#include "play.h" #include "db.h" #include "deck.h" #include "utils.h" #include "version.h" #include #include // put_time #include /** * @brief Allow any card to be played on any other card. * * This is for testing BONUS and scoring, etc. * */ #define CHEATER "_CHEAT_YOUR_ASS_OFF" // static std::function get_logger; /* static int press_a_key(door::Door &door) { door << door::reset << "Press a key to continue..."; int r = door.sleep_key(door.inactivity); door << door::nl; return r; } */ /* In the future, this will probably check to see if they can play today or not, as well as displaying a calendar to show what days are available to be played. For now, it will play today. */ PlayCards::PlayCards(door::Door &d, DBData &dbd, std::mt19937 &r) : door{d}, db{dbd}, rng{r} { get_logger = [this]() -> ofstream & { return door.log(); }; init_values(); play_day = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); normalizeDate(play_day); time_t play_day_t = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(play_day); // check last_played time_t last_played; { std::string last_played_str = dbd.getSetting("last_played", "0"); last_played = std::stoi(last_played_str); std::string days_played_str = dbd.getSetting("days_played", "0"); days_played = std::stoi(days_played_str); } if (last_played != play_day_t) { // Ok, they haven't played today, so: get_logger() << "reset days_played = 0" << std::endl; dbd.setSetting("last_played", std::to_string(play_day_t)); dbd.setSetting("days_played", std::to_string(0)); days_played = 0; } /* * TODO: Check the date with the db. Have they already played up today? If * so, display calendar and find a day they can play. Or, play missed hands * for today. */ spaceAceTriPeaks = make_tripeaks(); score_panel = make_score_panel(); streak_panel = make_streak_panel(); left_panel = make_left_panel(); cmd_panel = make_command_panel(); next_quit_panel = make_next_panel(); calendar = make_calendar(); /* int mx = door.width; int my = door.height; */ } PlayCards::~PlayCards() { get_logger = nullptr; } void PlayCards::init_values(void) { // beware of hand=1 ! We might not be playing the first hand here! // hand = 1; if (config["hands_per_day"]) { total_hands = config["hands_per_day"].as(); } else total_hands = 3; play_card = 28; current_streak = 0; best_streak = 0; { std::string best; best = db.getSetting("best_streak", "0"); best_streak = std::stoi(best); } select_card = 23; score = 0; } /** * @brief Display the bonus text, when you remove a peak. * */ void PlayCards::bonus(void) { door << door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::YELLOW, door::ATTR::BOLD) << "BONUS"; } int PlayCards::press_a_key(void) { door << door::reset << "Press a key to continue..."; int r = door.sleep_key(door.inactivity); door << door::nl; return r; } /** * @brief PLay * * This will display the calendar (if needed), otherwise takes player into * play_cards using now() as play_day. * \sa PlayCards::play_cards() * * @return int */ int PlayCards::play(void) { play_day = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); normalizeDate(play_day); int total_hands; if (config["hands_per_day"]) { total_hands = config["hands_per_day"].as(); } else total_hands = 3; // check to see if played already today time_t play_day_t = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(play_day); int played = db.handsPlayedOnDay(play_day_t); if (get_logger) { get_logger() << "played today (" << play_day_t << ")= " << played << std::endl; } if (played == 0) { // playing today hand = 1; return play_cards(); } else { if (played < total_hands) { hand = played + 1; return play_cards(); } } // Ok, we need to select a day. std::unique_ptr calendar = make_calendar(); if (cls_display_starfield) cls_display_starfield(); else door << door::reset << door::cls; door << *calendar; door << door::nl; door << "Choose, eh? "; std::string toplay = door.input_string(3); int number; try { number = std::stoi(toplay); } catch (std::exception &e) { number = 0; } if (number == 0) return ' '; int status; if (get_logger) get_logger() << "number " << number; if (number <= 31) { status = calendar_day_status[number - 1]; if (get_logger) get_logger() << "status " << status << std::endl; if (status == 0) { // play full day -- how do I figure out the date for this? hand = 1; play_day_t = calendar_day_t[number - 1]; play_day = std::chrono::system_clock::from_time_t(play_day_t); return play_cards(); } if (status == 1) { // play half day play_day_t = calendar_day_t[number - 1]; play_day = std::chrono::system_clock::from_time_t(play_day_t); played = db.handsPlayedOnDay(play_day_t); if (played < total_hands) { hand = played + 1; return play_cards(); } } }; int r = press_a_key(); if (r < 0) // timeout! exit! return r; // return 0; /* hand = 1; // possibly init_values() play_day = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); normalizeDate(play_day); return play_cards(); */ return r; } /** * @brief play_cards * * Play cards for the given play_day and hand. * * This should be called by play with the correct #play_day set. * \sa PlayCards::play() * * @return int */ int PlayCards::play_cards(void) { init_values(); // Calculate the game size int game_width; int game_height = 20; { int cx, cy; cardPos(27, cx, cy); game_width = cx + 5; } int mx = door.width; int my = door.height; off_x = (mx - game_width) / 2; off_y = (my - game_height) / 2; // int true_off_y = off_y; // we can now position things properly centered int tp_off_x = (mx - spaceAceTriPeaks->getWidth()) / 2; spaceAceTriPeaks->set(tp_off_x, off_y); off_y += 3; // adjust for tripeaks panel next_hand: // Make sure we pick the deck color here. We want it to (possibly) change // between hands. std::string currentDefault = db.getSetting("DeckColor", "ALL"); get_logger() << "DeckColor shows as " << currentDefault << std::endl; deck_color = stringToANSIColor(currentDefault); dp = Deck(deck_color); play_card = 28; select_card = 23; score = 0; current_streak = 0; // Use play_day to seed the rng { time_t tt = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(play_day); tm local_tm = *localtime(&tt); std::seed_seq seq{local_tm.tm_year + 1900, local_tm.tm_mon + 1, local_tm.tm_mday, hand}; deck = shuffleCards(seq, 1); state = makeCardStates(); } /* door::Panel score_panel = make_score_panel(); door::Panel streak_panel = make_streak_panel(); door::Panel left_panel = make_left_panel(); door::Panel cmd_panel = make_command_panel(); */ { int off_yp = off_y + 11; int cx, cy; int left_panel_x, right_panel_x; // find position of card, to position the panels cardPos(18, cx, cy); left_panel_x = cx; cardPos(15, cx, cy); right_panel_x = cx; score_panel->set(left_panel_x + off_x, off_yp); streak_panel->set(right_panel_x + off_x, off_yp); cmd_panel->set(left_panel_x + off_x, off_yp + 5); // next panel position (top = card 10, centered) cardPos(10, cx, cy); int next_off_x = (mx - next_quit_panel->getWidth()) / 2; next_quit_panel->set(next_off_x, cy + off_y); } bool dealing = true; int r = 0; redraw(dealing); dealing = false; left_panel->update(door); door << door::reset; shared_panel c; bool in_game = true; bool save_streak = false; while (in_game) { // time might have updated, so update score panel too. score_panel->update(door); // do the save here -- try to hide the database lag if (save_streak) { save_streak = false; std::string best = std::to_string(best_streak); db.setSetting("best_streak", best); } r = door.sleep_key(door.inactivity); if (r > 0) { // not a timeout or expire. if (r < 0x1000) // not a function key r = std::toupper(r); switch (r) { case '\x0d': if (current_streak > best_streak) { best_streak = current_streak; if (!config[CHEATER]) { save_streak = true; } streak_panel->update(door); } if (play_card < 51) { play_card++; current_streak = 0; streak_panel->update(door); // update the cards left_panel left_panel->update(door); // Ok, deal next card from the pile. int cx, cy, level; if (play_card == 51) { cardPosLevel(29, cx, cy, level); level = 0; // out of cards c = dp.back(level); c->set(cx + off_x, cy + off_y); door << *c; } cardPos(28, cx, cy); c = dp.card(deck.at(play_card)); c->set(cx + off_x, cy + off_y); door << *c; } break; case 'R': redraw(false); break; case 'Q': // possibly prompt here for [N]ext hand or [Q]uit ? if (current_streak > best_streak) { best_streak = current_streak; if (!config[CHEATER]) { save_streak = true; } streak_panel->update(door); } next_quit_panel->update(); door << *next_quit_panel; if (hand < total_hands) { r = door.get_one_of("CQN"); } else { r = door.get_one_of("CQ"); } if (r == 0) { // continue redraw(false); break; } if (r == 1) { // Ok, we are calling it quits. // save score if > 0 if (score >= 50) { time_t right_now = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t( std::chrono::system_clock::now()); db.saveScore(right_now, std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(play_day), hand, 0, score); } in_game = false; r = 'Q'; } if (r == 2) { // no. If you want to play the next hand, we have to save this. get_logger() << "SCORE: " << score << std::endl; time_t right_now = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t( std::chrono::system_clock::now()); db.saveScore(right_now, std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(play_day), hand, 0, score); hand++; goto next_hand; } // in_game = false; break; case ' ': case '5': // can we play this card? /* get_logger() << "canPlay( " << select_card << ":" << deck1.at(select_card) << "/" << d.getRank(deck1.at(select_card)) << " , " << play_card << "/" << d.getRank(deck1.at(play_card)) << ") = " << d.canPlay(deck1.at(select_card), deck1.at(play_card)) << std::endl; */ if (dp.canPlay(deck.at(select_card), deck.at(play_card)) or config[CHEATER]) { // if (true) { // yes we can. ++current_streak; // update best_streak when they draw the next card. /* if (current_streak > best_streak) { best_streak = current_streak; if (!config[CHEATER]) { save_streak = true; } } */ streak_panel->update(door); score += 10; if (current_streak > 1) score += current_streak * 5; score_panel->update(door); /* if (get_logger) get_logger() << "score_panel update : " << score << std::endl; */ // play card! state.at(select_card) = 2; { // swap the select card with play_card int temp = deck.at(select_card); deck.at(select_card) = deck.at(play_card); deck.at(play_card) = temp; // select_card is -- invalidated here! find "new" card. int cx, cy; // erase/clear select_card std::vector check = dp.unblocks(select_card); bool left = false, right = false; for (const int c : check) { std::pair blockers = dp.blocks[c]; if (blockers.first == select_card) right = true; if (blockers.second == select_card) left = true; } dp.removeCard(door, select_card, off_x, off_y, left, right); /* // old way of doing this that leaves holes. cardPosLevel(select_card, cx, cy, level); c = d.back(0); c->set(cx + off_x, cy + off_y); door << *c; */ // redraw play card #28. (Which is the "old" select_card) cardPos(28, cx, cy); c = dp.card(deck.at(play_card)); c->set(cx + off_x, cy + off_y); door << *c; // Did we unhide a card here? // std::vector check = d.unblocks(select_card); /* get_logger() << "select_card = " << select_card << " unblocks: " << check.size() << std::endl; */ int new_card_shown = -1; if (!check.empty()) { for (const int to_check : check) { std::pair blockers = dp.blocks[to_check]; /* get_logger() << "Check: " << to_check << " " << blockers.first << "," << blockers.second << " " << state.at(blockers.first) << "," << state.at(blockers.second) << std::endl; */ if ((state.at(blockers.first) == 2) and (state.at(blockers.second) == 2)) { // WOOT! Card uncovered. /* get_logger() << "showing: " << to_check << std::endl; */ state.at(to_check) = 1; cardPos(to_check, cx, cy); c = dp.card(deck.at(to_check)); c->set(cx + off_x, cy + off_y); door << *c; new_card_shown = to_check; } } } else { // top card cleared // get_logger() << "top card cleared?" << std::endl; // display something at select_card position int cx, cy; cardPos(select_card, cx, cy); door << door::Goto(cx + off_x, cy + off_y); bonus(); score += 100; state.at(select_card) = 3; // handle this in the "redraw" score_panel->update(door); } // Find new "number" for select_card to be. if (new_card_shown != -1) { select_card = new_card_shown; } else { // select_card++; int new_select = findClosestActiveCard(state, select_card); if (new_select != -1) { select_card = new_select; } else { get_logger() << "Winner!" << std::endl; select_card = -1; // winner marker? // bonus for cards left int bonus = 15 * (51 - play_card); score += 15 * (51 - play_card); score_panel->update(door); // maybe display this somewhere? // door << " BONUS: " << bonus << door::nl; get_logger() << "SCORE: " << score << ", " << bonus << std::endl; // if (!config[CHEATER]) { time_t right_now = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t( std::chrono::system_clock::now()); db.saveScore(right_now, std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(play_day), hand, 1, score); //} next_quit_panel->update(); door << *next_quit_panel; if (hand < total_hands) { r = door.get_one_of("QN"); } else { r = door.get_one_of("Q"); } if (r == 1) { hand++; goto next_hand; } if (r == 0) { r = 'Q'; } /* press_a_key(door); if (hand < total_hands) { hand++; // current_streak = 0; door << door::reset << door::cls; goto next_hand; } r = 'Q'; */ in_game = false; } } // update the select_card marker! cardPos(select_card, cx, cy); c = dp.marker(1); c->set(cx + off_x + 2, cy + off_y + 2); door << *c; } } break; case XKEY_LEFT_ARROW: case '4': { int new_select = findNextActiveCard(true, state, select_card); /* int new_active = active_card - 1; while (new_active >= 0) { if (state.at(new_active) == 1) break; --new_active; }*/ if (new_select >= 0) { int cx, cy; cardPos(select_card, cx, cy); c = dp.marker(0); c->set(cx + off_x + 2, cy + off_y + 2); door << *c; select_card = new_select; cardPos(select_card, cx, cy); c = dp.marker(1); c->set(cx + off_x + 2, cy + off_y + 2); door << *c; } } break; case XKEY_RIGHT_ARROW: case '6': { int new_select = findNextActiveCard(false, state, select_card); /* int new_active = active_card + 1; while (new_active < 28) { if (state.at(new_active) == 1) break; ++new_active; } */ if (new_select >= 0) { //(new_active < 28) { int cx, cy; cardPos(select_card, cx, cy); c = dp.marker(0); c->set(cx + off_x + 2, cy + off_y + 2); door << *c; select_card = new_select; cardPos(select_card, cx, cy); c = dp.marker(1); c->set(cx + off_x + 2, cy + off_y + 2); door << *c; } } break; } } else in_game = false; } if (r == 'Q') { // continue, play next hand (if applicable), or quit? // if score < 50, don't bother saving. // continue -- eat r & redraw. // quit, save score and exit (unless score is zero). } return r; } /** * @brief Redraw the entire play cards screen. * * If dealing then show delays when displaying cards, or