@@ -258,6 +258,113 @@ std::string return_current_time_and_date() {
return ss.str();
+int press_a_key(door::Door &door) {
+ door << door::reset << "Press a key to continue...";
+ int r = door.sleep_key(door.inactivity);
+ door << door::nl;
+ return r;
+int play_cards(door::Door &door, std::mt19937 &rng) {
+ int mx = door.width;
+ int my = door.height;
+ // configured by the player.
+ door::ANSIColor deck_color;
+ std::uniform_int_distribution<int> rand_color(0, 4);
+ switch (rand_color(rng)) {
+ case 0:
+ deck_color = door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::RED);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ deck_color = door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::BLUE);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ deck_color = door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::GREEN);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ deck_color = door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::MAGENTA);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ deck_color = door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::CYAN);
+ break;
+ default:
+ deck_color = door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BLINK);
+ break;
+ }
+ int height = 3;
+ Deck d(deck_color, height);
+ door::Panel *c;
+ door << door::reset << door::cls;
+ // This displays the cards in the upper left corner.
+ // We want them center, and down some.
+ int space = 3;
+ // int cards_dealt_width = 59; int cards_dealt_height = 9;
+ int game_width;
+ {
+ int cx, cy, level;
+ cardgo(27, space, height, cx, cy, level);
+ game_width = cx + 5; // card width
+ }
+ int off_x = (mx - game_width) / 2;
+ int off_y = (my - 9) / 2;
+ // The idea is to see the cards with <<Something Unique to the card game>>,
+ // Year, Month, Day, and game (like 1 of 3).
+ // This will make the games the same/fair for everyone.
+ std::seed_seq s1{2021, 2, 27, 1};
+ cards deck1 = card_shuffle(s1, 1);
+ cards state = card_states();
+ // I tried setting the cursor before the delay and before displaying the card.
+ // It is very hard to see / just about useless. Not worth the effort.
+ for (int x = 0; x < 28; x++) {
+ int cx, cy, level;
+ cardgo(x, space, height, cx, cy, level);
+ // This is hardly visible.
+ // door << door::Goto(cx + off_x - 1, cy + off_y + 1);
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(75));
+ c = d.back(level);
+ c->set(cx + off_x, cy + off_y);
+ door << *c;
+ }
+ /*
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(
+ std::chrono::seconds(1)); // 3 secs seemed too long!
+ */
+ for (int x = 18; x < 28; x++) {
+ int cx, cy, level;
+ // usleep(1000 * 20);
+ state.at(x) = 1;
+ cardgo(x, space, height, cx, cy, level);
+ // door << door::Goto(cx + off_x - 1, cy + off_y + 1);
+ std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200));
+ c = d.card(deck1.at(x));
+ c->set(cx + off_x, cy + off_y);
+ door << *c;
+ }
+ door << door::reset;
+ door << door::nl << door::nl;
+ int r = door.sleep_key(door.inactivity);
+ return r;
door::Panel make_about(void) {
door::Panel about(2, 2, 60);
@@ -325,9 +432,12 @@ door::Panel make_about(void) {
return about;
-void display_starfield(int mx, int my, door::Door &door, std::mt19937 &rng) {
+void display_starfield(door::Door &door, std::mt19937 &rng) {
door << door::reset << door::cls;
+ int mx = door.width;
+ int my = door.height;
// display starfield
const char *stars[2];
@@ -347,7 +457,12 @@ void display_starfield(int mx, int my, door::Door &door, std::mt19937 &rng) {
door::ANSIColor white(door::COLOR::WHITE);
door::ANSIColor dark(door::COLOR::BLACK, door::ATTR::BRIGHT);
- for (int x = 0; x < (mx * my / 100); x++) {
+ // 10 is too many, 100 is too few. 40 looks ok.
