#5 We're not interested.

stevet atvēra 4 gadi atpakaļ · 1 komentāri

This shows up, and spits us back out at the prompt. I've tried calling trade() with level 5 set, but this does not seem to be working.

Aborting the script, and restart trading (sometimes) fixes it. Sometimes it happens again!

This shows up, and spits us back out at the prompt. I've tried calling trade() with level 5 set, but this does not seem to be working. Aborting the script, and restart trading (sometimes) fixes it. Sometimes it happens again!
David Thielemann komentēja 4 gadi atpakaļ

A work around it to reduce the Trade_Percent in the configuration to say 4 instead of 5... (Yes this would be just a work around, and you do make less money and experience from trading)

A work around it to reduce the Trade_Percent in the configuration to say 4 instead of 5... (Yes this would be just a work around, and you do make less money and experience from trading)
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