turning them over. * * Otherwise, the user has requested a redraw -- and don't delay. * * @param dealing */ void PlayCards::redraw(bool dealing) { shared_panel c; display_starfield(door, rng); // door << door::reset << door::cls; door << *spaceAceTriPeaks; { // step 1: // draw the deck "source" int cx, cy, level; cardPosLevel(29, cx, cy, level); if (play_card == 51) level = 0; // out of cards! c = dp.back(level); c->set(cx + off_x, cy + off_y); // p3 is heigh below left_panel->set(cx + off_x, cy + off_y + height); // how do I update these? (hand >1) score_panel->update(); left_panel->update(); streak_panel->update(); cmd_panel->update(); door << *score_panel << *left_panel << *streak_panel << *cmd_panel; door << *c; if (dealing) std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); } for (int x = 0; x < (dealing ? 28 : 29); x++) { int cx, cy, level; cardPosLevel(x, cx, cy, level); // This is hardly visible. // door << door::Goto(cx + off_x - 1, cy + off_y + 1); if (dealing) std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(75)); if (dealing) { c = dp.back(level); c->set(cx + off_x, cy + off_y); door << *c; } else { // redrawing -- draw the cards with their correct "state" int s = state.at(x); switch (s) { case 0: c = dp.back(level); c->set(cx + off_x, cy + off_y); door << *c; break; case 1: // cardPosLevel(x, space, height, cx, cy, level); if (x == 28) c = dp.card(deck.at(play_card)); else c = dp.card(deck.at(x)); c->set(cx + off_x, cy + off_y); door << *c; break; case 2: // no card to draw. :) break; case 3: // peak cleared, draw bonus door << door::Goto(cx + off_x, cy + off_y); bonus(); break; } } } if (dealing) for (int x = 18; x < 29; x++) { int cx, cy; state.at(x) = 1; cardPos(x, cx, cy); // door << door::Goto(cx + off_x - 1, cy + off_y + 1); std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(200)); c = dp.card(deck.at(x)); c->set(cx + off_x, cy + off_y); door << *c; } { int cx, cy; cardPos(select_card, cx, cy); c = dp.marker(1); c->set(cx + off_x + 2, cy + off_y + 2); door << *c; } } door::renderFunction PlayCards::statusValue(door::ANSIColor status, door::ANSIColor value) { door::renderFunction rf = [status, value](const std::string &txt) -> door::Render { door::Render r(txt); size_t pos = txt.find(':'); if (pos == std::string::npos) { for (char const &c : txt) { if (std::isdigit(c)) r.append(value); else r.append(status); } } else { pos++; r.append(status, pos); r.append(value, txt.length() - pos); } return r; }; return rf; } /** * @brief make the score panel * This displays: Name, Score, Time Used, Hands Played. * * @return std::unique_ptr */ std::unique_ptr PlayCards::make_score_panel() { const int W = 25; std::unique_ptr p = std::make_unique(W); p->setStyle(door::BorderStyle::NONE); door::ANSIColor statusColor(door::COLOR::WHITE, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD); door::ANSIColor valueColor(door::COLOR::YELLOW, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD); door::renderFunction svRender = statusValue(statusColor, valueColor); // or use renderStatus as defined above. // We'll stick with these for now. { std::string userString = "Name: "; userString += door.username; door::Line username(userString, W); username.setRender(svRender); p->addLine(std::make_unique(username)); } { door::updateFunction scoreUpdate = [this](void) -> std::string { std::string text = "Score: "; text.append(std::to_string(score)); return text; }; std::string scoreString = scoreUpdate(); door::Line scoreline(scoreString, W); scoreline.setRender(svRender); scoreline.setUpdater(scoreUpdate); p->addLine(std::make_unique(scoreline)); } { door::updateFunction timeUpdate = [this](void) -> std::string { std::stringstream ss; std::string text; ss << "Time used: " << setw(3) << door.time_used << " / " << setw(3) << door.time_left; text = ss.str(); return text; }; std::string timeString = timeUpdate(); door::Line time(timeString, W); time.setRender(svRender); time.setUpdater(timeUpdate); p->addLine(std::make_unique(time)); } { door::updateFunction handUpdate = [this](void) -> std::string { std::string text = "Playing Hand "; text.append(std::to_string(hand)); text.append(" of "); text.append(std::to_string(total_hands)); return text; }; std::string handString = handUpdate(); door::Line hands(handString, W); hands.setRender(svRender); hands.setUpdater(handUpdate); p->addLine(std::make_unique(hands)); } return p; } std::unique_ptr PlayCards::make_streak_panel(void) { const int W = 20; std::unique_ptr p = std::make_unique(W); p->setStyle(door::BorderStyle::NONE); door::ANSIColor statusColor(door::COLOR::WHITE, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD); door::ANSIColor valueColor(door::COLOR::YELLOW, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD); door::renderFunction svRender = statusValue(statusColor, valueColor); { std::string text = "Playing: "; auto in_time_t = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(play_day); std::stringstream