Browse Source

Move GenBits to Vec<bool>.

The iterator only shows indexes of bits set.
Checking for zero (nothing set) use .count_set() instead.
Steve Thielemann 4 months ago
3 changed files with 366 additions and 171 deletions
  1. 207 4
  2. 49 100
  3. 110 67

+ 207 - 4

@@ -1,16 +1,218 @@
-// Use bitfields instead of HashSets.
 Or MAYBE, just use Vec<bool> ?!
 While that would use more memory, it would certainly be faster!
 Is saving a few bytes (these days) worth it, really?
-The iterator would be interesting...
+The iterator would ... already be written for Vec<T>. :P
+(Buuut, not quite. I only want true values...)
+fn main() {
+    let vector = vec![true, false, false, true];
+    for z in vector.iter().enumerate().filter(|x| *x.1) {
+        println!("{:?}", z);
+    }
+    for z in vector.iter().enumerate().filter(|x| *x.1) {
+        println!("{:?}", z);
+    }
+This returns (0, true), (3, true)
+fn main() {
+    let vector = vec![true, false, false, true];
+    let d : Vec<usize> = vector.iter().enumerate().filter(|x| *x.1).map(|x| x.0).collect();
+    println!("{:?}", &d);
+This returns (0,3) !  This is what I was looking for!
+I'd rather have an iterator (like I have below), but I might
+have to compromise here.
+    let d = vector.iter().enumerate().filter(|x| *x.1).map(|x| x.0);
+    for dv in d {
+        println!(" {}", dv);
+    }
+There we go, map returns iterator. :D
+Enumerate creates (index, value),
+filter finds "true" items,
+map returns iterator (with index)!
 And we could handle any crazy size as well... :O
+use std::ops::RangeBounds;
+// use std::iter::{Map, Filter, Enumerate};
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+pub struct GenBits(pub Vec<bool>);
+impl GenBits {
+    pub fn new(size: usize) -> Self {
+        GenBits(vec![false; size])
+    }
+    pub fn clear(&mut self) {
+        for i in 0..self.0.len() {
+            self.0[i] = false;
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn set(&mut self, bit: usize, state: bool) {
+        self.0[bit] = state;
+    }
+    pub fn get(&self, bit: usize) -> bool {
+        self.0[bit]
+    }
+    pub fn set_bits<R: RangeBounds<usize> + IntoIterator<Item = usize>>(&mut self, bits: R) {
+        for i in bits {
+            self.0[i as usize] = true;
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn count_set(&self) -> usize {
+        self.0.iter().filter(|&x| *x).count()
+    }
+    //
+    #[deprecated="Use iter() instead."]
+    /// Returns the indexes of items that are true
+    pub fn indexes(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = usize> + '_ {
+        self.0.iter().enumerate().filter(|x| *x.1).map(|x| x.0)
+    }
+    /// The "default" iterator for GenBits returns this.
+    pub fn iter(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = usize> + '_ {
+        self.0.iter().enumerate().filter(|x| *x.1).map(|x| x.0)
+    }
+    /* 
+    pub fn iter(&self) -> std::slice::Iter<'_, bool> {
+        self.0.iter()
+    }
+    */
+    /// Display bits that are set.
