• Build play_game
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    Things to-do:

    • Locate Player, If Player doesn't exist Create Player Structure else Load Player Structure.
    • If Player isn't out of fuel display (S)earch Space or more expensive (H)unt Players, Randomly encounter Pirate Ship or Asteroid both reward experience and metal.
    • Allow Player to build "attach" guns armor and shield generators to their ship.

    Armor can be repaired and break, shields simply regenerate or go offline for variable amount of attacks (then recharge double immediately thereafter then back to normal rate).

  • Game Rewrite
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    Rewrite the game to be more "better" in aspects of:

    • Add Galaxy where a player chooses where to go...
    • Add Areas where a player will be attacked or can mine for particular minerals/resources... and/or a "town" or in this case a space station where you sell minerals/resources for upgrades and ships too!
    • Add Ships where each has different stats... such as number of weapons, amount of resources able to be stored, and defensive equipment too.
    • Add Equipment where there are types... such as Offensive, Defensive and Utility.

    Also add more opponents to the game, while preventing the player to "win" in 1 day.