; MUTIL configuration file ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; MUTIL is an automated maintainance and utility program driven by ; configuration files used to perform various tasks upon execution. ; ; The syntax to execute MUTIL is: MUTIL . If no ; configuration file is supplied, then the program will look for mutil.ini ; in the same directory. A second parameter -NOSCREEN can be used to turn ; off screen updates but the configuration file parameter MUST be supplied ; ex: mutil mutil.ini -NOSCREEN ; ; Many different configuration files can exist to perform any series of ; tasks supported by MUTIL, or a single configuration can be maintained that ; does everything. The minimum requirement is the General header with a ; task enabled, and then the specific header for that task that defines its ; options. ; ; Current abilities (enabled/disabled in the General header below): ; ; - Export Binkley-style FLO echomail/netmail ; - Import Binkley-style FLO echomail/netmail ; - Import Message Bases (by datafile analysis) ; - Import FIDONET.NA into Message bases ; - Import FILEBONE.NA into File bases ; - Mass upload files to all file bases (with FILE_ID.DIZ import and the ; ability to exclude files by filemask) ; - Generate Top 1 up to 99 Callers, Posters, Downloaders, Uploaders, PCR ; Completely configurable output by using template files ; - Import FILES.BBS into file bases ; - Generate all files listing ; - Purge Message bases (by age and max messages) ; - Pack and renumber message bases ; - Post text files to message bases ; - Merge nodelists into Mystic format ; - Toss TIC+files into BBS and to subscribed downlinks ; - Pack and check integrity of file base listings ; - Sort file base listings ; - Perform message base echomail reply linking ; - Purge user database marking inactive users for deletion ; - Pack user database and remove private messages of deleted users ; ; The concept here is that you can create your own custom command lines to ; complete any number of tasks. For example, you could create msgmaint.ini ; which executes message base purge, packing, and reply linking. Then you ; can simply execute "mutil msgmaint" to kick it off. ; ========================================================================== ; ========================================================================== ; ========================================================================== [General] ; list of functions to perform on startup PostTextFiles = true ; Set this value if you want to run mutil from a directory other than ; the root Mystic directory or the mysticbbs environment variable: ; mystic_directory=c:\mystic\mystic.dat ; If no directory is specified in the logfile name, mUtil will attempt ; to use the configured LOGS directory from in Mystic's configuration. ; Comment out to disable logging completely. logfile=spaceBOT.log ; If set to TRUE (*HIGHLY* recommended for MUTIL) then it will write the ; log file in increments of 8KB at a time. If set to FALSE it will write ; each individual line as it is logged. This will significantly reduce ; MUTIL performance if set to FALSE. logcache=true ; Level 1 = basic ; Level 2 = verbose ; Level 3 = debug loglevel=3 ; logfile time stamp. defaults to NNN DD HH:II:SS if not set here ;logstamp = YYYYHHMMHHIISS ; Log roller type: ; 0 = Do not roll log files ; 1 = Roll by number of files/filesize ; 2 = Roll by number of days logtype = 2 ; number of log files to keep (0 to disable log rolling) maxlogfiles = 31 ; size of each log file in kilobytes maxlogsize = 1500 ; ========================================================================== ; ========================================================================== ; ========================================================================== [PostTextFiles] ; Total number of text files to be posted. For each file there needs to ; be a file definition as show below. totalfiles = 2 ; This defines one file which will be posted to the message base. Each ; file should be prefixed with file# where # is a number from 1 to ; totalfiles. ; ; The delfile option (if true) will remove the filename after the message ; is posted. The baseidx is the permanent index of the message base to ; post the message into (shown as Index at the top of the message base ; editor in Mystic's configuration. Address is the echomail destination ; address ; ; file#_baseidx ; 3 is Local Test Messages ; 8 is fsxNet Bot Channel file1_name = venv/prison.bbs file1_baseidx = 8 file1_from = bugz_bot file1_to = All file1_subj = Space Report for Prison BBS ; file1_subj = [ASCII] BZ&BZ BBS file1_addr = 0:0/0 file1_delfile = false file2_name = venv/prison.ans file2_baseidx = 8 file2_from = bugz_bot file2_to = All file2_subj = [ANSI] Space Report for Prison BBS file2_addr = 0:0/0 file2_delfile = false ; file2_name = myfile.txt ; file2_baseidx = 2 ; file2_from = Sysop ; file2_to = All ; file2_subj = My subject ; file2_addr = 0:0/0 ; file2_delfile = false ; ========================================================================== ; ========================================================================== ; ==========================================================================