+    /// +1 is added to the display, so it matches the cell values (1..N)
+    pub fn display(&self) -> String {
+        self.0.iter()
+            .enumerate()
+            .filter(|x| *x.1)
+            .map(|x| x.0)
+            .map(|i| (i+1).to_string())
+            // .map(|i| i.to_string())
+            .collect::<Vec<_>>().join(",")
+    }
+impl PartialEq for GenBits {
+    fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
+        if self.0.len() != other.0.len() {
+            return false;
+        }
+        for i in 0..self.0.len() {
+            if self.0[i] != other.0[i] {
+                return false;
+            }
+        }
+        true
+    }
+mod tests {
+    // use crate::sudoku::*;
+    use crate::bits::*;
+    #[test]
+    fn check_u16() {
+        const size:usize = 9;
+        let mut p = GenBits::new(size);
+        p.clear();
+        for i in 0..9 {
+            let mut result = p.get(i);
+            assert_eq!(result, false);
+            p.set(i, true);
+            result = p.get(i);
+            assert_eq!(result, true);
+        }
+        p = GenBits::new(size);
+        p.set(3, true);
+        p.set(5, true);
+        p.set(6, true);
+        assert_eq!(3, p.count_set());
+        let values: Vec<usize> = p.iter().collect();
+        assert_eq!(values, vec!(3, 5, 6));
+        assert_eq!(3, p.count_set());
+        p.set(0, true);
+        assert_eq!(4, p.count_set());
+        p = GenBits::new(size);
+        p.set_bits(0..6);
+        for i in 0..6 {
+            let result = p.get(i);
+            assert_eq!(result, true);
+        }
+        assert_eq!(p.get(6), false);
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn check_u32() {
+        const size:usize = 29;
+        let mut p = GenBits::new(size);
+        p.clear();
+        for i in 0..29 {
+            let mut result = p.get(i);
+            assert_eq!(result, false);
+            p.set(i, true);
+            result = p.get(i);
+            assert_eq!(result, true);
+        }
+        p = GenBits::new(size);
+        p.set(13, true);
+        p.set(15, true);
+        p.set(26, true);
+        assert_eq!(3, p.count_set());
+        let values: Vec<usize> = p.iter().collect();
+        assert_eq!(values, vec!(13, 15, 26));
+        assert_eq!(3, p.count_set());
+        p.set(0, true);
+        assert_eq!(4, p.count_set());
+        p = GenBits::new(size);
+        p.set_bits(10..26);
+        for i in 10..26 {
+            let result = p.get(i);
+            assert_eq!(result, true);
+        }
+        assert_eq!(p.get(9), false);
+        assert_eq!(p.get(27), false);
+    }
+    // -> Map<Filter<Enumerate<std::slice::Iter<'_, bool>>>>
+    pub fn indexes(&self) -> std::slice::Iter<usize>  {
+|x| *x.1).map(|x| x.0)
+    }
 use bit_field::BitField;
 // If I wanted to do 4x4 or 5x5, I would need more bits. (u32).
@@ -183,5 +385,6 @@ mod tests {
         assert_eq!(p.get(9), false);
         assert_eq!(p.get(27), false);

+ 49 - 100

@@ -1,11 +1,3 @@
-New code -
-    AnyGroup
-        Handles any size puzzles.
-The old code below only handles 3x3 puzzles only!
- */
 // use std::fmt;
 use strum::EnumIter;
 use strum::IntoEnumIterator;
@@ -18,27 +10,14 @@ pub enum Groups {
- impl fmt::Display for Groups {
-    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
-        write!(f, "{:?}", self)
-        // or, alternatively:
-        // fmt::Debug::fmt(self, f)
-    }
 #[derive(Debug, Clone)]
 pub struct AnyGroup {
     pub size: u8,
     pub width: u8,
     pub max_index: usize,
     pub groups: [Vec<usize>; 3],
-    /*
-    pub row: Vec<usize>,
-    pub column: Vec<usize>,
-    pub cell: Vec<usize>,
-    */
+    pub row_cell: Vec<usize>,
+    pub col_cell: Vec<usize>,
 /// Find the number of digits needed to display given number.
