#include "door.h" #include "space.h" #include // chrono::system_clock #include // localtime #include // put_time #include #include #include #include "db.h" #include "deck.h" /* Cards: 4 layers deep. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_page_437 using: \xb0, 0xb1, 0xb2, 0xdb OR: \u2591, \u2592, \u2593, \u2588 Like so: ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### Cards: (Black on White, or Red on White) 8D### TH### ##D## ##H## ###D8 ###HT D, H = Red, Clubs, Spades = Black. ^ Where D = Diamonds, H = Hearts ♥, ♦, ♣, ♠ \x03, \x04, \x05, \x06 \u2665, \u2666, \u2663, \u2660 Card layout. Actual cards are 3 lines thick. ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░ ▒▒▒▒▒░▒▒▒▒▒ #####░##### #####░##### ▒▒▒▒▒ ▒▒▒▒▒ ##### ##### ##### ##### ▓▓▓▓▓▒▓▓▓▓▓▒▓▓▓▓▓ #####=#####=##### #####=#####=##### ▓▓▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓▓ ▓▓▓▓▓ ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### █████▓█████▓█████▓#####=#####=#####=#####=#####=#####=##### █████ █████ █████ ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### █████ █████ █████ ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### ##### Player Information ##### Time in: xx Time out: xx Name: ##### Playing Day: November 3rd Hand Score : Current Streak: N Todays Score : XX Cards Remaining Longest Streak: NN Monthly Score: Playing Hand X of X Most Won: xxx Lost: xxx [4] Lf [6] Rt [Space] Play Card [Enter] Draw [D]one [H]elp [R]edraw ►, ◄, ▲, ▼ \x10, \x11, \x1e, \x1f \u25ba, \u25c4, \u25b2, \u25bc The Name is <- 6 to the left. # is back of card. = is upper card showing between. There's no fancy anything here. Cards overlap the last line of the previous line/card. */ // The idea is that this would be defined elsewhere (maybe) int user_score = 0; // NOTE: When run as a door, we always detect CP437 (because that's what Enigma // is defaulting to) void adjust_score(int by) { user_score += by; } door::Panel make_timeout(int mx, int my) { door::ANSIColor yellowred = door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::YELLOW, door::COLOR::RED, door::ATTR::BOLD); std::string line_text("Sorry, you've been inactive for too long."); int msgWidth = line_text.length() + (2 * 3); // + padding * 2 door::Panel timeout((mx - (msgWidth)) / 2, my / 2 + 4, msgWidth); // place.setTitle(std::make_unique(title), 1); timeout.setStyle(door::BorderStyle::DOUBLE); timeout.setColor(yellowred); door::Line base(line_text); base.setColor(yellowred); std::string pad1(3, ' '); /* std::string pad1(3, '\xb0'); if (door::unicode) { std::string unicode; door::cp437toUnicode(pad1.c_str(), unicode); pad1 = unicode; } */ base.setPadding(pad1, yellowred); // base.setColor(door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::GREEN, door::COLOR::BLACK)); std::unique_ptr stuff = std::make_unique(base); timeout.addLine(std::make_unique(base)); return timeout; } door::Panel make_notime(int mx, int my) { door::ANSIColor yellowred = door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::YELLOW, door::COLOR::RED, door::ATTR::BOLD); std::string line_text("Sorry, you've used up all your time for today."); int msgWidth = line_text.length() + (2 * 3); // + padding * 2 door::Panel timeout((mx - (msgWidth)) / 2, my / 2 + 4, msgWidth); // place.setTitle(std::make_unique(title), 1); timeout.setStyle(door::BorderStyle::DOUBLE); timeout.setColor(yellowred); door::Line base(line_text); base.setColor(yellowred); std::string pad1(3, ' '); /* std::string pad1(3, '\xb0'); if (door::unicode) { std::string unicode; door::cp437toUnicode(pad1.c_str(), unicode); pad1 = unicode; } */ base.setPadding(pad1, yellowred); // base.setColor(door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::GREEN, door::COLOR::BLACK)); std::unique_ptr stuff = std::make_unique(base); timeout.addLine(std::make_unique(base)); return timeout; } door::Menu make_main_menu(void) { door::Menu m(5, 5, 25); door::Line mtitle("Space-Ace Main Menu"); door::ANSIColor border_color(door::COLOR::CYAN, door::COLOR::BLUE); door::ANSIColor title_color(door::COLOR::CYAN, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD); m.setColor(border_color); mtitle.setColor(title_color); mtitle.setPadding(" ", title_color); m.setTitle(std::make_unique(mtitle), 1); // m.setColorizer(true, m.setRender(true, door::Menu::makeRender( door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::CYAN, door::ATTR::BOLD), door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD), door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::CYAN, door::ATTR::BOLD), door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD))); // m.setColorizer(false, m.setRender(false, door::Menu::makeRender( door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::YELLOW, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD), door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::WHITE, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD), door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::YELLOW, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD), door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::CYAN, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD))); m.addSelection('1', "Play