#15 Users

david tarafından 4 yıl önce kere açıldı · 1 yorum
David Thielemann 4 yıl önce olarak yorumlandı
Field Type Descriptor
Real String The real name, used to locate the player
Nick String The display name, used for display purposes only
Experience Integer Total amount of Experience Points on hand, Used to limit what the player can buy... regardless of currencies
Gold Integer Total amount of Gold on hand, used to purchase ships, outfits, weapons
Circuit(s) Integer Another currency for purchasing advanced ships/outfits/weapons
shipLink String This is a string to the ship the player owns, used to locate ship stats for the player
lastOn Integer Used to calculate how many days the player has been offline/not playing... "Do we need to delete them?"


  • Real
  • Nick
  • Experience
  • Gold
  • Circuit
  • shipLink
  • lastOn
| Field | Type | Descriptor | --------|------|------------ | Real | String | The real name, used to locate the player | | Nick | String | The display name, used for display purposes only | | Experience | Integer | Total amount of Experience Points on hand, Used to limit what the player can buy... regardless of currencies | | Gold | Integer | Total amount of Gold on hand, used to purchase ships, outfits, weapons | | Circuit(s) | Integer | Another currency for purchasing advanced ships/outfits/weapons | | shipLink | String | This is a string to the ship the player owns, used to locate ship stats for the player | | lastOn | Integer | Used to calculate how many days the player has been offline/not playing... "Do we need to delete them?" | TODO: * [x] Real * [x] Nick * [x] Experience * [x] Gold * [x] Circuit * [x] shipLink * [x] lastOn
David Thielemann 4 yıl önce olarak yorumlandı

Added #16 Ships,

That is... what defines one ship better than another?

Added #16 Ships, That is... what defines one ship better than another?
Giriş yap bu konuşmaya katılmak için.
Kilometre Taşı Yok
Atanan Kişi Yok
1 Katılımcı
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