@@ -61,6 +40,8 @@ impl AnyGroup {
             width: board_size * board_size,
             max_index: size,
             groups: [vec![0; size], vec![0; size], vec![0; size]],
+            row_cell: vec![0; size],
+            col_cell: vec![0; size],
             row: vec![0; b_width * b_width],
             column: vec![0; size],
@@ -71,21 +52,60 @@ impl AnyGroup {
+    fn calculate(&mut self) {
+        let size = self.size;
+        for y in 0..self.width {
+            self.row_cell[y as usize] = y as usize / size as usize;
+            self.col_cell[y as usize] = (y as usize/ size as usize) * size as usize;
+            for x in 0..self.width {
+                let index = self.pos(x,y);
+                // x as usize + y as usize * self.width as usize;
+                self.groups[Groups::Row as usize][index] = self.pos(x, y);
+                self.groups[Groups::Column as usize][index] = self.pos(y, x);
+                // self.row[index] = self.pos(x, y);
+                // self.column[index] = self.pos(y, x);
+                let x_off = x / size;
+                let y_off = y / size;
+                let x_mod = x % size;
+                let y_mod = y % size;
+                // x is correct:
+                //    x_mod + y_mod * self.size;
+                // y is correct:
+                //    x_off + y_off * self.size
+                self.groups[Groups::Cell as usize][index] =
+                    self.pos(x_mod + y_mod * size, x_off + y_off * size);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    #[must_use]
+    #[inline]
+    /// Convert (X,Y) to index.
     pub fn pos(&self, x: u8, y: u8) -> usize {
         x as usize + y as usize * self.width as usize
+    #[must_use]
+    #[inline]
+    /// Convert index to (X,Y).
     pub fn xy(&self, index: usize) -> (u8, u8) {
         let width = self.width as usize;
         ((index % width) as u8, (index / width) as u8)
+    /// Indexes for that Group (Row,Column,Cell)
     pub fn group(&self, g: Groups, row: u8) -> &[usize] {
         let width = self.width as usize;
         let start = row as usize * width;
         &self.groups[g as usize][start..start + width]
+    /// Indexes for that row
     pub fn row(&self, row: u8) -> &[usize] {
         // return slice of row:
         let width = self.width as usize;
@@ -93,6 +113,7 @@ impl AnyGroup {
         &self.groups[Groups::Row as usize][start..start + width]
+    /// Indexes for that column
     pub fn column(&self, column: u8) -> &[usize] {
         // return slice of row:
         let width = self.width as usize;
@@ -100,6 +121,7 @@ impl AnyGroup {
         &self.groups[Groups::Column as usize][start..start + width]
+    // Indexes for that cell.
     pub fn cell(&self, cell: u8) -> &[usize] {
         // return slice of cell:
         let width = self.width as usize;
@@ -113,11 +135,14 @@ impl AnyGroup {
         (x / self.size) + (y / self.size) * self.size
+    /*
+    #[deprecated="Use xy() instead"]
     /// Convert index to x,y offsets.
     pub fn cell_offset(&self, idx:u8) -> (u8,u8) {
         (idx % self.size, idx / self.size)
+    */
     /// Which index for given cell and (x,y)?
@@ -144,40 +169,9 @@ impl AnyGroup {
         result + (y * self.width + x) as usize
-    pub fn calculate(&mut self) {
-        for y in 0..self.width {
-            for x in 0..self.width {
-                let index = x as usize + y as usize * self.width as usize;
-                self.groups[Groups::Row as usize][index] = self.pos(x, y);
-                self.groups[Groups::Column as usize][index] = self.pos(y, x);
-                // self.row[index] = self.pos(x, y);
-                // self.column[index] = self.pos(y, x);
-                let x_off = x / self.size;
-                let y_off = y / self.size;
-                let x_mod = x % self.size;
-                let y_mod = y % self.size;
-                // x is correct:
-                //    x_mod + y_mod * self.size;
-                // y is correct:
-                //    x_off + y_off * self.size
-                self.groups[Groups::Cell as usize][index] =
-                    self.pos(x_mod + y_mod * self.size, x_off + y_off * self.size);
-                /* self.cell[index] = self.pos(
-                    x_mod + y_mod * self.size,
-                    x_off + y_off * self.size, // x_mod + x_off * self.size,
-                                               // y_off
-                );
-                */
-            }
-        }
-    }
     // Possibly update this so it shows +1 on x and y
     // to match actual positions (rather then starting at 0).
