@@ -1,374 +1,6 @@
pub mod group;
pub mod group;
-use group::*;
+pub mod sudoku;
+pub mod ksudoku;
-use std::collections::HashSet;
-/// Width of the sudoku board.
-const WIDTH: u8 = 9;
-/// Size (width * height) of the board.
-const MAX_SIZE: u8 = 81;
-pub struct Sudoku {
- pub board: [u8; MAX_SIZE as usize],
- pub possible: [HashSet<u8>; MAX_SIZE as usize],
-/// Translate x,y to position in board.
-pub const fn pos(x: u8, y: u8) -> u8 {
- x + (y * WIDTH as u8)
-/// Translate x,y (with starting index of 1) to position in board.
-pub const fn pos1(x: u8, y: u8) -> u8 {
- (x - 1) + ((y - 1) * WIDTH as u8)
-/// Translate post to x,y in board.
-pub const fn xy(pos: u8) -> (u8, u8) {
- ((pos % WIDTH), (pos / WIDTH))
-(0 .. 10)
- .map(|_| HashSet::<usize>::new())
- .collect();
-let arr: [Vec<u32>; 10] = [(); 10].map(|_| Vec::with_capacity(100));
-impl Sudoku {
- pub fn new() -> Self {
- // let b : HashSet<u8> = HashSet::from_iter(1..=9);
- let s = Sudoku {
- board: [0; MAX_SIZE as usize],
- possible: [(); MAX_SIZE as usize].map(|_| HashSet::from_iter(1..=9)),
- // possible: [HashSet::from_iter(1..=9); MAX_SIZE as usize],
- // possible: [[0; SIZE as usize]; MAX_SIZE as usize],
- // possible: [(0..MAX_SIZE).map( |_| (1..=9).collect())],
- // possible: [(1..=9).map(|_| HashSet::new()).collect(); MAX_SIZE as usize],
- };
- s
- }
- pub fn clear(&mut self) {
- for x in 0..MAX_SIZE {
- self.board[x as usize] = 0;
- self.possible = [(); MAX_SIZE as usize].map(|_| HashSet::from_iter(1..=9));
- /*
- self.possible[x as usize].clear();
- for i in 1..=9 {
- self.possible[x as usize].insert(i);
- }
- */
- // self.possible[x as usize] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9];
- }
- }
- pub fn load_xsudoku(&mut self, s: &str) {
- self.clear();
- let mut x: u8 = 0;
- let mut y: u8 = 0;
- for ch in s.chars() {
- if ch >= 'b' {
- self.set(x, y, ch as u8 - 'a' as u8);
- // self.board[pos(x, y) as usize] = ch as u8 - 'a' as u8;
- };
- y += 1;
- if y >= WIDTH {
- y = 0;
- x += 1;
- }
- }
- }
- pub fn set(&mut self, x: u8, y: u8, value: u8) {
- self.board[pos(x, y) as usize] = value;
- // Ok, update the possible
- let mut g = for_row(y);
- // g.for_row(x, y);
- for g in g.items {
- // remove value from these sets.
- self.possible[g as usize].take(&value);
- }
- g = for_column(x);
- // g.for_column(x, y);
- for g in g.items {
- // remove value from these sets.
- self.possible[g as usize].take(&value);
- }
- g = for_cell(which_cell(x,y));
- // g.for_block(x, y);
- for g in g.items {
- // remove value from these sets.
- self.possible[g as usize].take(&value);
- }
- self.possible[pos(x, y) as usize].clear();
- }
- pub fn set2(&mut self, x: u8, y: u8, value: u8) {
- self.board[pos(x, y) as usize] = value;
- // Ok, update the possible
- let mut g = Group::new();
- g.for_row(x, y);
- for g in g.items {
- // remove value from these sets.
- self.possible[g as usize].take(&value);
- }
- g.for_column(x, y);
- for g in g.items {
- // remove value from these sets.
- self.possible[g as usize].take(&value);
- }
- g.for_block(x, y);
- for g in g.items {
- // remove value from these sets.
- self.possible[g as usize].take(&value);
- }
- self.possible[pos(x, y) as usize].clear();
- }
- pub fn display(&self) {
- println!("╔═══╦═══╦═══╗");
- for y in 0..WIDTH {
- print!("║");
- for x in 0..WIDTH {
- let item = self.board[pos(x as u8, y as u8) as usize];
- if item == 0 {
- print!(" ");
- } else if (item >= 1) && (item <= 9) {
- print!("{}", item);
- }
- if x % 3 == 2 {
- print!("║");
- }
- }
- println!("");
- if y % 3 == 2 {
- if y + 1 == WIDTH {
- println!("╚═══╩═══╩═══╝");
- } else {
- println!("╠═══╬═══╬═══╣");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- pub fn display_possible(&self) {
- for y in 0..WIDTH {
- for x in 0..WIDTH {
- let mut possible = String::new();
- for p in self.possible[pos(x, y) as usize].iter() {
- possible += format!("{}", p).as_str();
- }
- // for i in 0..SIZE {
- // let &pos = self.possible[pos(x, y) as usize];
- print!("({},{}):", x, y);
- // print!("{:20}", format!("{:?}", self.possible[pos(x, y) as usize]));
- print!("{:9}", possible);
- /*
- if pos == 0 {
- print!(" ");
- } else {
- print!("{}", pos);
- }
- */
- // }
- // print!(" ");
- }
- println!("");
- }
- }
- pub fn solve(&mut self) -> bool {
- // Pass 1: Look for singles in the possible sets.
