@@ -9,6 +9,14 @@
#include "yaml-cpp/yaml.h"
extern YAML::Node config;
+The database access is slow.
+So, make sure you set it up so that you do your writes right
+before you collect user input. That way, the user won't see
+the lags.
: db("space-data.db", SQLite::OPEN_READWRITE | SQLite::OPEN_CREATE) {
@@ -29,7 +37,7 @@ settings(username TEXT, setting TEXT, value TEXT, \
PRIMARY KEY(username, setting));");
scores ( \"username\" TEXT, \"when\" INTEGER, \
-\"date\" TEXT, \"hand\" INTEGER, \"score\" INTEGER, \
+\"date\" INTEGER, \"hand\" INTEGER, \"score\" INTEGER, \
PRIMARY KEY(\"username\", \"date\", \"hand\"));");
@@ -55,9 +63,10 @@ void DBData::setSetting(const std::string &setting, const std::string &value) {
-void DBData::save_score(time_t when, std::string date, int hand, int score) {
- SQLite::Statement stmt(db, "INSERT INTO scores( \"username\", \"when\", "
- "\"date\", \"hand\", \"score\") VALUES(?,?,?,?);");
+void DBData::save_score(time_t when, time_t date, int hand, int score) {
+ SQLite::Statement stmt(db,
+ "INSERT INTO scores( \"username\", \"when\", "
+ "\"date\", \"hand\", \"score\") VALUES(?,?,?,?,?);");
stmt.bind(1, user);
stmt.bind(2, when);
stmt.bind(3, date);
@@ -66,21 +75,21 @@ void DBData::save_score(time_t when, std::string date, int hand, int score) {
-bool DBData::has_played_day(time_t day) {
+int DBData::has_played_day(time_t day) {
// get date from this
// std::stringstream ss;
// ss << std::put_time(std::localtime(&day), "%Y/%0m/%0d");
- std::string today = make_date(day);
SQLite::Statement stmt(
db, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM scores WHERE \"username\"=? AND \"DATE\"=?;");
stmt.bind(1, user);
- stmt.bind(2, today);
+ stmt.bind(2, day);
int count = -1;
if (stmt.executeStep()) {
count = stmt.getColumn(0);
- return (count > 0);
+ return count;
std::string make_date(time_t tt) {
@@ -94,4 +103,18 @@ std::string make_date(time_t tt) {
std::string date = ss.str();
return date;
+void standard_date(time_t &tt, int hour) {
+ std::tm *local_tm = localtime(&tt);
+ // adjust date to 2:00:00 AM
+ tt -= (local_tm->tm_min * 60) + local_tm->tm_sec;
+ while (local_tm->tm_hour < hour) {
+ ++local_tm->tm_hour;
+ tt += 60 * 60;
+ }
+ if (local_tm->tm_hour > hour) {
+ tt -= (60 * 60) * (local_tm->tm_hour - hour);
+ }