+    /// display Group
     pub fn display(&self) {
         let max_index_size = find_number_width(self.width as usize * self.width as usize);
         let max_pos_size = find_number_width(self.width as usize);
@@ -214,51 +208,6 @@ impl AnyGroup {
                 printer(i, r);
-        /*
-        println!("rows:");
-        // println!("{:?}", self.row);
-        for i in 0..self.width {
-            let r = self.row(i);
-            /*
-            print!("[{:2}]: ", i);
-            for j in r {
-                let xy = self.xy(*j);
-                print!("{0:1$}({2:2},{3:2}) ", j, max_index_size, xy.0, xy.1);
-            }
-            println!("");
-            */
-            printer(i, r);
-        }
-        println!("columns:");
-        // println!("{:?}", self.column);
-        for i in 0..self.width {
-            let r = self.column(i);
-            /*
-            print!("[{:2}]: ", i);
-            for j in r {
-                let xy = self.xy(*j);
-                print!("{0:1$}({2:2},{3:2}) ", j, max_index_size, xy.0, xy.1);
-            }
-            println!("");
-            */
-            printer(i, r);
-        }
-        println!("cells:");
-        // println!("{:?}", self.cell);
-        for i in 0..self.width {
-            let r = self.cell(i);
-            /*
-            print!("[{:2}]: ", i);
-            for j in r {
-                let xy = self.xy(*j);
-                print!("{0:1$}({2:2},{3:2}) ", j, max_index_size, xy.0, xy.1);
-            }
-            println!("");
-            */
-            printer(i, r);
-        }
-        */

+ 110 - 67

@@ -461,32 +461,29 @@ pub struct AnyPossible {
     pub size: u8,
     pub width: u8,
     pub max_index: usize,
-    pub possible: Vec<GenBits<u32>>,
+    pub possible: Vec<GenBits>,
 impl AnyPossible {
     pub fn new(board_size: u8) -> Self {
-        let mut initial = GenBits::<u32>(0);
-        let width = board_size * board_size;
-        initial.set_bits(0..width);
+        let width = board_size as usize * board_size as usize;
+        let mut initial = GenBits::new(width);
+        // let width = board_size * board_size;
+        initial.set_bits(0..width as usize);
         Self {
             size: board_size,
-            width: width,
-            max_index: width as usize * width as usize,
-            possible: vec![initial; width as usize * width as usize],
+            width: width as u8,
+            max_index: width * width,
+            possible: vec![initial; width * width],
     pub fn clear(&mut self) {
-        let mut initial = GenBits::<u32>(0);
+        let mut initial = GenBits::new(self.width as usize);
         // let width = self.size * self.size;
-        initial.set_bits(0..self.width);
+        initial.set_bits(0..self.width as usize);
-        // self.possible = vec![initial; self.max_index];
-        // width as usize * width as usize];
     pub fn copy(&mut self, copy_from: &Self) {
@@ -497,7 +494,7 @@ impl AnyPossible {
         for i in 0..self.max_index {
-            self.possible[i] = copy_from.possible[i];
+            self.possible[i] = copy_from.possible[i].clone();
@@ -514,7 +511,7 @@ impl AnyPossible {
-        let changed = self.possible[index].get(value-1) != state;
+        let changed = self.possible[index].get(value - 1) != state;
         self.possible[index].set(value - 1, state);
@@ -578,12 +575,12 @@ impl AnyPossible {
-    pub fn find_pairs(&mut self, cellgroup: &[usize]) -> (Vec<(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)>, bool) {
+    pub fn find_pairs(&mut self, cellgroup: &[usize]) -> (Vec<(Vec<usize>, Vec<u8>)>, bool) {
         // result[value] = indexes where it is located?
         // Step 1: find values, and their position(s).
-        let initial = GenBits::<u32>(0);
-        let mut result: Vec<GenBits<u32>> = vec![initial; self.width as usize];
+        let initial = GenBits::new(self.width as usize);
+        let mut result: Vec<GenBits> = vec![initial; self.width as usize];
         // let cellgroup =, cell_index);
@@ -602,21 +599,21 @@ impl AnyPossible {
         // Step 2: pair them up, and if complete, fixup possible (if needed).
