#16 Ships

4 سال پیش باز شده توسط david · 1 دیدگاه

This is the stats a ship gets immediately ... it's base values.

These are stats for a ship that is about to be bought, they also make a ship stronger or weaker... so a player can decide which to buy/trade in for next.

Field Type Descriptor
kind String This is essentially the ships brand/label... unique.
cargo_space Integer How many tons of raw resource can the ship have?
gun_mounts Integer How many weapons can we attach to the ship?
equipment_space Integer In tons, how much equipment can we install?
multi_space Integer Special area in the ship that can be converted to either equipment or cargo space
shields Integer As part of a ship, provides protection unless depleted and is cooling off.
durability Integer Base value of "hitpoints", (adding armor plating increases this value) how much damage when shields are down can we take
costExp Integer At what experience do the player need in order to buy this ship?
costGold Integer How much gold does the player need to buy this ship?
costCircuit Integer How many circuit(s) are needed to buy


  • kind
  • cargo_space
  • gun_mounts
  • equipment_space
  • multi_space
  • shields
  • durability
  • cost
This is the stats a ship gets immediately ... it's base values. These are stats for a ship that is about to be bought, they also make a ship stronger or weaker... so a player can decide which to buy/trade in for next. | Field | Type | Descriptor | --------|------|------------- | kind | String | This is essentially the ships brand/label... unique. | | cargo_space | Integer | How many tons of raw resource can the ship have? | | gun_mounts | Integer | How many weapons can we attach to the ship? | | equipment_space | Integer | In tons, how much equipment can we install? | | multi_space | Integer | Special area in the ship that can be converted to either equipment or cargo space | | shields | Integer | As part of a ship, provides protection unless depleted and is cooling off. | | durability | Integer | Base value of "hitpoints", (adding armor plating increases this value) how much damage when shields are down can we take | | costExp | Integer | At what experience do the player need in order to buy this ship? | | costGold | Integer | How much gold does the player need to buy this ship? | | costCircuit | Integer | How many circuit(s) are needed to buy | TODO: * [x] kind * [x] cargo_space * [x] gun_mounts * [ ] equipment_space * [ ] multi_space * [ ] shields * [ ] durability * [ ] cost

See also #15

See also #15
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