Cards"); m.addSelection('2', "View Scores"); m.addSelection('3', "Configure"); m.addSelection('H', "Help"); m.addSelection('A', "About this game"); m.addSelection('Q', "Quit"); return m; } door::renderFunction statusValue(door::ANSIColor status, door::ANSIColor value) { door::renderFunction rf = [status, value](const std::string &txt) -> door::Render { door::Render r(txt); door::ColorOutput co; co.pos = 0; co.len = 0; co.c = status; size_t pos = txt.find(':'); if (pos == std::string::npos) { // failed to find - use entire string as status color. co.len = txt.length(); r.outputs.push_back(co); } else { pos++; // Have : in status color co.len = pos; r.outputs.push_back(co); co.reset(); co.pos = pos; co.c = value; co.len = txt.length() - pos; r.outputs.push_back(co); } return r; }; return rf; } door::renderFunction rStatus = [](const std::string &txt) -> door::Render { door::Render r(txt); door::ColorOutput co; // default colors STATUS: value door::ANSIColor status(door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD); door::ANSIColor value(door::COLOR::YELLOW, door::ATTR::BOLD); co.pos = 0; co.len = 0; co.c = status; size_t pos = txt.find(':'); if (pos == std::string::npos) { // failed to find - use entire string as status color. co.len = txt.length(); r.outputs.push_back(co); } else { pos++; // Have : in status color co.len = pos; r.outputs.push_back(co); co.reset(); co.pos = pos; co.c = value; co.len = txt.length() - pos; r.outputs.push_back(co); } return r; }; std::string return_current_time_and_date() { auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); auto in_time_t = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(now); std::stringstream ss; // ss << std::put_time(std::localtime(&in_time_t), "%Y-%m-%d %X"); ss << std::put_time(std::localtime(&in_time_t), "%Y-%m-%d %r"); return ss.str(); } int press_a_key(door::Door &door) { door << door::reset << "Press a key to continue..."; int r = door.sleep_key(door.inactivity); door << door::nl; return r; } int play_cards(door::Door &door, std::mt19937 &rng) { int mx = door.width; int my = door.height; // configured by the player. door::ANSIColor deck_color; // RED, BLUE, GREEN, MAGENTA, CYAN std::uniform_int_distribution rand_color(0, 4); switch (rand_color(rng)) { case 0: deck_color = door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::RED); break; case 1: deck_color = door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::BLUE); break; case 2: deck_color = door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::GREEN); break; case 3: deck_color = door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::MAGENTA); break; case 4: deck_color = door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::CYAN); break; default: deck_color = door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BLINK); break; } int height = 3; Deck d(deck_color, height); door::Panel *c; door << door::reset << door::cls; // This displays the cards in the upper left corner. // We want them center, and down some. int space = 3; // int cards_dealt_width = 59; int cards_dealt_height = 9; int game_width; { int cx, cy, level; cardgo(27, space, height, cx, cy, level); game_width = cx + 5; // card width } int off_x = (mx - game_width) / 2; int off_y = (my - 9) / 2; // The idea is to see the cards with <>, // Year, Month, Day, and game (like 1 of 3). // This will make the games the same/fair for everyone. std::seed_seq s1{2021, 2, 27, 1}; cards deck1 = card_shuffle(s1, 1); cards state = card_states(); // I tried setting the cursor before the delay and before displaying the card. // It is very hard to see / just about useless. Not worth the effort. for (int x = 0; x < 28; x++) { int cx, cy, level; cardgo(x, space, height, cx, cy, level); // This is hardly visible. // door << door::Goto(cx + off_x - 1, cy + off_y + 1); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(75)); c = d.back(level); c->set(cx + off_x, cy + off_y); door << *c; } /* std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::seconds(1)); // 3 secs seemed too long! */ for (int x = 18; x < 28; x++) { int cx, cy, level; // usleep(1000 * 20); state.at(x) = 1; cardgo(x, space, height, cx, cy, level); // door << door::Goto(cx + off_x - 1, cy + off_y + 1); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200)); c = d.card(deck1.at(x)); c->set(cx + off_x, cy + off_y); door << *c; } door << door::reset; door << door::nl << door::nl; int r = door.sleep_key(door.inactivity); return r; } door::Panel make_about(void) { door::Panel about(2, 2, 