-        let zero_bits = GenBits::<u32>(0);
+        let zero_bits = GenBits::new(self.width as usize);
         let width = self.width;
         let mut possibles_updated: bool = false;
-        let mut pairs: Vec<(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)> = vec![];
+        let mut pairs: Vec<(Vec<usize>, Vec<u8>)> = vec![];
         'outer: for idx in 0..width - 1 {
             // pos_found contains the positions.
-            let pos_found = result[idx as usize];
-            if pos_found == zero_bits {
+            let pos_found = &result[idx as usize];
+            if pos_found.count_set() == 0 {
             if idx > 0 {
                 // Check previous for matches - already checked...
                 for check in 0..idx {
-                    if pos_found == result[check as usize] {
+                    if *pos_found == result[check as usize] {
                         continue 'outer;
@@ -637,7 +634,7 @@ impl AnyPossible {
             if count != 1 {
                 for look in idx + 1..width {
-                    if result[look as usize] == pos_found {
+                    if result[look as usize] == *pos_found {
                         matches += 1;
@@ -647,13 +644,13 @@ impl AnyPossible {
             if matches == count {
                 // Ok! We found a pair (or triple, or quad, or ...)
                 // Build new possible
-                let mut new_possible = zero_bits;
+                let mut new_possible = zero_bits.clone();
                 for p in &pos {
                     new_possible.set(*p as usize, true);
-                let mut index_pos: Vec<u8> = Vec::<u8>::new();
+                let mut index_pos = Vec::<usize>::new();
-                for p in pos_found.iter() {
+                for p in pos_found.indexes() {
                     if self.possible[cellgroup[p as usize]] != new_possible {
                         // println!("Update pos {} with {:?}", p, new_possible);
@@ -665,7 +662,7 @@ impl AnyPossible {
                         possibles_updated = true;
-                        self.possible[cellgroup[p as usize]] = new_possible;
+                        self.possible[cellgroup[p as usize]] = new_possible.clone();
                         // println!("Updated!");
@@ -678,18 +675,20 @@ impl AnyPossible {
     /// Find positions where each value is possible.
-    pub fn find_value_pos(&self) -> Vec<GenBits<u32>> {
-        let zero = GenBits::<u32>(0);
-        let mut result = vec![zero; self.size as usize];
-        for index in 0..self.size {
+    /// - Vec index is value
+    /// - GenBits are the positions it is found.
+    pub fn find_value_pos(&self) -> Vec<GenBits> {
+        let zero = GenBits::new(self.width as usize);
+        let mut result = vec![zero.clone(); self.width as usize];
+        for index in 0..self.width {
             if self.possible[index as usize] == zero {
             // Ok, there's some value there.
-            // Would it be better to use the iterator here?
-            for v in self.possible[index as usize].iter() {
+            // Would it be better to use the iterator here? Yes, I think so.
+            for v in self.possible[index as usize].indexes() {
                 result[v as usize].set(index as usize, true);
@@ -746,15 +745,16 @@ pub struct AnySolver {
     pub possible: AnyPossible,
     pub group: AnyGroup,
     // Is this value set in the given cell?
-    pub cell_poss: Vec<GenBits<u32>>,
+    pub cell_poss: Vec<GenBits>,
 impl AnySolver {
     /// Construct new solver from given board size. (3,4,5)
     pub fn new(board_size: u8) -> Self {
-        let mut default_poss = GenBits::<u32>(0);
         let width: u8 = board_size * board_size;
-        default_poss.set_bits(0..width);
+        let mut default_poss = GenBits::new(width as usize);
+        default_poss.set_bits(0..width as usize);
         let mut s = Self {
             board: AnyBoard::new(board_size),
@@ -768,8 +768,8 @@ impl AnySolver {
     /// Construct new solver from given board.
