Steve Thielemann edited this page 4 years ago

TradeWars Game Server Proxy

This is an attempt to recreate the game server proxy program, using python twisted.

The original program, written in Pascal and a basic like scripting language is largely without support, updates, and documentation. It is more of a proof of concept of what could be done.


The main goal was to get it to a stage where it would be able to duplicate the functionality of the 1_Port.ts trading script. The other goal was to provide this functionality without the need of any additional software for the TradeWars game user.

These have been achieved.

It isn't always as smooth as I'd like it to be. It was complicated to use (Port CIM Report, Warp CIM Report, Trade Report...) But I think usage can be explained, which I hope to do here.


Mark your planet with navpoint. Start exploring sectors, looking for trading pairs. (A trade pair is two ports that have Sell Buy/Buy Sell of two different items.) That way you make money with each trip. Once you have found a pair, ~ activate the proxy, S Scripts, 1 Ports (Trades between two sectors), enter number of loops.

Make some money, travel to StarDock and buy more holds. Eventually buy density scanner, shields, and fighters.

Scan the universe with ~ activate the proxy, S Scripts, 2 Explore (Strange new sectors). Enter the number of sectors you'd like to explorer. 100 is a good number, (but it doesn't really matter -- you can stop exploring at any time by pressing any key).

Ok, you're got max holds, or maybe you're strugglying to buy max holds. Once you've got part of the universe explorered, it's time to do some serious automatic trading. ~ activate the proxy, P Port CIM Report. This updates the proxy information about all of the ports known. Press T to view the Trading Report. This shows the best ports to trade with. (These are trade pairs having Organics/Equipment.) There just isn't much money to be made in Fuel Ore.

Ok, money-making time. ~ activate the proxy, C Configuration. You'll need to set Trade_UseFirst to Y, and Trade_Turns to 20. Select S Scripts, ! Terrorize Ports/Trade, and enter in the number of trades you want to automatically do. Start small, with 3. Work your way up. Check your Trade Report. If it is blank, then there's nothing to trade with. Get exploring the universe.


You'll probably want something like, Display_Best and Display_Ok to Y. Display_Maxlines 15.

Explorer_PrefPorts tells the explorer script to visit sectors with ports first, then visit other sectors. The default 'N' is to explorer sectors that have the most warps. Starting out, you'll probably want 'Y' so you can find the most ports.

Trade_Turns is the number of turns the 1 Ports (Trades between two sectors) script will automatically do without asking.

Trade_UseFirst will use the first one listed (which is the best).


1 - Ports (Trades between two sectors)

This trades between two ports that are right next to each other (one warp away). They must be port pairs (buy sell/sell buy) of items.

Use a good cargo hauler ship here.

! - Terrorize Ports/Trades

This is an automated version of Ports + using the Trade Report. Basically, it pulls the trade report, goes to the first port on the list, fires off Script 1 - Ports. And repeats the number of times you said to.

Use a good cargo hauler ship here. (And a ship that can handle trouble.)

New configuration option here:


  • C is always use closest
  • F is First ones listed in Trade Port

2 - Explorer (Strange new sectors)

This looks for new sectors. Requires Density Scanner.

Use a ship that can handle trouble. (Max shields, Max fighters...)

3 - Space .. the broken script...

This looks for unexplored sectors using a different strategy then Script 2. It doesn't work very well, and it isn't likely going to be fix.

4 - Upgrade Planet

This looks to see what planets you have (personal and corporate), and attempts to automatically upgrade it.

Use a good cargo hauler ship here, that can handle trouble. (Max shields, Max fighters...)


  • When do I need to use Port CIM Report?

You'll need to use the Port CIM Report when you first connect into the game that day. The database will have the last information it had on the ports, and if any time has passed, they have regenerated/reset.

You'd also want to do this, if you've just explorer a new section of the universe. The Trade Report will work without updated port information, but it will display --- for the percentages. (They are unknown.)

  • When do I need to use the Warp CIM Report?

Well, never.

  • When do you need to use Port/Warp CIM Report?

If the universe has been big-banged. You'll need to re-run those, so the proxy can reset the database. Otherwise you'll see trades listed, but they won't work.

  • The proxy is lost/hung/doing something wrong, help!

Send a space, or any key. This defaults to the proxy aborting whatever it is doing. Once you see Proxy done., then the game is back under your control. There are some bugs in it. Sometimes, when trading the script will get thrown off by random responses.