Any sectors with a high > 500 > 1000 density should be stored somewhere as "dangerous/of interest". [How will we handle sectors that have our own fighters/planets in them then?] Possibly do density scanner, and save those results as well...
Performance issues saving YAML. Loading is 1.5 secs. I think creating the YAML::Node tree is what is killing me. Maybe write the yaml manually?
When upgrading the planet, cargo is bought at full price. (Haggle there as well.)
When trading, we sometimes get "We're not interested". Figure out what we can adjust to get that to not happen.
Storage. (We store a lot of data.) In python, we used JSON. I'm thinking right now that we should use sqlite. It's lightweight and mostly quick. (Maybe have dirty bit option so we can save only things that have changed?) This is OK up to the point where we have multiple users running through the proxy. Then what happens?
Adjust our trading -- I'd like to see us earning 5 XP (or better) for excellent trading. We're consistently earning 2 XP. 5 XP = 100% perfect trades. (I don't think that's going to happen.)
The dispatcher should use a stack (FILO). We should be able to create something (SafeMove) and give it a sector number. It will then be placed on the stack. Once it is done, it will be able to return "something" to signal success/failure. (Maybe have a selectable "callback" with the results?) "Something" being struct { int value, std::string text }. I have a callback, which works. I don't think I need a stack of chains.