     pub fn new_from(initial_board: &AnyBoard) -> Self {
-        let mut default_poss = GenBits::<u32>(0);
-        default_poss.set_bits(0..initial_board.width);
+        let mut default_poss = GenBits::new(initial_board.width as usize);
+        default_poss.set_bits(0..initial_board.width as usize);
         let mut s = AnySolver {
             board: initial_board.clone(),
@@ -828,7 +828,7 @@ impl AnySolver {
             self.possible.set(*g, val, false);
         let idx = self.possible.pos(x, y);
-        self.possible.possible[idx] = GenBits::<u32>(0);
+        self.possible.possible[idx] = GenBits::new(self.board.width as usize);
         self.board.board[idx] = value;
@@ -884,14 +884,12 @@ impl AnySolver {
         // What values are possible in which rows/columns and cells?
         // Scan rows/columns
         for cell in 0..width {
             let cell_info =, cell);
-            for row in 0..size {
-            }
+            for row in 0..size {}
@@ -899,14 +897,54 @@ impl AnySolver {
     /// Finalize move on the board.
     /// - This uses the cell index last modified, so we have fewer
     ///   cells to check here. (2 * size) cells.
-    #[deprecated]
     pub fn finalize_cell(&mut self, cell_index: u8) {
         let width = self.board.width;
         let size = self.board.size;
-        let mut update: bool = false;
+        // let mut update: bool = false;
+        // use width, not size. ;)
+        let mut cell_has_value = vec![false; width as usize];
+        let mut cell_update = vec![false; width as usize];
+        cell_update[cell_index as usize] = true;
+        let values = self.possible.find_value_pos();
+        for (value, positions) in values.iter().enumerate() {
+            if positions.count_set() == 0 {
+                // No positions, skip it.
+                continue;
+            }
+            // reset
+            cell_has_value.fill(false);
+            for p in positions.iter() {
+                cell_has_value[p as usize] = true;
+            }
+            println!("Value {} : Pos {:?}", value, cell_has_value);
+            // cell_has_value gives me the indexes that contain value.
+            // I need to process cell rows/columns...
+            // Start with processing one (cell row), and refactor. (like always)
+            // cells on left (because cells have the constraints).
+            for cell in (0..size).map(|x| x * size) {
+                // let c =;
+                let mut c = Vec::<&[usize]>::new();
+                for row in 0..size {
+                    c.push( + row));
+                }
+                // rows go the entire width of the game...
+                for row in 0..width {}
+            }
+        }
+        /*
         let _pairs = self.possible
             .find_pairs(, cell_index));
+        */
         // println!("Finalize Cell Pairs: {:?}", self.possible.find_pairs(, index)));
@@ -954,13 +992,13 @@ impl AnySolver {
         I probably need some helpers to give me a row/column of a given position... as well.
         row/column iterators ?
-        1.)  
-        In a given cell's column/row, if a number is possible in that cell's column/row, remove it from the other cell's row/column.  
+        1.)
+        In a given cell's column/row, if a number is possible in that cell's column/row, remove it from the other cell's row/column.
         (Must be there, so remove it.)
         (3,7), (3,8), (3,9) remove 2.
-        In a given cell's column/row, if a number isn't possible in the same column/row in the other cells 
+        In a given cell's column/row, if a number isn't possible in the same column/row in the other cells
           -- remove that number as possible from that cell's other row/columns.
         When updating the possibles - track which cells changed (so we can check/recheck just those).
@@ -969,7 +1007,7 @@ impl AnySolver {
         When allocating the blocks, possibly use the max value (size) -- this should keep the allocated blocks
         the same (hopefully keep reusing the same size block of memory over and over)
         -- or allocate it once and just reuse/init the same block over and over ? (reduce allocation/deallocations)
         Also the reverse should be possible:
         ║T  ║   ║   ║
@@ -1002,12 +1040,17 @@ impl AnySolver {
         // Ranges are consumed.
+        // This looks like it does what I'm doing somewhere else!
+        // TODO:
+        // TOFIX:
+        // See: AnyPossible's find_value_pos!
         // Check columns - (of given cell) for logical removes (see logic_test for example)
         for value in 0..width {
             // Find what columns value is allowed. (in which cells).