60); about.setStyle(door::BorderStyle::DOUBLE_SINGLE); about.setColor(door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::YELLOW, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD)); about.addLine(std::make_unique("About This Door", 60)); /* door::Line magic("---------------------------------", 60); magic.setColor(door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::YELLOW, door::COLOR::BLACK, door::ATTR::BOLD)); */ about.addLine(std::make_unique( "---------------------------------", 60, door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::CYAN, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD))); /* 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 This door was written by Bugz. It is written in c++, only supports Linux, and replaces opendoors. It's written in c++, and replaces the outdated opendoors library. */ about.addLine( std::make_unique("This door was written by Bugz.", 60)); about.addLine(std::make_unique("", 60)); about.addLine(std::make_unique( "It is written in c++, only support Linux, and replaces", 60)); about.addLine(std::make_unique("opendoors.", 60)); /* door::updateFunction updater = [](void) -> std::string { std::string text = "Currently: "; text.append(return_current_time_and_date()); return text; }; std::string current = updater(); door::Line active(current, 60); active.setUpdater(updater); active.setRender(renderStatusValue( door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::WHITE, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD), door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::YELLOW, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD))); about.addLine(std::make_unique(active)); */ /* about.addLine(std::make_unique( "Status: blue", 60, statusValue(door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::GREEN, door::ATTR::BOLD), door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::MAGENTA, door::ATTR::BLINK)))); about.addLine(std::make_unique("Name: BUGZ", 60, rStatus)); about.addLine(std::make_unique( "Size: 10240", 60, statusValue(door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::GREEN, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD), door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::YELLOW, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD, door::ATTR::BLINK)))); about.addLine(std::make_unique("Bugz is here.", 60, rStatus)); */ return about; } void display_starfield(door::Door &door, std::mt19937 &rng) { door << door::reset << door::cls; int mx = door.width; int my = door.height; // display starfield const char *stars[2]; stars[0] = "."; if (door::unicode) { stars[1] = "\u2219"; // "\u00b7"; } else { stars[1] = "\xf9"; // "\xfa"; }; { // Make uniform random distribution between 1 and MAX screen size X/Y std::uniform_int_distribution uni_x(1, mx); std::uniform_int_distribution uni_y(1, my); door::ANSIColor white(door::COLOR::WHITE); door::ANSIColor dark(door::COLOR::BLACK, door::ATTR::BRIGHT); // 10 is too many, 100 is too few. 40 looks ok. int MAX_STARS = ((mx * my) / 40); // door.log() << "Generating starmap using " << mx << "," << my << " : " // << MAX_STARS << " stars." << std::endl; for (int x = 0; x < MAX_STARS; x++) { door::Goto star_at(uni_x(rng), uni_y(rng)); door << star_at; if (x % 5 < 2) door << dark; else door << white; if (x % 2 == 0) door << stars[0]; else door << stars[1]; } } } void display_space_ace(door::Door &door) { int mx = door.width; int my = door.height; // space_ace is 72 chars wide, 6 high int sa_x = (mx - 72) / 2; int sa_y = (my - 6) / 2; // output the SpaceAce logo -- centered! for (const auto s : space) { door::Goto sa_at(sa_x, sa_y); door << sa_at; if (door::unicode) { std::string unicode; door::cp437toUnicode(s, unicode); door << unicode; // << door::nl; } else door << s; // << door::nl; sa_y++; } // pause 5 seconds so they can enjoy our awesome logo door.sleep_key(5); } void display_starfield_space_ace(door::Door &door, std::mt19937 &rng) { // mx = door.width; // my = door.height; display_starfield(door, rng); display_space_ace(door); door << door::reset; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { door::Door door("space-ace", argc, argv); // door << door::reset << door::cls << door::nl; DBData spacedb; // spacedb.init(); /* // Example: How to read/set values in spacedb settings. std::string setting = "last_play"; std::string user = door.username; std::string value; std::string blank = ""; value = spacedb.getSetting(user, setting, blank); door << door::reset << "last_play: " << value << door::nl; std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(2)); value = return_current_time_and_date(); spacedb.setSetting(user, setting, value); */ // https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5008804/generating-random-integer-from-a-range std::random_device rd; // only used once to initialise (seed) engine std::mt19937 rng(rd()); // random-number engine used (Mersenne-Twister in this case) // std::uniform_int_distribution uni(min, max); // guaranteed unbiased int mx, my; // Max