ss; if (config["date_format"]) { std::string fmt = config["date_format"].as(); ss << std::put_time(std::localtime(&in_time_t), fmt.c_str()); } else ss << std::put_time(std::localtime(&in_time_t), "%B %d"); text.append(ss.str()); door::Line current(text, W); current.setRender(svRender); p->addLine(std::make_unique(current)); } { door::updateFunction currentUpdate = [this](void) -> std::string { std::string text = "Current Streak: "; text.append(std::to_string(current_streak)); return text; }; std::string currentString = currentUpdate(); door::Line current(currentString, W); current.setRender(svRender); current.setUpdater(currentUpdate); p->addLine(std::make_unique(current)); } { door::updateFunction currentUpdate = [this](void) -> std::string { std::string text = "Longest Streak: "; text.append(std::to_string(best_streak)); return text; }; std::string currentString = currentUpdate(); door::Line current(currentString, W); current.setRender(svRender); current.setUpdater(currentUpdate); p->addLine(std::make_unique(current)); } return p; } std::unique_ptr PlayCards::make_left_panel(void) { const int W = 13; std::unique_ptr p = std::make_unique(W); p->setStyle(door::BorderStyle::NONE); door::ANSIColor statusColor(door::COLOR::WHITE, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD); door::ANSIColor valueColor(door::COLOR::YELLOW, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD); door::renderFunction svRender = statusValue(statusColor, valueColor); { door::updateFunction cardsleftUpdate = [this](void) -> std::string { std::string text = "Cards left:"; text.append(std::to_string(51 - play_card)); return text; }; std::string cardsleftString = "Cards left:--"; door::Line cardsleft(cardsleftString, W); cardsleft.setRender(svRender); cardsleft.setUpdater(cardsleftUpdate); p->addLine(std::make_unique(cardsleft)); } return p; } door::renderFunction PlayCards::commandLineRender(door::ANSIColor bracket, door::ANSIColor inner, door::ANSIColor outer) { door::renderFunction rf = [bracket, inner, outer](const std::string &txt) -> door::Render { door::Render r(txt); bool inOuter = true; for (char const &c : txt) { if (c == '[') { inOuter = false; r.append(bracket); continue; } if (c == ']') { inOuter = true; r.append(bracket); continue; } if (inOuter) r.append(outer); else r.append(inner); } return r; }; return rf; } std::unique_ptr PlayCards::make_command_panel(void) { const int W = 76; std::unique_ptr p = make_unique(W); p->setStyle(door::BorderStyle::NONE); std::string commands; if (door::unicode) { commands = "[4/\u25c4] Left [6/\u25ba] Right [Space] Play Card [Enter] " "Draw [Q]uit " "[R]edraw [H]elp"; } else { commands = "[4/\x11] Left [6/\x10] Right [Space] Play Card [Enter] Draw [Q]uit " "[R]edraw [H]elp"; } door::ANSIColor bracketColor(door::COLOR::YELLOW, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD); door::ANSIColor outerColor(door::COLOR::CYAN, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD); door::ANSIColor innerColor(door::COLOR::GREEN, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD); door::renderFunction cmdRender = commandLineRender(bracketColor, innerColor, outerColor); door::Line cmd(commands, W); cmd.setRender(cmdRender); p->addLine(std::make_unique(cmd)); return p; } std::unique_ptr PlayCards::make_next_panel(void) { const int W = 50; std::unique_ptr p = make_unique(W); door::ANSIColor panelColor(door::COLOR::YELLOW, door::COLOR::GREEN, door::ATTR::BOLD); p->setStyle(door::BorderStyle::DOUBLE); p->setColor(panelColor); door::updateFunction nextUpdate = [this](void) -> std::string { std::string text; if (select_card == -1) { // winner if (hand < total_hands) { text = " [N]ext Hand - [Q]uit"; } else text = " All hands played - [Q]uit"; } else if (hand < total_hands) { text = " [C]ontinue this hand - [N]ext Hand - [Q]uit"; } else { text = " [C]ontinue this hand - [Q]uit"; } return text; }; std::string text; text = nextUpdate(); door::ANSIColor bracketColor(door::COLOR::YELLOW, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD); door::ANSIColor innerColor(door::COLOR::CYAN, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD); door::ANSIColor outerColor(door::COLOR::GREEN, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD); door::renderFunction textRender = commandLineRender(bracketColor, innerColor, outerColor); door::Line nextLine(text, W); nextLine.setRender(textRender); nextLine.setPadding(" ", panelColor); nextLine.setUpdater(nextUpdate); nextLine.fit(); p->addLine(std::make_unique(nextLine)); return p; } std::unique_ptr PlayCards::make_tripeaks(void) { std::string tripeaksText(" " SPACEACE " - Tri-Peaks Solitaire v" SPACEACE_VERSION " "); std::unique_ptr spaceAceTriPeaks = std::make_unique(tripeaksText.size()); spaceAceTriPeaks->setStyle(door::BorderStyle::SINGLE); spaceAceTriPeaks->setColor( door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::CYAN, door::COLOR::BLACK)); spaceAceTriPeaks->addLine( std::make_unique(tripeaksText, tripeaksText.size())); return