             // Is this value needed in any of the cells?
-            let mut found = GenBits::<u32>(0);
-            let mut all_cells = found;
+            let mut found = GenBits::new(width as usize);
+            let mut all_cells = found.clone();
             for ci in (top_cell..width).step_by(size as usize) {
                 all_cells.set(ci as usize, true);
@@ -1016,12 +1059,12 @@ impl AnySolver {
-            if found == GenBits::<u32>(0) {
+            if found.count_set() == 0 {
                 // Not possible anywhere, so skip to next value.
-            println!("Value {} {:?} is needed {:?}", value + 1, all_cells, found);
+            // println!("Value {} {:?} is needed {:?}", value + 1, all_cells, found);
             for x in x_range.clone() {
                 for y in 0..width {
@@ -1072,11 +1115,11 @@ impl AnySolver {
         // reset cell possible
-        let mut default_poss = GenBits::<u32>(0);
-        default_poss.set_bits(0..self.board.width);
+        let mut default_poss = GenBits::new(self.board.width as usize);
+        default_poss.set_bits(0..self.board.width as usize);
         for x in 0..self.board.width {
-            self.cell_poss[x as usize] = default_poss;
+            self.cell_poss[x as usize] = default_poss.clone();
         for y in 0..self.board.width {
@@ -1130,11 +1173,11 @@ impl AnySolver {
         // reset cell possible
-        let mut default_poss = GenBits::<u32>(0);
-        default_poss.set_bits(0..self.board.width);
+        let mut default_poss = GenBits::new(self.board.width as usize);
+        default_poss.set_bits(0..self.board.width as usize);
         for x in 0..self.board.width {
-            self.cell_poss[x as usize] = default_poss;
+            self.cell_poss[x as usize] = default_poss.clone();
         for y in 0..self.board.width {
@@ -1208,7 +1251,7 @@ impl AnySolver {
                 available.reserve(width as usize);
                 for t in self.possible.possible[idx].iter() {
-                    available.push(t + 1);
+                    available.push((t + 1) as u8);
                 if available.len() == 0 {
                     return false;
@@ -1235,7 +1278,7 @@ impl AnySolver {
                     for i in 0..backup.cell_poss.len() {
-                        self.cell_poss[i] = backup.cell_poss[i];
+                        self.cell_poss[i] = backup.cell_poss[i].clone();
                     // self.cell_poss.copy( backup.cell_poss);
@@ -1316,7 +1359,7 @@ impl AnySolver {
                     let value = self.possible.possible[i].iter().next().unwrap() + 1;
                     let pos = self.board.xy(i);
                     // println!("SET {}({},{})={}", i, pos.0 + 1, pos.1 + 1, value);
-                    self.set(pos.0, pos.1, value, true);
+                    self.set(pos.0, pos.1, value as u8, true);
                     found_something = true;
@@ -1345,7 +1388,7 @@ impl AnySolver {
             pass2_again = false;
             // let mut values = Bits(0); // HashSet<u8> = HashSet::new();
-            let mut values = GenBits::<u32>(0);
+            let mut values = GenBits::new(self.board.width as usize);
             let mut group_process = |this: &mut Self, grp: &[usize]| {
                 // Collect all the possible values within the group.
@@ -1386,7 +1429,7 @@ impl AnySolver {
                         let xy = this.board.xy(pos);
                         // this.possible.display();
                         // this.board.display();
-                        this.set(xy.0, xy.1, v + 1, true);
+                        this.set(xy.0, xy.1, (v + 1) as u8, true);
                         // println!("SET {} ({},{}) = {}", pos, xy.0 + 1, xy.1 + 1, v+1);
                         found_something = true;
@@ -1857,7 +1900,7 @@ mod tests {
         println!("--- logic_test ---");
-    #[ignore]
+    #[ignore = "Possible doesn't process these correctly. No, not yet!"]
     fn try_this_out() {
         let mut board = AnyBoard::new(3);