TradeWars Game Server Proxy
Steve Thielemann edited this page 3 years ago

TradeWars Game Server Proxy

This is the rewrite from python/twisted to C++/boost/asio.

Density Values

  Density Readings:
    0 = Empty Sector or Ferrengi Dreadanought
    1 = Marker Beacon
    2 = Limpet Type 2 Tracking Mine
    5 = Fighter (per Fighter)
   10 = Armid Type 1 Mine
   21 = Navigation Hazard (Per 1 Percent)
   21 = Destroyed Ship     (Due to 1 Percent Nav-Haz)
   38 = Unmanned Ship
   40 = Manned Ship, Alien or Ferrengi Assault Trader
   50 = Destroyed Starport (After 25 Percent Nav-Haz Clears)
  100 = Starport or Ferrengi Battle Cruiser
  210 = Destroyed Planet   (Due to 10 Percent Nav-Haz)
  462 = Federation Starship under Admiral Nelson
  489 = Federation Starship under Captain Zyrain
  500 = Planet
  512 = Federation Starship under Admiral Clausewitz
  575 = Destroyed Port (Before 25% Nav-Haz Clears)