- let mut found_something = false;
- for i in 0..MAX_SIZE {
- if self.possible[i as usize].len() == 1 {
- // Get the value
- let value = self.possible[i as usize].iter().next().cloned().unwrap();
- // Found one!
- println!("Set1 {:?} to {}", xy(i), value);
- self.set(xy(i).0, xy(i).1, value);
- found_something = true;
- }
- }
- let mut g = Group::new();
- let mut values: HashSet<u8> = HashSet::new();
- let mut group_process = |this: &mut Self, grp: &Group| {
- // Collect all the possible values within the group.
- values.clear();
- for gidx in 0..WIDTH {
- // println!("possible: {:?}", this.possible[grp.items[gidx as usize] as usize]);
- values.extend(&this.possible[grp.items[gidx as usize] as usize]);
- // println!("now : {:?}", this.possible[grp.items[gidx as usize] as usize]);
- }
- // println!("values {:?}", values);
- // Now, check for singles.
- for v in values.iter() {
- let mut count = 0;
- let mut pos = 0;
- for gidx in 0..WIDTH {
- if this.possible[grp.items[gidx as usize] as usize].contains(&v) {
- count += 1;
- pos = grp.items[gidx as usize];
- if count > 1 {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if count == 1 {
- // don't need this, it was v!
- // let value = this.possible[pos as usize].iter().next().cloned().unwrap();
- println!("Set2 {:?} to {}", xy(pos), v);
- this.set(xy(pos).0, xy(pos).1, *v);
- found_something = true;
- }
- }
- };
- // Change to 0..SIZE ... Keep it simple.
- for i in 0..WIDTH {
- let mut g = for_column(i);
- // g.for_column(i, 1);
- group_process(self, &g);
- g = for_row(i);
- // g.for_row(1, i);
- group_process(self, &g);
- g = for_cell(i);
- // g.for_iter(i);
- group_process(self, &g);
- }
- println!("Looking for pairs...");
- // PAIR processing.
- for i in 0..WIDTH {
- g.for_iter(i);
- for gidx in 0..WIDTH - 1 {
- let gpos = g.items[gidx as usize];
- if self.possible[gpos as usize].len() == 2 {
- // Found a pair
- for fidx in gidx + 1..WIDTH {
- let fpos = g.items[fidx as usize];
- if self.possible[fpos as usize].len() == 2 {
- // Ok, there's another pair
- if self.possible[gpos as usize].is_subset(&self.possible[fpos as usize])
- {
- // Ok, they have the same values!
- // Ok, remove the items in the pair from the cell.
- // Don't touch the gpos/fpos records. Keep those!
- let mut values: [u8; 2] = [0, 0];
- let mut vpos = 0;
- for z in self.possible[gpos as usize].iter() {
- values[vpos] = *z;
- vpos += 1;
- }
- let mut pair_removed = false;
- for remove in 0..WIDTH {
- if (gidx == remove) || (fidx == remove) {
- continue;
- }
- // Ok, these aren't the ones to save, so:
- let rpos = g.items[remove as usize];
- if self.possible[rpos as usize].take(&values[0]).is_some() {
- found_something = true;
- pair_removed = true;
- };
- if self.possible[rpos as usize].take(&values[1]).is_some() {
- found_something = true;
- pair_removed = true;
- };
- }
- if pair_removed {
- println!(
- "Pair found! {} {}: {} {:?} and {} {:?} !",
- gidx,
- fidx,
- gpos,
- xy(gpos),
- fpos,
- xy(fpos)
- );
- }
- // Check the x's and y's to see if we can also process a row/column too.
- if xy(gpos).0 == xy(fpos).0 {
- // Matching X - process column
- let column = xy(gpos).0;
- vpos = 0;
- for z in self.possible[gpos as usize].iter() {
- values[vpos] = *z;
- vpos += 1;
- }
- for remove in 0..WIDTH {
- if (remove == xy(gpos).1) || (remove == xy(fpos).1) {
- continue;
- }
- if self.possible[pos(column, remove) as usize]
- .take(&values[0])
- .is_some()
- {
- found_something = true;
- };
- if self.possible[pos(column, remove) as usize]
- .take(&values[1])
- .is_some()
- {
- found_something = true;
- };
- }
- }
- if xy(gpos).1 == xy(fpos).1 {
- // Matching Y - process row
- let row = xy(gpos).1;
- vpos = 0;
- for z in self.possible[gpos as usize].iter() {
- values[vpos] = *z;
- vpos += 1;
- }
- for remove in 0..WIDTH {
- if (remove == xy(gpos).0) || (remove == xy(fpos).0) {
- continue;
- }
- if self.possible[pos(remove, row) as usize]
- .take(&values[0])
- .is_some()
- {
- found_something = true;
- };
- if self.possible[pos(remove, row) as usize]
- .take(&values[1])
- .is_some()
- {
- found_something = true;
- };
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- found_something
- }
+// use crate::group::*;
+use crate::sudoku::*;