spaceAceTriPeaks; } std::unique_ptr PlayCards::make_month(std::string month) { const int W = 3; std::unique_ptr p = make_unique(W); door::ANSIColor panelColor(door::COLOR::YELLOW, door::COLOR::BLACK, door::ATTR::BOLD); p->setStyle(door::BorderStyle::DOUBLE); p->setColor(panelColor); for (auto c : month) { std::string text = " "; text += c; text += " "; door::Line line(text); p->addLine(std::make_unique(line)); } return p; } std::unique_ptr PlayCards::make_weekdays(void) { const int W = 41; std::string text = " SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT "; std::unique_ptr p = make_unique(W); door::ANSIColor panelColor(door::COLOR::CYAN, door::COLOR::BLACK, door::ATTR::BOLD); p->setStyle(door::BorderStyle::DOUBLE); p->setColor(panelColor); door::Line line(text); p->addLine(std::make_unique(line)); return p; } std::unique_ptr PlayCards::make_calendar_panel(void) { const int W = 41; std::unique_ptr p = make_unique(W); p->setStyle(door::BorderStyle::DOUBLE); p->setColor(door::ANSIColor(door::COLOR::CYAN, door::COLOR::BLACK)); door::renderFunction calendarRender = [](const std::string &txt) -> door::Render { door::Render r(txt); // normal digits color door::ANSIColor digits(door::COLOR::CYAN, door::COLOR::BLACK); // digits/days that can be played door::ANSIColor digits_play(door::COLOR::CYAN, door::COLOR::BLACK, door::ATTR::BOLD); // spaces color door::ANSIColor spaces(door::COLOR::WHITE, door::COLOR::BLACK); // o - open days door::ANSIColor open(door::COLOR::GREEN, door::COLOR::BLACK, door::ATTR::BOLD); // h - hands can be played door::ANSIColor hands(door::COLOR::YELLOW, door::COLOR::BLACK, door::ATTR::BOLD); // x - already played door::ANSIColor full(door::COLOR::RED, door::COLOR::BLACK); // u - No, Not Yet! unavailable door::ANSIColor nny(door::COLOR::BLACK, door::COLOR::BLACK, door::ATTR::BOLD); int days; /* if (get_logger) { get_logger() << "Line [" << txt << "]" << std::endl; } */ // B _ BBBB _ BBBB _ BBBB _ BBBB _ BBBB _ BBBB _ B for (days = 0; days < 7; ++days) { std::string dayText; if (days == 0) { r.append(spaces); // dayText = txt.substr(1, 3); } // else { /* if (get_logger) get_logger() << days << " " << 1 + (days * 6) << std::endl; */ dayText = txt.substr(1 + (days * 6), 3); // } /* if (get_logger) { get_logger() << days << " " << "[" << dayText << "] " << std::endl; } */ if (dayText[1] == ' ') { // Ok, nothing there! r.append(spaces, 3); } else { // Something is there char cday = dayText[2]; if ((cday == 'o') or (cday == 'h')) r.append(digits_play, 2); else r.append(digits, 2); switch (dayText[2]) { case 'o': r.append(open); break; case 'h': r.append(hands); break; case 'x': r.append(full); break; case 'u': r.append(nny); break; } } if (days == 6) r.append(spaces); else r.append(spaces, 3); } return r; }; int row; for (row = 0; row < 6; ++row) { door::updateFunction calendarUpdate = [this, row]() -> std::string { std::string text; for (int d = 0; d < 7; ++d) { text += " "; int v = this->calendar_panel_days[(row * 7) + d]; if (v == 0) text += " "; else { std::string number = std::to_string(v); if (number.length() == 1) text += " "; text += number; // Now, translate the status int status = this->calendar_day_status[v - 1]; switch (status) { case 0: text += "o"; break; case 1: text += "h"; break; case 2: text += "x"; break; case 3: text += "u"; break; } } if (d == 6) text += " "; else text += " "; } return text; }; std::string text; text = calendarUpdate(); door::Line line(text, W); line.setRender(calendarRender); line.setUpdater(calendarUpdate); p->addLine(std::make_unique(line)); } return p; } /** * @brief make calendar * We assume the calendar is for this month now() * Jaunary * February * March * April * May * June * July * August * September * October * November * December * 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 * ▒▒░▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀░▒▒ * N ▒▒▌SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT▐▒▒ * O ▒▒░───▄───▄───▄───▄───▄───▄───░▒▒ * V ▒▒▌ 1x│ 2x│ 3o│ 4o│ 5o│ 6o│ 7o▐▒▒ X = Day Completed * E ▒▒▌ 8o│ 9x│10o│11o│12x│13x│14o▐▒▒ O = Day Playable * M ▒▒▌15x│16u│17u│18u│19u│20u│21u▐▒▒ U = Day Unavailable * B ▒▒▌22u│23u│24u│25u│26u│27u│28u▐▒▒ H = Day Uncompleted * E ▒▒▌29u│30u│ │ │ │ │ ▐▒▒ * R ▒▒▌ │ │ │ │ │ │ ▐▒▒ * ▒▒░▄▄▄█▄▄▄█▄▄▄█▄▄▄█▄▄▄█▄▄▄█▄▄▄░▒▒ * * 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 * * ▒▒░▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀░▒▒ * N ▒▒▌ SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT ▐▒▒ * O ▒▒░─────▄─────▄─────▄─────▄─────▄─────▄─────░▒▒ * V ▒▒▌ 1x │ 2x │ 3o │ 4o │ 5o │ 6o │ 7o ▐▒▒ X = Day Completed * E ▒▒▌ 8o │ 9x │ 10o │ 11o │ 12x │ 13x │ 14o ▐▒▒ O = Day Playable * M ▒▒▌ 15x │ 16u │ 17u │ 18u │ 19u │ 20u │ 21u ▐▒▒ U = Day Unavailable * B ▒▒▌ 22u │ 23u │ 24u │ 25u │ 26u │ 27u │ 28u ▐▒▒ H = Day Uncompleted * E ▒▒▌ 29u │ 30u │ │ │ │ │ ▐▒▒ * R ▒▒▌ │ │ │ │ │ │ ▐▒▒ * ▒▒░▄▄▄▄▄█▄▄▄▄▄█▄▄▄▄▄█▄▄▄▄▄█▄▄▄▄▄█▄▄▄▄▄█▄▄▄▄▄░▒▒ * X Extra Days Allowed Per Day * * 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 * ╔═══╗ ╔═════════════════════════════════════════╗ * ║ N ║ ║ SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT ║ * ║ O ║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════╝ * ║ V ║ ╔═════════════════════════════════════════╗ * ║ E ║ ║ 1x 2x 3o 4o 5o 6o 7o ║ * ║ M ║ ║ 8x 9x 10o 11o 12o 13o 14o ║ * ║ B ║ ║ 15h 16h 17h 18h 19u 20u 21u ║ * ║ E ║ ║ 22u 23u 24u 25u 26u 27u 28u ║ * ║ R ║ ║ 29u 30u 31u ║ * ╚═══╝ ║ ║ * ╚═════════════════════════════════════════╝ * * * Sunday * Monday * Tuesday * Wednesday * Thursday * Friday * Saturday * * 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 * *╔═══╗╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ *║ N ║║ Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday *║ ║ O *║╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ * 1 ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ * ║ 1 x ║ ║ 2 x ║ ║ 3 o ║ ║ 4 o ║ ║ 5 o ║ ║ 6 o ║ ║ 7 o ║ * ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ * 4 ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ * ║ 8 x ║ ║ 9 x ║ ║ 10 o ║ ║ 11 o ║ ║ 12 o ║ ║ 13 o ║ ║ 14 o ║ * ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ * 7 ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ * ║ 15 x ║ ║ 16 x ║ ║ 17 o ║ ║ 18 o ║ ║ 19 o ║ ║ 20 o ║ ║ 21 o ║ * ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ * 10 ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ * ║ 22 x ║ ║ 23 x ║ ║ 24 o ║ ║ 25 o ║ ║ 26 o ║ ║ 27 o ║ ║ 28 o ║ * ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ * 13 ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ ╔══════╗ * ║ 29 x ║ ║ 30 u ║ ║ 31 u ║ * ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚══════╝ * * +2 +12 +22 +32 +42 +52 +62 * * * * * * * * * * * 123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345 * ╔═══╗ ╔═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ * ║ N ║ ║ SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT ║ * ║ O ║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ * ║ V ║ ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ * ║ E ║ ║ 1x ║ ║ 2x ║ ║ 3o ║ ║ 4o ║ ║ 5o ║ ║ 6o ║ ║ 7o ║ * ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ * ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ * ║ 8x ║ ║ 9x ║ ║ 10o ║ ║ 11o ║ ║ 12o ║ ║ 13o ║ ║ 14o ║ * ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ * ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ * ║ 15x ║ ║ 16x ║ ║ 17o ║ ║ 18o ║ ║ 19o ║ ║ 20o ║ ║ 21o ║ * ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ * ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ * ║ 22x ║ ║ 23x ║ ║ 24o ║ ║ 25o ║ ║ 26o ║ ║ 27o ║ ║ 28o ║ * ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ * ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ ╔═════╗ * ║ 29x ║ ║ 30u ║ ║ 31u ║ * ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═════╝ * * ^ Actually single lines, not double lines here ^ * * ║ M ║ ║ 8x 9x 10o 11o 12o 13o 14o ║ * ║ B ║ ║ 15h 16h 17h 18h 19u 20u 21u ║ * ║ E ║ ║ 22u 23u 24u 25u 26u 27u 28u ║ * ║ R ║ ║ 29u 30u 31u ║ * ╚═══╝ ║ ║ * ╚═════════════════════════════════════════╝ * * * * @return std::unique_ptr */ std::string PlayCards::current_month(std::chrono::_V2::system_clock::time_point now) { time_t now_t = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(now); std::tm *now_tm = localtime(&now_t); ostringstream os; std::string text; os << std::put_time(now_tm, "%B"); text = os.str(); return text; } /** * make_calendar * * This needs the screen size information so it can place the * panels in the correct location. */ std::unique_ptr PlayCards::make_calendar() { std::unique_ptr s = std::make_unique(); /* * This has potential of jumping ahead if player is on after midnight. * I'd rather this be stable. When they start the game, is where * we count things. (Also last day of month + midnight -- means * we need maint ran! No!) */ auto month = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); time_t month_t = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(month); // adjust to first day of the month std::tm month_lt; localtime_r(&month_t, &month_lt); int this_month = month_lt.tm_mon; int this_day = month_lt.tm_mday; int this_year = month_lt.tm_year + 1900; if (month_lt.tm_mday > 1) { month -= 24h * (month_lt.tm_mday - 1); } normalizeDate(month); month_t = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(month); calendar_day_t.fill(0); calendar_day_t[0] = month_t; get_logger() << "1st of Month is " << std::put_time(std::localtime(&month_t), "%c %Z") << std::endl; localtime_r(&month_t, &month_lt); const int FIRST_WEEKDAY = month_lt.tm_wday; // 0-6 get_logger() << "1st of the Month starts on " << FIRST_WEEKDAY << std::endl; // find the last day of this month. auto month_l = month; time_t month_last_day_t = month_t; std::tm mld_tm; do { month_l += 24h; normalizeDate(month_l); month_last_day_t = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(month_l); localtime_r(&month_last_day_t, &mld_tm); if (mld_tm.tm_mday != 1) { month_last_day = mld_tm.tm_mday; calendar_day_t[month_last_day - 1] = month_last_day_t; } } while (mld_tm.tm_mday != 1); /* // increment the month, if > 11 (we've entered a new year) mld_tm.tm_mon += 1; if (mld_tm.tm_mon > 11) { mld_tm.tm_mon = 0; mld_tm.tm_year++; } month_last_day_t = std::mktime(&mld_tm); // Ok, this should be the 1st of next month. month_last_day_t -= (60 * 60 * 24); localtime_r(&month_last_day_t, &mld_tm); month_last_day = mld_tm.tm_mday; */ get_logger() << "Last day is " << month_last_day << std::endl; calendar_panel_days.fill(0); int row = 0; for (int x = 0; x < month_last_day; x++) { int dow = (x + FIRST_WEEKDAY) % 7; if ((x != 0) and (dow == 0)) row++; /* get_logger() << "x = " << x << " dow = " << dow << " row = " << row << std::endl; */ // we actually want x+1 (1- month_last_day) // get_logger() << row * 7 + dow << " = " << x + 1 << std::endl; calendar_panel_days[row * 7 + dow] = x + 1; } calendar_day_status.fill(0); auto last_played = db.whenPlayed(); int play_days_ahead = 0; if (config["play_days_ahead"]) { play_days_ahead = config["play_days_ahead"].as(); } // until maint is setup, we need to verify that the month and year is // correct. for (auto played : last_played) { get_logger() << "played " << played.first << " hands: " << played.second << std::endl; time_t play_t = played.first; std::tm played_tm; localtime_r(&play_t, &played_tm); if (get_logger) { get_logger() << played_tm.tm_mon + 1 << "/" << played_tm.tm_mday << "/" << played_tm.tm_year + 1900 << " : " << played.second << " " << play_t << std::endl; } if ((played_tm.tm_mon == this_month) && (played_tm.tm_year + 1900 == this_year)) { // Ok! int hands = played.second; if (hands < total_hands) { calendar_day_status[played_tm.tm_mday - 1] = 1; } else { if (hands >= total_hands) { calendar_day_status[played_tm.tm_mday - 1] = 2; } } } } if (get_logger) { get_logger() << "last day " << month_last_day << " today " << this_day << " plays ahead " << play_days_ahead << std::endl; } // mark days ahead as NNY. for (int d = 0; d < month_last_day; ++d) { if (this_day + play_days_ahead - 1 < d) { calendar_day_status[d] = 3; } } { ofstream &of = get_logger(); of << "Calendar_panel_days:" << std::endl; for (int x = 0; x < (int)calendar_panel_days.size(); ++x) { of << std::setw(2) << calendar_panel_days[x] << ":"; int c = calendar_panel_days[x]; if (c == 0) of << " "; else { of << calendar_day_status[c - 1]; }; of << " "; if ((x != 0) and (((x + 1) % 7) == 0)) { of << std::endl; } } of << std::endl; } std::string current = current_month(month); string_toupper(current); if (current.length() < 6) { current.insert(0, " "); current += " "; } std::unique_ptr p = make_month(current); p->set(3, 3); s->addPanel(std::move(p)); p = make_weekdays(); p->set(8, 3); s->addPanel(std::move(p)); p = make_calendar_panel(); p->set(8, 6); s->addPanel(std::move(p)); /* const int W = 72; p->setStyle(door::BorderStyle::NONE); // Ok, that is working. I'm getting the first day of the month. So... store the time_t for the date. store the day in the column it needs to be in. store any hands played (pull data from the db). seems like this should be its own class, there's a lot of data that is specific just to it. */ /* door::ANSIColor statusColor(door::COLOR::WHITE, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD); door::ANSIColor valueColor(door::COLOR::YELLOW, door::COLOR::BLUE, door::ATTR::BOLD); door::renderFunction svRender = statusValue(statusColor, valueColor); // or use renderStatus as defined above. // We'll stick with these for now. { std::string userString = "Name: "; userString += door.username; door::Line username(userString, W); username.setRender(svRender); p->addLine(std::make_unique(username)); } { door::updateFunction scoreUpdate = [this](void) -> std::string { std::string text = "Score: "; text.append(std::to_string(score)); return text; }; std::string scoreString = scoreUpdate(); door::Line scoreline(scoreString, W); scoreline.setRender(svRender); scoreline.setUpdater(scoreUpdate); p->addLine(std::make_unique(scoreline)); } { door::updateFunction timeUpdate = [this](void) -> std::string { std::stringstream ss; std::string text; ss << "Time used: " << setw(3) << door.time_used << " / " << setw(3) << door.time_left; text = ss.str(); return text; }; std::string timeString = timeUpdate(); door::Line time(timeString, W); time.setRender(svRender); time.setUpdater(timeUpdate); p->addLine(std::make_unique(time)); } { door::updateFunction handUpdate = [this](void) -> std::string { std::string text = "Playing Hand "; text.append(std::to_string(hand)); text.append(" of "); text.append(std::to_string(total_hands)); return text; }; std::string handString = handUpdate(); door::Line hands(handString, W); hands.setRender(svRender); hands.setUpdater(handUpdate); p->addLine(std::make_unique(hands)); } */ return s; }