# Endless Edit - TODO - [ ] Parse all that we want to (ships, profile, account, conditions) - [ ] Build a GUI to represent all that we parsed - [ ] Release `V1.0`. ## \_\_Future\_\_ Stuff - [ ] Add parsing the Sources (data directory of Endless Sky) and Plugins/Mods to allow for in-game representation. (This also would support checking for invalid outfits/ships/locations) - [ ] Offer building a EEMOD Plugin/Mod containing overwrite/customize options for outfits and ships. (this feature would allow someone to essentially use Endless Edit as a way of making a plugin or mod by reusing stuff in-game) - [ ] Refine the code base so it's more maintainable - [ ] Refine testing the code base. - [ ] Test the GUI. - [ ] Refine the code base so it's more dynamic (less hardcoded for just 0.9.15 Endless Sky)