#2 [server] Continue work on server

megnyitva ekkor: 1 hónapja david által · 0 hozzászólás

I had worked a little on it... but stopped as I realized I was making Object which is for a MUD not MMO Top-down RPG.

I need to uncomment the stuff in lib.rs and continue to fix the server.rs and sshterm.rs code so it actually works. (A simple hello world ratatui app should be made so we have at least something shown)

I had worked a little on it... but stopped as I realized I was making Object which is for a MUD not MMO Top-down RPG. I need to uncomment the stuff in lib.rs and continue to fix the server.rs and sshterm.rs code so it actually works. (A simple hello world ratatui app should be made so we have at least something shown)
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