.Cmd == "EndMOTD" {
  361. t.Log("Got EndMOTD")
  362. motd = true
  363. }
  364. if Msg.Cmd == "Identified" {
  365. t.Log("Identified")
  366. identify = true
  367. }
  368. if Msg.Cmd == "JOIN" {
  369. joins++
  370. if joins == 2 {
  371. // messages set to echo are returned to us
  372. irc.WriteTo("echo", "PRIVMSG echo :\x01VERSION\x01")
  373. irc.WriteTo("echo", "PRIVMSG echo :\x01TIME\x01")
  374. irc.WriteTo("echo", "PRIVMSG echo :\x01PING 12345\x01")
  375. irc.Action("echo", "dances.")
  376. irc.Notice("echo", "Testing")
  377. irc.Msg("#test", "Message 1")
  378. irc.Msg("#test", "Message 2")
  379. irc.PriorityWrite("PRIVMSG #test :Message")
  380. }
  381. }
  382. if Msg.Cmd == "CTCP" {
  383. expect = ctcpExpect[0]
  384. ctcpExpect = ctcpExpect[1:]
  385. if Msg.Msg != expect {
  386. t.Errorf("CTCP Got %s, Expected %s", Msg.Msg, expect)
  387. }
  388. }
  389. if Msg.Cmd == "NOTICE" {
  390. expect = noticeExpect[0]
  391. if expect != "Testing" {
  392. expect = "\x01" + expect
  393. }
  394. noticeExpect = noticeExpect[1:]
  395. if !strings.HasPrefix(Msg.Msg, expect) {
  396. t.Errorf("NOTICE Got [%s], Expected [%s]", Msg.Msg, expect)
  397. }
  398. }
  399. if Msg.Cmd == "ACTION" {
  400. expect = "dances."
  401. if Msg.Msg != expect {
  402. t.Errorf("ACTION Got %s, Expected %s", Msg.Msg, expect)
  403. }
  404. }
  405. }
  406. if joins != 2 {
  407. t.Errorf("Expected to autojoin 2 channels, got %d", joins)
  408. }
  409. if !motd {
  410. t.Error("Missing EndMOTD")
  411. }
  412. if !identify {
  413. t.Error("Missing Identified")
  414. }
  415. if len(noticeExpect) != 0 {
  416. t.Errorf("Expected more NOTICEs (%d)", len(noticeExpect))
  417. }
  418. if len(ctcpExpect) != 0 {
  419. t.Errorf("Expected more CTCPs (%d)", len(ctcpExpect))
  420. }
  421. if irc.MyNick != config.Nick {
  422. t.Errorf("Got %s, Expected %s", irc.MyNick, config.Nick)
  423. }
  424. }
  425. func TestConnectKick(t *testing.T) {
  426. var config IRCConfig = IRCConfig{Nick: "test",
  427. Username: "test",
  428. Realname: "testing",
  429. Password: "12345",
  430. UseTLS: true,
  431. UseSASL: true,
  432. Insecure: true,
  433. AutoJoin: []string{"#chat", "#test", "#kick"},
  434. RejoinDelay: 1,
  435. Flood_Num: 2,
  436. Flood_Delay: 10,
  437. }
  438. var listen net.Listener
  439. var address string
  440. listen, address = setupTLSSocket()
  441. var parts []string = strings.Split(address, ":")
  442. config.Hostname = parts[0]
  443. config.Port, _ = strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
  444. // Save and Restore abortAfter
  445. var abortPrev = abortAfter
  446. defer func() { abortAfter = abortPrev }()
  447. abortAfter = 500
  448. var irc IRCClient = IRCClient{IRCConfig: config}
  449. go ircServer(listen, t, &irc)
  450. var FromIRC chan IRCMsg = make(chan IRCMsg)
  451. irc.ReadChannel = FromIRC
  452. irc.Connect()
  453. defer irc.Close()
  454. var Msg IRCMsg
  455. var motd, identify bool
  456. var joins int
  457. for Msg = range FromIRC {
  458. if Msg.Cmd == "EndMOTD" {
  459. t.Log("Got EndMOTD")
  460. motd = true
  461. }
  462. if Msg.Cmd == "Identified" {
  463. t.Log("Identified")
  464. identify = true
  465. }
  466. if Msg.Cmd == "JOIN" {
  467. joins++
  468. if joins == 4 {
  469. irc.PriorityWrite("NICK something")
  470. }
  471. }
  472. }
  473. // 3 channels joined, 1 kick, +1 join=4.
  474. if joins != 4 {
  475. t.Errorf("Expected to join 4 times, got %d", joins)
  476. }
  477. if !motd {
  478. t.Error("Missing EndMOTD")
  479. }
  480. if !identify {
  481. t.Error("Missing Identified")
  482. }
  483. if irc.MyNick != "something" {
  484. t.Errorf("Expected nick to be something, not %s", irc.MyNick)
  485. }
  486. }
  487. func TestConnectSignal(t *testing.T) {
  488. var exit bool
  489. var onexit func() = func() { exit = true }
  490. var config IRCConfig = IRCConfig{Nick: "test",
  491. Username: "test",
  492. Realname: "testing",
  493. Password: "12345",
  494. UseTLS: true,
  495. UseSASL: true,
  496. Insecure: true,
  497. AutoJoin: []string{"#chat"},
  498. Flood_Num: 2,
  499. Flood_Delay: 10,
  500. }
  501. var irc IRCClient = IRCClient{IRCConfig: config,
  502. OnExit: onexit,
  503. }
  504. var listen net.Listener
  505. var address string
  506. listen, address = setupTLSSocket()
  507. var parts []string = strings.Split(address, ":")
  508. irc.Hostname = parts[0]
  509. irc.Port, _ = strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
  510. go ircServer(listen, t, &irc)
  511. var FromIRC chan IRCMsg = make(chan IRCMsg)
  512. irc.ReadChannel = FromIRC
  513. irc.Connect()
  514. // defer config.Close()
  515. var Msg IRCMsg
  516. var motd, identify bool
  517. for Msg = range FromIRC {
  518. if Msg.Cmd == "EndMOTD" {
  519. t.Log("Got EndMOTD")
  520. motd = true
  521. // config.PriorityWrite("NICK something")
  522. }
  523. if Msg.Cmd == "Identified" {
  524. t.Log("Identified")
  525. identify = true
  526. }
  527. if Msg.Cmd == "JOIN" {
  528. // Ok, we've joined. Test the signal
  529. e := syscall.Kill(syscall.Getpid(), syscall.SIGTERM)
  530. t.Log("Kill:", e)
  531. }
  532. }
  533. if !motd {
  534. t.Error("Missing EndMOTD")
  535. }
  536. if !identify {
  537. t.Error("Missing Identified")
  538. }
  539. irc.Close()
  540. if !exit {
  541. t.Error("AtExit wasn't called.")
  542. }
  543. }
  544. func TestMatch(t *testing.T) {
  545. var testdata map[string]string = map[string]string{"TEST": "test",
  546. "TEst": "teST", "[bugz]": "{BUGZ}"}
  547. for nick1, nick2 := range testdata {
  548. if !Match(nick1, nick2) {
  549. t.Errorf("Match %s [%s] != %s [%s] Failed match!", nick1, NameLower(nick1), nick2, NameLower(nick2))
  550. }
  551. }
  552. }