screen width/height if (door.width == 0) { // screen detect failed, use sensible defaults door.width = mx = 80; door.height = my = 23; } else { mx = door.width; my = door.height; } // We assume here that the width and height are something crazy like 10x15. :P display_starfield_space_ace(door, rng); // for testing inactivity timeout // door.inactivity = 10; door::Panel timeout = make_timeout(mx, my); door::Menu m = make_main_menu(); door::Panel about = make_about(); // center the about box about.set((mx - 60) / 2, (my - 5) / 2); int r = 0; while ((r >= 0) and (r != 6)) { // starfield + menu ? display_starfield(door, rng); r = m.choose(door); // need to reset the colors. (whoops!) door << door::reset << door::cls; // door::nl; // OK! The screen is blank at this point! switch (r) { case 1: // play game r = play_cards(door, rng); break; case 2: // view scores door << "Show scores goes here!" << door::nl; r = press_a_key(door); break; case 3: // configure door << "Configure options go here" << door::nl; r = press_a_key(door); break; case 4: // help door << "Help! Need some help here..." << door::nl; r = press_a_key(door); break; case 5: // about display_starfield(door, rng); door << about << door::nl; r = press_a_key(door); break; case 6: // quit break; } } if (r < 0) { TIMEOUT: if (r == -1) { door.log() << "TIMEOUT" << std::endl; door << timeout << door::reset << door::nl << door::nl; } else { if (r == -3) { door.log() << "OUTTA TIME" << std::endl; door::Panel notime = make_notime(mx, my); door << notime << door::reset << door::nl; } } return 0; } door << door::nl; /* // magic time! door << door::reset << door::nl << "Press another key..."; int x; for (x = 0; x < 60; ++x) { r = door.sleep_key(1); if (r == -1) { // ok! Expected timeout! // PROBLEM: regular "local" terminal loses current attributes // when cursor is save / restored. door << door::SaveCursor; if (about.update(door)) { // ok I need to "fix" the cursor position. // it has moved. } door << door::RestoreCursor << door::reset; } else { if (r < 0) goto TIMEOUT; if (r >= 0) break; } } if (x == 60) goto TIMEOUT; */ door << door::nl; #ifdef NNY // configured by the player. door::ANSIColor deck_color; // RED, BLUE, GREEN, MAGENTA, CYAN std::uniform_int_distribution rand_color(0, 4); switch (rand_color(rng)) { case 0: deck_color = door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::RED); break; case 1: deck_color = door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::BLUE); break; case 2: deck_color = door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::GREEN); break; case 3: deck_color = door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::MAGENTA); break; case 4: deck_color = door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::CYAN); break; default: deck_color = door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BLINK); break; } int height = 3; Deck d(deck_color, height); door::Panel *c; door << door::reset << door::cls; // This displays the cards in the upper left corner. // We want them center, and down some. int space = 3; // int cards_dealt_width = 59; int cards_dealt_height = 9; int game_width; { int cx, cy, level; cardgo(27, space, height, cx, cy, level); game_width = cx + 5; // card width } int off_x = (mx - game_width) / 2; int off_y = (my - 9) / 2; // The idea is to see the cards with <>, // Year, Month, Day, and game (like 1 of 3). // This will make the games the same/fair for everyone. std::seed_seq s1{2021, 2, 27, 1}; cards deck1 = card_shuffle(s1, 1); cards state = card_states(); // I tried setting the cursor before the delay and before displaying the card. // It is very hard to see / just about useless. Not worth the effort. for (int x = 0; x < 28; x++) { int cx, cy, level; cardgo(x, space, height, cx, cy, level); // This is hardly visible. // door << door::Goto(cx + off_x - 1, cy + off_y + 1); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(75)); c = d.back(level); c->set(cx + off_x, cy + off_y); door << *c; } /* std::this_thread::sleep_for( std::chrono::seconds(1)); // 3 secs seemed too long! */ for (int x = 18; x < 28; x++) { int cx, cy, level; // usleep(1000 * 20); state.at(x) = 1; cardgo(x, space, height, cx, cy, level); // door << door::Goto(cx + off_x - 1, cy + off_y + 1); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200)); c = d.card(deck1.at(x)); c->set(cx + off_x, cy + off_y); door << *c; } door << door::reset; door << door::nl << door::nl; r = door.sleep_key(door.inactivity); if (r < 0) goto TIMEOUT; #endif /* door::Panel *p = d.back(2); p->set(10, 10); door << *p; door::Panel *d8 = d.card(8); d8->set(20, 8); door << *d8; r = door.sleep_key(door.inactivity); if (r < 0) goto TIMEOUT; */ // door << door::reset << door::cls; display_starfield(door, rng); door << m << door::reset << door::nl; // Normal DOOR exit goes here... door << door::nl << "Returning you to the BBS, please wait..." << door::nl; return 0; }