Currently, it starts at the lowest in the trade report, and just works through the list.
This might not be optimal, or even safe to do.
Allow user to type in a list of numbers to target.
Use the closest ports always.
Obey the "Ignore" list, skip ones we can't reach or are in bad/blocked areas.
Currently, it starts at the lowest in the trade report, and just works through the list.
This might not be optimal, or even safe to do.
* Allow user to type in a list of numbers to target.
* Use the closest ports always.
* Obey the "Ignore" list, skip ones we can't reach or are in bad/blocked areas.
Currently, it starts at the lowest in the trade report, and just works through the list.
This might not be optimal, or even safe to do.
] now adds extra support on handling Transwarp capabilities.(Aaah! Scary!)
Terror (Closest port trading) [
] added.But there's still not much control. Maybe have it look at avoids?