+ int MAX_STARS = ((mx * my) / 40);
+ // door.log() << "Generating starmap using " << mx << "," << my << " : "
+ // << MAX_STARS << " stars." << std::endl;
+ for (int x = 0; x < MAX_STARS; x++) {
door::Goto star_at(uni_x(rng), uni_y(rng));
door << star_at;
if (x % 5 < 2)
@@ -363,7 +478,10 @@ void display_starfield(int mx, int my, door::Door &door, std::mt19937 &rng) {
-void display_space_ace(int mx, int my, door::Door &door) {
+void display_space_ace(door::Door &door) {
+ int mx = door.width;
+ int my = door.height;
// space_ace is 72 chars wide, 6 high
int sa_x = (mx - 72) / 2;
int sa_y = (my - 6) / 2;
@@ -384,10 +502,12 @@ void display_space_ace(int mx, int my, door::Door &door) {
-void display_starfield_space_ace(int mx, int my, door::Door &door,
- std::mt19937 &rng) {
- display_starfield(mx, my, door, rng);
- display_space_ace(mx, my, door);
+void display_starfield_space_ace(door::Door &door, std::mt19937 &rng) {
+ // mx = door.width;
+ // my = door.height;
+ display_starfield(door, rng);
+ display_space_ace(door);
door << door::reset;
@@ -395,16 +515,13 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
door::Door door("space-ace", argc, argv);
// door << door::reset << door::cls << door::nl;
- // door::ANSIColor ac(door::COLOR::YELLOW, door::ATTR::BOLD);
- // door::ANSIColor mb(door::COLOR::MAGENTA, door::ATTR::BLINK);
- // door << mb << "Does this work?" << door::reset << door::nl;
DBData spacedb;
// spacedb.init();
+ // Example: How to read/set values in spacedb settings.
std::string setting = "last_play";
std::string user = door.username;
std::string value;
@@ -427,15 +544,15 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int mx, my; // Max screen width/height
if (door.width == 0) {
// screen detect failed, use sensible defaults
- mx = 80;
- my = 23;
+ door.width = mx = 80;
+ door.height = my = 23;
} else {
mx = door.width;
my = door.height;
// We assume here that the width and height are something crazy like 10x15. :P
- display_starfield_space_ace(mx, my, door, rng);
+ display_starfield_space_ace(door, rng);
// for testing inactivity timeout
// door.inactivity = 10;
@@ -443,9 +560,49 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
door::Panel timeout = make_timeout(mx, my);
door::Menu m = make_main_menu();
- int r = m.choose(door);
- // need to reset the colors. (whoops!)
- door << door::reset << door::nl;
+ door::Panel about = make_about();
+ // center the about box
+ about.set((mx - 60) / 2, (my - 5) / 2);
+ int r = 0;
+ while ((r >= 0) and (r != 6)) {
+ // starfield + menu ?
+ display_starfield(door, rng);
+ r = m.choose(door);
+ // need to reset the colors. (whoops!)
+ door << door::reset << door::cls; // door::nl;
+ // OK! The screen is blank at this point!
+ switch (r) {
+ case 1: // play game
+ r = play_cards(door, rng);
+ break;
+ case 2: // view scores
+ door << "Show scores goes here!" << door::nl;
+ r = press_a_key(door);
+ break;
+ case 3: // configure
+ door << "Configure options go here" << door::nl;
+ r = press_a_key(door);
+ break;
+ case 4: // help
+ door << "Help! Need some help here..." << door::nl;
+ r = press_a_key(door);
+ break;
+ case 5: // about
+ display_starfield(door, rng);
+ door << about << door::nl;
+ r = press_a_key(door);
+ break;
+ case 6: // quit
+ break;
+ }
+ }
if (r < 0) {
@@ -463,41 +620,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
return 0;
- /*
- display_starfield(mx, my, door, rng);
- // WARNING: After starfield, cursor position is random!
- door << door::Goto(1, 9); // door::nl << door::nl; // door::cls;
- door << "Your name: "
- << door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::WHITE, door::COLOR::GREEN,
- door::ATTR::BOLD);
- std::string istring;
- istring = door.input_string(25);
- door << door::reset << door::nl << "You typed in [" << istring << "]"
- << door::nl;
- door << "Hello, " << door.username << ", you chose option " << r << "!"
- << door::nl;
- door << "Press a key...";
- r = door.sleep_key(door.inactivity);
- if (r < 0)
- goto TIMEOUT;
- */
door << door::nl;
- door::Panel about = make_about();
- // center the about box
- about.set((mx - 60) / 2, (my - 5) / 2);
- door << about;
- r = door.sleep_key(door.inactivity);
- if (r < 0)
- goto TIMEOUT;
// magic time!
door << door::reset << door::nl << "Press another key...";
@@ -535,6 +659,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
door << door::nl;
+#ifdef NNY
// configured by the player.
door::ANSIColor deck_color;
@@ -632,6 +758,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
if (r < 0)
door::Panel *p = d.back(2);
p->set(10, 10);
@@ -646,9 +774,8 @@ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
// door << door::reset << door::cls;
- display_starfield(mx, my, door, rng);
- door << m << door::reset << door::nl << "This is what the menu looked liked!"
- << door::nl;
+ display_starfield(door, rng);
+ door << m << door::reset << door::nl;
// Normal DOOR exit goes here...
door << door::nl << "Returning you to the BBS, please wait..." << door::nl;