#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys import re from twisted.internet import defer from twisted.internet import protocol from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.python import log from twisted.python.logfile import DailyLogFile # from twisted.enterprise import adbapi import pendulum from subprocess import check_output # This isn't the best configuration, but it's simple # and works. Mostly. try: from config_dev import * except ModuleNotFoundError: from config import * # from config import * # Connect to: # HOST = "twgs" # PORT = 2002 # Listen on: # LISTEN_PORT = 2002 # LISTEN_ON = "" version = check_output( [ "git", "describe", "--long", "--tags", # "--dirty", "--always", "--match", "v[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]", ], universal_newlines=True, ).strip() # Cleans all ANSI cleaner = re.compile(r"\x1b\[[0-9;]*[A-Zmh]") # Looks for ANSI (that should be considered to be a newline) makeNL = re.compile(r"\x1b\[[0-9;]*[J]") def treatAsNL(line): """ Replace any ANSI codes that would be better understood as newlines. """ global makeNL return makeNL.sub("\n", line) def cleanANSI(line): """ Remove all ANSI codes. """ global cleaner return cleaner.sub("", line) # return re.sub(r'\x1b\[([0-9,A-Z]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?(;[0-9]{3})?)?[m|K]?', '', line) class Game(protocol.Protocol): def __init__(self): # user is rlogin username self.user = None # buffer is used to capture the rlogin username self.buffer = "" def connectionMade(self): log.msg("Client: connected to peer") self.queue_player = self.factory.queue_player self.queue_game = self.factory.queue_game self.setPlayerReceived() # self.queue_twgs.get().addCallback(self.serverDataReceived) def setPlayerReceived(self): """ Get deferred from client queue, callback clientDataReceived. """ self.queue_player.get().addCallback(self, playerDataReceived) def playerDataReceived(self, chunk): # rlogin looks like this: \x00 password \x00 username \x00 terminal/speed \x00 # b'\x00up2lat3\x00bugz\x00ansi-bbs/115200\x00' # We're looking for 4 \x00! # TODO: Line processing, and line cleaning (remove ANSI color codes) if chunk is False: self.queue_twgs = None log.msg("Client: disconnecting from peer") self.factory.continueTrying = False self.transport.loseConnection() else: if self.user is None: # Decode the rlogin data self.buffer += chunk.decode("utf-8", "ignore") # Ok, process this # self.buffer += chunk.decode('utf-8') # We don't have the username yet parts = self.buffer.split("\x00") if len(parts) >= 5: # Got it! self.user = parts[1] log.msg("User: {0}".format(self.user)) # Reset buffer -- remove everything before last \x00 zpos = self.buffer.rindex("\x00") self.buffer = self.buffer[zpos + 1 :] self.buffer = "" # init sqlite db using the username self.factory.getUser(self.user) # Pass received data to the server self.transport.write(chunk) self.setPlayerReceived() # self.queue_twgs.get().addCallback(self.serverDataReceived) def dataReceived(self, chunk): # log.msg("Client: %d bytes received from peer" % len(chunk)) # clean, strip ANSI, etc. # log.msg("<<", chunk.decode("utf-8", "ignore")) # log.msg("<<", repr(chunk)) # self.factory.queue_client.put(chunk) # self.queue_game.put(chunk) self.queue_player.put(chunk) def connectionLost(self, why): log.msg("Game connectionLost because: %s" % why) self.queue_game.put(False) # self.factory.queue_client.put(False) # self.queue_twgs = None self.transport.loseConnection() class GlueFactory(protocol.ClientFactory): # class GlueFactory(protocol.Factory): maxDelay = 10 protocol = Game def __init__(self, twgs): self.twgs = twgs self.queue_player = twgs.queue_player self.queue_game = twgs.queue_game def closeIt(self): log.msg("closeIt") self.queue_player.put(False) def getUser(self, user): log.msg("getUser( %s )" % user) self.twgs.logUser(user) # This was needed when I replaced ClientFactory with Factory. # def clientConnectionLost(self, connector, why): # log.msg("clientconnectionlost: %s" % why) # self.queue_client.put(False) def clientConnectionFailed(self, connector, why): log.msg("connection to game failed: %s" % why) self.queue_player.put(b"Sorry! I'm Unable to connect to the game server.\r\n") # syncterm gets cranky/locks up if we close this here. # (Because it is still sending rlogin information?) reactor.callLater(2, self.closeIt) class Player(protocol.Protocol): def __init__(self): self.buffer = "" self.fpRaw = None self.fpLines = None self.action = None self.username = "" self.game = "" self.passon = True def connectionMade(self): """ connected, setup queues. """ self.queue_player = defer.DeferredQueue() self.queue_game = defer.DeferredQueue() self.setGameReceived() # self.action = ProxyAction(self) factory = GlueFactory(self) # Make connection to the game server reactor.connectTCP(HOST, PORT, factory, 5) def setGameReceived(self): """ Get deferred from client queue, callback clientDataReceived. """ self.queue_game.get().addCallback(self.gameDataReceived) def logUser(self, user): """ We have the username. """ now = pendulum.now() self.username = user filename = now.format("YYYY-MM-DD_HHmm") + "-" + user.lower() # Are we saving RAW output? if RAW: self.fpRaw = open(filename + ".raw", "ab") self.fpLines = open(filename + ".lines", "a") print("Log created:", now.to_rss_string(), "\n", file=self.fpLines) def setGame(self, game): """ We have the game (A-P) they are playing. """ if self.game != game: log.msg("USER {0} ENTERED {1}".format(self.username, self.game)) self.data = {} self.game = game def gotLine(self, line): """ We got a line from the server. This is ANSI filtered. Backspaces have removed the character from the line. The line is unicode. We don't need to decode it. ;) """ log.msg(">>> [{0}]".format(line)) if self.fpLines is not None: print(line, file=self.fpLines) if "TWGS v2.20b" in line: if "www.eisonline.com" in line: # Must not be unicode # Is there a way to NOT have this logged? self.queue_client.put( ( b"TWGS Proxy build " + version.encode() + b" is active. \x1b[1;34m~\x1b[0m to activate.\n\r\n\r", ) ) if "TradeWars Game Server" in line and "Copyright (C) EIS" in line: # We are not in a game self.game = "" if "Selection (? for menu): " in line: game = line[-1] if game >= "A" and game < "Q": self.setGame(game) # If we're not passing it on to the user, we better be looking at it. if self.action and not self.passon: self.action.server(line) def gameDataReceived(self, chunk): """ Data received from the client/player. """ if chunk is False: self.transport.loseConnection() else: if type(chunk) is tuple: # Special case where we want to send something to the user # but not have it logged. self.transport.write(chunk[0]) self.setGameReceived() else: if self.fpRaw is not None: self.fpRaw.write(chunk) self.buffer += chunk.decode("utf-8", "ignore") # Process any backspaces in the buffer while "\x08" in self.buffer: part = self.buffer.partition("\x08") self.buffer = part[0][:-1] + part[2] # Treat some ANSI codes as a newline (for purposes of Lines) self.buffer = treatAsNL(self.buffer) # I think I need something else in here. When something enters or leaves the sector # The message isn't shown on it's own line. I think they are using ANSI codes to # clear the line. (Which certainly would be faster!) # Break the buffer into lines while "\n" in self.buffer: part = self.buffer.partition("\n") line = part[0].replace("\r", "") # Clean ANSI codes from the line line = cleanANSI(line) self.gotLine(line) self.buffer = part[2] # log.msg("Server: writing %d bytes to original client" % len(chunk)) if self.passon: self.transport.write(chunk) self.setGameReceived() def dataReceived(self, chunk): if self.action and self.action.isActive(): # Do something completely different here self.action.received(chunk) else: # Did player activate hotkey? if chunk == b"~": self.action.activate(self.buffer) else: self.queue_game.put(chunk) def connectionLost(self, why): log.msg("lost connection %s" % why) self.queue_game.put(False) # Close log files, if open if self.fpRaw is not None: self.fpRaw.close() self.fpRaw = None if self.fpLines is not None: if self.buffer != "": print(self.buffer, file=self.fpLines) self.fpLines.close() self.fpLines = None def connectionFailed(self, why): log.msg("connectionFailed: %s" % why) if __name__ == "__main__": log.startLogging(DailyLogFile("proxy.log", ".")) log.msg("This is version: %s" % version) factory = protocol.Factory() factory.protocol = Player reactor.listenTCP(LISTEN_PORT, factory, interface=LISTEN_ON) reactor.run()